Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Silly Chelsea...
So Chelsea Clinton has been stumping for Mom at college campuses nationwide because they are her peers basically. At Butler University a reporter from the University's paper who happens to be a supporter of her Mother asked her how did the way her Mom handle the reporters and such during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.....essentially he was looking for Chelsea to go on about how it proved her Mother's strength or something like that. IMHO it showed that her Mom was a coat tail riding so and so who had political aspirations of her own and that Chelesea's conception and birth (notice she's an only child) was just a cover so they could come across as a "Family". So instead of helping Moms out, Chels said "It's none of your business". Really Chels? It was a question designed to find out just how Ma Clinton would react to a trying had an opportunity to make Moms look like a pillar of strength but instead you wussed out. Nice. Yes it does matter how she managed it. She is using all her time as First Lady of Arkansas and First Lady of the US as part of her "35 years" of experience. I always wondered where she got that number from....apparently I'm no the only one as Hill has been called on it a time or two. Yes the question would be inappropriate if Chels was a kid, but she's in her what mid to late 20's if not early 30's now? She's hardly a Kid.....she's an adult campaigning for another adult running for political office.....all questions are fair game.
Monday, March 24, 2008
RIP Sir Arthur C. Clarke
One of Sci Fi's pioneers has passed on. Click on the title for the Wiki entry on him. The man that gave us 2001 a Space Odyssey (open the pod Bay doors HAL....I can't do that Dave...) and suggested the concept of Geosynchronous Orbit died at the age of 90.
A visionary ahead of his time.
A visionary ahead of his time.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Movie Recommendations
Gone Baby Gone.....real interesting Missing Persons crime story.....great twist ending that you don't see coming.....
Beowulf...meh....really don't bother. If you want to be wowed by CG Actors rent "Final Fantasy".....honestly this is like the 2nd or 3rd version of the Classic Viking Poem in movie form and they have all sucked really. In one Grendel was a Giant.....the spawn of a human woman raped by a Giant....or something like that.......he was mean and nasty and you wanted him to die. In this recent version Grendel is a misshapen, almost undead looking pathetic beast that is the cross between a Demon (Mommy) and the Danish King......apparently the carousing Danes make his misshapen ears augment the sound to the point of it being painful so he goes bezerk and appears in wreath of blue fire killing all....except the King of course....can't kill Daddy I guess......but what got me is that Beowulf confronts the Demoness (Angelina Jolie) and ends up sleeping with her as well. Their son though isn't malformed but a Dragon who when he dies ends up taking a human form that is well built and healthy.......I guess the Heroic seed of Beowulf took better fruit or something.
Seriously folks...stop trying to make a movie out of a fireside tale of Hero Worship told in the 12th Century.....I'm sure the tale wasn't 2 hours long and they didn't really care about backstory.....Beowulf goes into the cave and slays Grendel......simple, to the point (do you really think Vikings cared about his Mom or who begot Grendel......)
Beowulf...meh....really don't bother. If you want to be wowed by CG Actors rent "Final Fantasy".....honestly this is like the 2nd or 3rd version of the Classic Viking Poem in movie form and they have all sucked really. In one Grendel was a Giant.....the spawn of a human woman raped by a Giant....or something like that.......he was mean and nasty and you wanted him to die. In this recent version Grendel is a misshapen, almost undead looking pathetic beast that is the cross between a Demon (Mommy) and the Danish King......apparently the carousing Danes make his misshapen ears augment the sound to the point of it being painful so he goes bezerk and appears in wreath of blue fire killing all....except the King of course....can't kill Daddy I guess......but what got me is that Beowulf confronts the Demoness (Angelina Jolie) and ends up sleeping with her as well. Their son though isn't malformed but a Dragon who when he dies ends up taking a human form that is well built and healthy.......I guess the Heroic seed of Beowulf took better fruit or something.
Seriously folks...stop trying to make a movie out of a fireside tale of Hero Worship told in the 12th Century.....I'm sure the tale wasn't 2 hours long and they didn't really care about backstory.....Beowulf goes into the cave and slays Grendel......simple, to the point (do you really think Vikings cared about his Mom or who begot Grendel......)
Monday, March 17, 2008
The McD's Coffee Lady...the Real Story
Click on the blog title to read the article. I just love Lawyers........I've broken out some interesting tidbits from the article to comment on....
From the article: (I love the explanations....and I still don't think the lady deserved any money from McDonalds as basically it was her and her Grandson at fault and not a McD's employee or the Corporation itself)
So the actual story is that she was a passenger and her grandson was driving. She placed the cup of hot to the touch (anyone that has ever bought coffee from McD's, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, etc can instantly tell by touch that it's freaking hot) between her knees so she could remove the lid....I assume to put sugar and cream.....the coffee, freed from it's protective lid (and yes, if it spilt with the lid on, only a small amount of liquid could potentially escape) the entire cup sloshed all over her legs (and being a 79 year old women in 1994 she was probably wearing a dress and nylons.....). The article didn't really say what caused the spill (I think the car was moving while she was doing road bumps, etc caused cup to shift...) but it clearly says that the lid was on (if it wasn't, her grandson would have had coffee spill on him.....). McDonalds was correct in my opinion to tell her no we aren't settling. It wasn't their fault.
From the Article: McDonald's admitted that it has known about the risk of serious burns from its scalding hot coffee for more than 10 years -- the risk was brought to its attention through numerous other claims and suits, to no avail;
The Ranter Says: Duh!!!!! It's advertised as HOT Coffee....if you make coffee at home it's hot. You know this, that's why you blow on the liquid in your mug before you take that first sip. Of course McDonalds knew about the risk of hot coffee....they know about the risks of hot Fry oil should everyone out there. It's like you should know that the glowing orange coil on the top of your stove is something you shouldn't put your hand on......
FTA: From 1982 to 1992, McDonald's coffee burned more than 700 people, many receiving severe burns to the genital area, perineum, inner thighs, and buttocks;
The Ranter says: In other words....dumbasses securely parked a hot to the touch, steaming hot cup of coffee in the crotch area while driving....bumps in the road, sudden stops can cause spillage....Heck the cup next to one's genitalia can cause burns...the shit is HOT.....
These two reasons are not McDonalds fault. This is Darwin at work.
FTA: Not only men and women, but also children and infants, have been burned by McDonald's scalding hot coffee, in some instances due to inadvertent spillage by McDonald's employees;
The Ranter Says: OOps....clumsy employee....definitely McDonalds fault and money should be awarded....although case by case should be examined....did little Suzy reach up and grab the tray while Daddy/Mommy was busy paying the employee? If so, not McD's fault...although the article cleary says inadvertent spillage by McD's employees...
FTA: At least one woman had coffee dropped in her lap through the service window, causing third-degree burns to her inner thighs and other sensitive areas, which resulted in disability for years;
The Ranter Says: McD's fault....I've had and entire 32 oz Dr. Pepper spilled on me at Carl's Jr by the employee in the window. They are in a hurry and sometimes get careless......solution? McD's should walk the hot coffee out to the car that way you avoid mishaps at the window.
FTA: Witnesses for McDonald's admitted in court that consumers are unaware of the extent of the risk of serious burns from spilled coffee served at McDonald's required temperature;
The Ranter Says: Bullshit!!! If you are unaware of the risk of serious burns from spilled, hot coffee....then you need to stay home because you are a danger to yourself and others. I will say right now, I am wholly aware of the dangers and risks of serious burns from spilled coffee.....which is why I have a travel mug with a sliding cover for the drinking hole.
FTA: McDonald's admitted that it did not warn customers of the nature and extent of this risk and could offer no explanation as to why it did not;
The Ranter Says: Why the Hell should they?? I mean if your parents didn't teach you "HOT" then it's a wonder you are still alive to this day. Seriously folks, should restaurants have to tell you your soup is hot???? It damn well better be unless it's supposed to be served cold. I understand Mexican restaurants telling you "Hot Plate" because you usually don't expect the entire plate to be hot to the touch (and what do we do the first thing they put the plate down? We touch it of course....)
Link courtesy of a member of a yahoo group I belong to.
From the article: (I love the explanations....and I still don't think the lady deserved any money from McDonalds as basically it was her and her Grandson at fault and not a McD's employee or the Corporation itself)
So the actual story is that she was a passenger and her grandson was driving. She placed the cup of hot to the touch (anyone that has ever bought coffee from McD's, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, etc can instantly tell by touch that it's freaking hot) between her knees so she could remove the lid....I assume to put sugar and cream.....the coffee, freed from it's protective lid (and yes, if it spilt with the lid on, only a small amount of liquid could potentially escape) the entire cup sloshed all over her legs (and being a 79 year old women in 1994 she was probably wearing a dress and nylons.....). The article didn't really say what caused the spill (I think the car was moving while she was doing road bumps, etc caused cup to shift...) but it clearly says that the lid was on (if it wasn't, her grandson would have had coffee spill on him.....). McDonalds was correct in my opinion to tell her no we aren't settling. It wasn't their fault.
From the Article: McDonald's admitted that it has known about the risk of serious burns from its scalding hot coffee for more than 10 years -- the risk was brought to its attention through numerous other claims and suits, to no avail;
The Ranter Says: Duh!!!!! It's advertised as HOT Coffee....if you make coffee at home it's hot. You know this, that's why you blow on the liquid in your mug before you take that first sip. Of course McDonalds knew about the risk of hot coffee....they know about the risks of hot Fry oil should everyone out there. It's like you should know that the glowing orange coil on the top of your stove is something you shouldn't put your hand on......
FTA: From 1982 to 1992, McDonald's coffee burned more than 700 people, many receiving severe burns to the genital area, perineum, inner thighs, and buttocks;
The Ranter says: In other words....dumbasses securely parked a hot to the touch, steaming hot cup of coffee in the crotch area while driving....bumps in the road, sudden stops can cause spillage....Heck the cup next to one's genitalia can cause burns...the shit is HOT.....
These two reasons are not McDonalds fault. This is Darwin at work.
FTA: Not only men and women, but also children and infants, have been burned by McDonald's scalding hot coffee, in some instances due to inadvertent spillage by McDonald's employees;
The Ranter Says: OOps....clumsy employee....definitely McDonalds fault and money should be awarded....although case by case should be examined....did little Suzy reach up and grab the tray while Daddy/Mommy was busy paying the employee? If so, not McD's fault...although the article cleary says inadvertent spillage by McD's employees...
FTA: At least one woman had coffee dropped in her lap through the service window, causing third-degree burns to her inner thighs and other sensitive areas, which resulted in disability for years;
The Ranter Says: McD's fault....I've had and entire 32 oz Dr. Pepper spilled on me at Carl's Jr by the employee in the window. They are in a hurry and sometimes get careless......solution? McD's should walk the hot coffee out to the car that way you avoid mishaps at the window.
FTA: Witnesses for McDonald's admitted in court that consumers are unaware of the extent of the risk of serious burns from spilled coffee served at McDonald's required temperature;
The Ranter Says: Bullshit!!! If you are unaware of the risk of serious burns from spilled, hot coffee....then you need to stay home because you are a danger to yourself and others. I will say right now, I am wholly aware of the dangers and risks of serious burns from spilled coffee.....which is why I have a travel mug with a sliding cover for the drinking hole.
FTA: McDonald's admitted that it did not warn customers of the nature and extent of this risk and could offer no explanation as to why it did not;
The Ranter Says: Why the Hell should they?? I mean if your parents didn't teach you "HOT" then it's a wonder you are still alive to this day. Seriously folks, should restaurants have to tell you your soup is hot???? It damn well better be unless it's supposed to be served cold. I understand Mexican restaurants telling you "Hot Plate" because you usually don't expect the entire plate to be hot to the touch (and what do we do the first thing they put the plate down? We touch it of course....)
Link courtesy of a member of a yahoo group I belong to.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Perv Nation
Wow, just wow!!! What's wrong with people in power? Seriously, does power truly corrupt and diminish the mind of the person wielding it? We have the Gov of NY busted by his suspicious financial records for paying for prostitutes. Expensive ones at that (5,500 dollars!?!?!?! Can't imagine sex with any woman being worth that much....). This is the same guy that when he was a DA busted Escort Services all the time (must be where he got the web addies from...ya think?) so you'd think that he wouldn't put himself in the position (positions.......sorry just had to) that he is in now. Dumbass! Lately I've been reading a rash of articles about Dirty Old Women....that's right I said Dirty Old Women. There's been a rash of Teachers doing the deed with male students. (I will be a base guy at this point and say "what is wrong with you stupid teen boy?" I kid really....) I'm sorry, but these are teenage boys.....awkward, not the picture of hygene, have the attention span of a flea and probably last all of 20 seconds. C'mon Ladies....what's wrong with you???? If you want the younger guys, make sure they are legal and not your students okay...... Apparently even if the boy is 18 (ie legal) it's still against the law for a Teacher/Student relationship.....I guess that doesn't count in least it shouldn't because that's an adult world. A lot of these women are the type that can get any man they want, but yet there's something in them (emotionally, mentally you sick people you....) that makes them crave the attention and adoration of young boys...pre-men I guess. I know why older men go for the 20 year makes them feel younger, but it's all smoke and mirrors really. There's nothing that you have in common.....nothing other than one part fits into another....that's it. You may fell great, but it's really an empty, false feeling. I remember a DJ back home, Alex Bennett (as big if not a bigger an ass as Howard Stern) who was in his 50's and always talked about his 25 year old girlfriend. Then she dumped him and he used the public radiowaves as his personal crying towel. Hello dumbass....she liked you roll, your BANKROLL......that's all it was dude. It's like the original Horny Old Grandpa, Hugh Hefner. Remember guys when Hef being surrounded by legal age lovely young women made you jealous? Now it makes you cringe and want to call Chris Hansen and report a pedophile at work. Hugh Hefner? I'm Chris Hansen, have a seat over there please..... Seriously you see him with the three brainless bimbos he hangs with now and it's like some pervy guy from an Old Folks home hitting on the Nurses. Yeech!!! I feel sorry for Demi Moore's kids. Her "man" isn't much older than them. Real nice Demi........not only is he half your age easy, he's a tool and a lame actor. Now I'm reading that poor Paula Abdul is in need of some serious mental help. Not only does she sound drunk all the time, but now she's making statements trying to reassure herself that "she's still hot". She said that she enjoys all the attention the young boys give....she loves it when young boys check her out....
Whoa!!!!! Rein that in Mrs. Robinson.......jeeez........
Hi Paula Abdul, I'm CNN's Chris Hansen....have a seat over there please.
Whoa!!!!! Rein that in Mrs. Robinson.......jeeez........
Hi Paula Abdul, I'm CNN's Chris Hansen....have a seat over there please.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Movie Recommendations
Just rented three decent movies and wanted to recommend them to all.
Chaos with Jason Statham, Wesley Snipes and Ryan Philippe. Great Cop drama with a great twist to it.
The Brave One with Jodie Foster. It's like Death Wish meets Bernie Goetz but personified in the guise of Jodie (Hello Clarice) Foster.
He Was a Quiet Man with Christian Slater ( won't recognize him in this but his performance is brilliant). Take Milton from Office Space, add a disgruntled Postal Worker then add in Donnie Darko and you have this Film. It's a little trip inside the world of someone heading for a breakdown (put it this way, his goldfish talk to him....). Strange but entertaining film.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Gary Gygax: A Tribute
Yesterday I only had time to post the news of his passing. Yeah I know, you may be saying "but you didn't know the guy so what's the big deal?" Well as the Discourser puts it, if you don't understand what "the big deal" is, then you never will. You don't have to either, just be respectful of a Human Beings passing and leave it at that. By the way, any comments along the lines of "freaking loser Geeks" will be deleted and ignored. I call this a tribute because if it wasn't for the Mr. Gygax and his creation, I wouldn't have had an outlet for the creativity I have bottled up inside me. I sucked at drawing, my writing isn't that great (I'm working on it though) and the only thing I really was good at was playing pretend as it were. I had/have an active imagination that is always working. I was the kid with the glasses who wasn't very big, strong, was allergic to everything etc. I was different. When I played Gi Joes we dug trenches and had elaborate bases and such for an Action Figure (not dolls, Action Figures). When I was in Jr. High I met my good Friend Mike who introduced me to this game that came in a big mauve box called Dungeons and Dragons in High School. We would go to his house and play this game with his brother Brian and some others. It was a great game!!!! Finally an outlet for my imagination. These two Brothers are still my friends to this day. Heck Brian and I have been slowly developing a series of novels based on two of our D&D characters (I know, who hasn't right?) We played alot of D&D eventually meeting other friends through the game. The Discourser, SuperGoober, Warden, GM, Ntt, Perfect Line, Duff, Joker, the Acupuncturist, Mook the Boy and others were all met playing Role Playing Games. We had diverted to other Game systems because of D&D's simple rules which didn't allow you to do everything you wanted with a character (but that was the beauty of the game and what Gygax wanted I highly recommend starting with D&D if you want to get into RPG's) but we never forgot the game that started it all. The importance of this game on the gaming industry is felt even today. If it wasn't for D&D you would never have had a little game called World of Warcraft or Everquest, two of the most popular monthly subscription to play online game worlds ever. There would be no Sims (it's an RPG if you think about it), no Starcraft. Heck Magic the Gathering and Pokemon wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the spark that Gary Gygax made that started the fire. The game taught me teamwork (you need to work as a team with the other players to achieve most goals). It taught me that I didn't have to be afraid to be myself (okay I am as guilty as the other GoG of not openly admitting I was a gamer when I was single) and that I didn't have to conform and be something I wasn't to have friends. There were other people like me out there. The game got me interested in History and Mythology, stuff you couldn't get your average Teenager interested in at all I loved! If it wasn't for Gygax and his Game several generations of literature wouldn't have been written (until Gygax's game, The Lord of the Rings was just some kind of fringe series of books....Papa Tolkien inspired Gygax to make D&D which in turn brought many a new reader to the works of Tolkien and made it the masterpiece that it is to this day). I never met the man, nor do I know the man, but I owe him thanks. Thanks for inspiring me, for long lasting friendships, for introducing me to one of the biggest and most welcoming communities ever; Gamers. Call us Geeks, Nerds, Losers......that's fine. Those that make those statements in anger and spite and hatred have never had friendships like we Geeks have. They are "poplular" but really the popular kids were always the loneliest.
So to E. Gary Gygax I raise a toast. Thanks for years of memories and a lifetime of inspiration. May you always roll 20's.
So to E. Gary Gygax I raise a toast. Thanks for years of memories and a lifetime of inspiration. May you always roll 20's.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
It's a Sad Day for Geeks and Gamers Everywhere

Click the title for the full article. Today Gary Gygax the creator of Dungeons and Dragons passed away at age 69. All Gamers will remember him fondly for getting us hooked and a silly little game with strange shaped dice that allowed us to use our imaginations to take us to fantastic worlds. RIP Dungeon Master.......may you always roll a 20.
I'm all for being passionate about a cause, but when you resort to terrorism you make people less sympathetic to your cause than you help it said cause. Even people that agree with your beliefs condem you for your actions. The latest example of this idiocy is the burning of "Dream Homes" in Seattle by ELF....the Earth Liberation Front (like the freaking Earth needs liberating....). No one was living in these homes, thank God, but it is still terrorism. Technically terrorists kill many innocent people and spread fear they don't explode a bomb in an empty marketplace. These homes that they torched are homes that are built to show off new techniques in home design. They were being touted as Green homes. Apparently these ELF (such a gay name.....any Gamer will tell you that Elves are nothing but Hairdressers....but I digress) idiots think they know better so they torched them and left their little protest signage. Don't these idiots realize how hypocritical they are being? Wood smoke is bad for the's been proven that the creosote is poisonous. That plus all the plastics and rubbers and insulation and wiring that was burning does nothing but add to air pollution. Maybe these ELF morons should burn themselves since they are polluting more by burning up these houses. Also more trees need to be cut down now to rebuild these homes. Good job idiots.
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