Weird Al has a new album out.....I will be getting a copy soon. It's called "Straight outta Lynwood". You can play the latest video by clicking on it on the bottom of the blog. Also click on the title to go to the Official Weird Al website.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Weird Al
Weird Al has a new album out.....I will be getting a copy soon. It's called "Straight outta Lynwood". You can play the latest video by clicking on it on the bottom of the blog. Also click on the title to go to the Official Weird Al website.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Rant Time
I know, it's been awhile. I've been saving this one up. Fine tuning it if you will. Now as some of you may not know, I'm a transplant from the San Francisco Bay Area to the Nashville Area in Tennessee. Reasons for moving here in another entry.....we are focusing on a Rant right now. I lived in the Bay Area for 40 years; for two of those I commuted across the Bay Bridge. Talk about painful. Being from a Freeway culture, I can appreciate people who know how to drive their cars correctly. Now that I live in Nashville, not a Freeway culture by any sense of the word, I am going insane!!!! People in this town would not last 5 minutes on a SF freeway if their lives depended on it. First off, too many trucks. Remember several years ago when Reagan deregulated the trucking industry? The result of that is any Moron with a pulse is driving a Semi now. These "knights of the roadway" have become the Assholes of the roadway. They tailgate you, blow past you barely making the lane change in front of you. The pass each other....dangerous is a nice word. Then we have the idiots who cannot who can't merge onto the Interstate!!!! They get in the merge lane from the on ramp. Usually you would speed up so you can integrate into traffic....not out here!!! They get on the interstate, you try and back off a bit to let them in....they keep tooling along at 35!!!!! The speed limit is 70......these folks ain't getting there for awhile......then when you go to pass them because they are driving like Grandmas...they speed up!!!!! Then traffic gets a bit crowded....I weave around the lanes of traffic only to find a GAP THE SIZE OF CALIFORNIA between the lead car and the back of the pack ahead of us. People are content to sit there going 50 in a 70 MPH zone with a gap big enough to land the space shuttle in ahead of them!!!!!! Praise the Lord and pass the ammo!!!!
Monday, September 11, 2006
5 Years ago today.
Click on the title and you will be taken to the main page of the Airsoft field I play at. The owner of the field always replaces his main site with a 9/11 tribute. It's very nice. 5 Years ago today, several cowards attacked Civillian targets and shook us out of the delusion that we are safe here in our own Country. Today is not a day for finger pointing or political debate (see my previous blog about that); no, Today is a day for remembrance. A day for reflection on what our World has become and how we as individual beings on this rock we call Earth can work together to stop these insane Religious Zealots from destroying all life in the name of a Belief. Do you remember where you were that day? I do. Getting ready for a day's work when my roommate and good Friend Mike called me in the living room. On CNN was a picture of one of the World Trade Center towers smoking!!!! I said, "There's one pilot who screwed up big time." Then we saw the second plane hit the other tower and knew it was no accident.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Justice is Served
As you will recall, I've been ranting about the rape of our Civil Liberties since the horrible attacks of September 11, 2001. I'm about to make a comment of some good that has come of the attitude change in our Society since. Let's recall years before that, in the late 80's-90's (I forget when it was). We were watching TV when the news cut to a white Ford Bronco driving slowly on an LA Freeway being followed by a mass of Policemen; a slow speed pursuit if you will. Apparently ex-Football star Al Cowlins was driving another ex-Football star OJ Simpson out of town. OJ was apparently threatening suicide, thus the slow speed chase. Well the rest is History. The biggest media circus trial ever. Racist LA cops, slacker hangers-on named Kato......two dead people: Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman and the infamous "Dream Team" of Lawyers defending OJ Simpson. The evidence against Simpson was overwhelming, but yet OJ was found...get this....not Guilty!?!?!?!?! The opinion of this verdict is still divided today: a small percentage think it was a just ruling while the rest of the World thinks he's guilty as sin!!! (The fact that an autographed picture of OJ only goes for 150.00 nowadays says it all.)
Fast forward to 2003. Two years after 9/11 happened. People are suspicious of everyone!! A man named Scott Peterson is in the news. His 8-month pregnant wife is missing!!! Her name was Laci. A media circus erupts.....people line up in the community of Modesto to help search for her. Scott, sheds a few tears on TV, but then is seen on the night of the vigil for Laci yakking on a cell phone happy as could a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Fast forward a week or two later. He's sold his SUV, and has a For Sale sign on his front lawn. The Police haven't ruled him out as a suspect and it sure looks like he's getting rid of evidence and cutting and running. The SUV is found, and Scott becomes Prime Suspect #1. Then a miracle happens......Laci's body washes up on shore as does her unborn son. Where's Scott??? In San Diego with his hair bleached blonde, a goatee, and 1,500 cash in his pocket on his way to Mexico. Busted!!!!! He is brought to trial in 2004 to the Redwood City Courthouse (it is determined that he would not receive a fair trial in Modesto so it is moved to Redwood City). The case against him consisted of a few fibers, a plastic tarp, some needle nose pliers, and a drop of blood in the SUV carpet. Remember in the OJ trial there was a bloody glove, shoe prints, hand prints, gallons of blood, a knife......and he got off!!?!? Scott Peterson (pretty much on the testimony of his mistress Amber Frey) is now spending his days in San Quentin's Death Row awaiting his one way trip to Hell. Too bad we can't retry OJ....I bet he'd be on Death Row too. The same goes for a man named Perry March. They haven't found the body of his Wife Janet yet, but it has been determined in 3 different trials for three different crimes that his is a guilty bastard. He will now reside in the State of Tennessee's correctional institutions for the next 56 years. I guess something good has come out of 9/11 now hasn't it....
Fast forward to 2003. Two years after 9/11 happened. People are suspicious of everyone!! A man named Scott Peterson is in the news. His 8-month pregnant wife is missing!!! Her name was Laci. A media circus erupts.....people line up in the community of Modesto to help search for her. Scott, sheds a few tears on TV, but then is seen on the night of the vigil for Laci yakking on a cell phone happy as could a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Fast forward a week or two later. He's sold his SUV, and has a For Sale sign on his front lawn. The Police haven't ruled him out as a suspect and it sure looks like he's getting rid of evidence and cutting and running. The SUV is found, and Scott becomes Prime Suspect #1. Then a miracle happens......Laci's body washes up on shore as does her unborn son. Where's Scott??? In San Diego with his hair bleached blonde, a goatee, and 1,500 cash in his pocket on his way to Mexico. Busted!!!!! He is brought to trial in 2004 to the Redwood City Courthouse (it is determined that he would not receive a fair trial in Modesto so it is moved to Redwood City). The case against him consisted of a few fibers, a plastic tarp, some needle nose pliers, and a drop of blood in the SUV carpet. Remember in the OJ trial there was a bloody glove, shoe prints, hand prints, gallons of blood, a knife......and he got off!!?!? Scott Peterson (pretty much on the testimony of his mistress Amber Frey) is now spending his days in San Quentin's Death Row awaiting his one way trip to Hell. Too bad we can't retry OJ....I bet he'd be on Death Row too. The same goes for a man named Perry March. They haven't found the body of his Wife Janet yet, but it has been determined in 3 different trials for three different crimes that his is a guilty bastard. He will now reside in the State of Tennessee's correctional institutions for the next 56 years. I guess something good has come out of 9/11 now hasn't it....
G'Day Mate...Rest in Peace
Yep, by now you've all heard the news. Steve Irwin has died. He was a nut, slightly annoying at times, but he made you actually interested in what he was all about; conservation. He truly believed Man and Animals could live in harmony on this big ball of rock we call Planet Earth. He may have done a foolish thing (the baby incident....still wasn't the smartest thing he could have done, but the man was an expert...still...) but all the other times he did foolish things, it was just his life in the balance. You'd expect the guy to be croc food, or get bitten by a He gets stabbed through the heart by a nine inch barb from a stingray. And he did nothing to rile it up like he used to do with other animals!!! Maybe it recognized him and was being a bit preemptive???? The World will miss you Crocidile Hunter; Rest in Peace.
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