In today's I saw an interesting article from of all people Amy Graff at the Mommy Blog (I'm not a big fan of hers...see an earlier post about her and her precious little snowflakes going to see Up). The topic was about Kids and Weddings. I've known of some couples to send out invites saying "No Children" before and I have mixed feelings about this. When I got married the first time, we didn't know a lot of couples with kids save my former Bro-in-law and my Cousin's son, the Ring Bearer, so it really wasn't an issue. I wouldn't have minded though. Yes, kids are kids. They get bored easily and sometimes don't have inside voices or don't know when being quiet means being quiet, but not including them is I feel is an insult to your guests. The Ceremony is for the Couple, but the reception is for your guests. If you think about it, you are asking folks to take a Saturday off to come sit in a Church (or wherever) and watch you and your sig other get married. Most likely this person paid money for the gas to get there, a hotel room (if they are coming from a ways off), a gift and most likely either got their suit pressed or bought a new dress. It would rude of you to tell them they have to pay for Babysitting as well. Creative ideas I've seen done are what my friend Mike and his Wife Anne did. At the reception they had a room set aside with a TV and VCR, games, coloring books and plenty of kids programs on tape with a Minder that they paid to be there. It kept the kids busy during the reception to the point that they didn't get bored. I think that was a great idea. Of course knowing lots of folks with kids now, I'm always conscious of that fact and make sure that most things I invite them to specify whether the event is Kid friendly or not.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Hypocrisy is Strong with the Right Side....
Let's hearken back 8 years. Remember a certain group of female Country Singers called the "Dixie Chicks"? Remember them? Their lead singer Natalie Mane made a statement in front of an audience in England about how she was embarrassed that George W. Bush was her President. The GOP went ballistic and called for their heads on a platter. They made statements like "no matter how much you don't like the President or agree with him, statements like that make our Country look weak. It makes us look like we aren't unified." They had a point. I actually agreed with them. I don't think what Natalie Mane said was so horrible, but it did show the world we weren't as unified a Country as we claimed to be. Now let's move forward to 1/20/09. President Barack Obama was sworn in as number 44. Ever since that day, the same GOP talking heads who wanted the death of the Dixie Chicks for defaming the President are right there, loudly defaming the current President. So I guess when it's a Rich, White, Good ol' Boy, Republican it's "treason" to say you don't like him, but when it's a Rich, Black, Intelligent Democrat it's okay to bash the shit out of him....and lie doing it too. Hypocrites. The Grand Old Party is a bunch of hypocrites. The Wife made an observation the other day in Books A Million. She noticed that there were about a dozen or more books written blatantly calling the Pres a "crook, socialist, crackpot, etc etc". You know if there were that many books written about Bush like that 8 years ago there'd be all kinds of shit stirred up. Just goes to show you the calmer, more intelligent side of things. The latest is by Michelle "the psycho Filipina" Malkin. Yeah I said psycho Filipina.....SG and the Warden will go in to long discussions on the Psychoness of Filipinas, just ask them. Not all, but I've met my share of them and the Warden was married to one. That aside, Michelle Malkin is just nuts, whatever her Nationality. This is the same chick that wanted the head of Rachel Ray because she claimed she was a Terrorist Sympathizer because she was wearing a white and black scarf on her neck. MM said it was "one of those head wraps the Islamist Terrorists wear". Um...MM, you are referring to a Shemagh, and every male in the middle east wears one. Hell our own Soldiers wear them in Iraq and Afghanistan. So I guess they are terrorists too huh MM? Stupid bitch. This is the same dumbass that said the Pres and First Lady were terrorists for doing a fist bump at one of the Conventions. MM claims that's what Hezbollah does......really moron? You honestly spew this crap and people take you seriously? So I guess that means that every Athlete on every Sports Team in the US is a Hezbollah sympathizer. I can't believe people actually fork out money to read this bitch's shit? Then there's Beck....his latest is "How to talk to idiots". I told the Wife that Beck does that every morning when he looks in the mirror. Then we have Senator Heckler......just rude and disrespectful honestly. No Democratic Senator or member of Congress EVER did anything like to the last President. They'd have ended up in Gitmo being waterboarded I'm sure if they did. The GOP should be ashamed of itself....but of course they won't be. It's hard to be humble for the Grand Old Party....but hey being relegated to the Party of Irrelevance takes some getting used to I guess.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
There's got to be something in the water.....
I heard a news item the other day that made me scratch my head and say "you're just now figuring that out?". The news item was that a series of psychiatrists was going to be looking into what exactly is it in Florida that is making all of these female teachers have a need to have sex with their teenage students. Anyone that reads Fark can tell you that the answer to this is "It's Florida". Heck Florida has it's own news item tag on Fark. I noticed this a long time ago. There seems to be something about that State that either just makes late 20's and older women hornier than all get out. They can't seem to contain's not just in Florida, although the percentage of these events speak to a disturbing trend in the Citrus State, it's in other States too. It used to be the stereotypical "Dirty Old Man" but lately it's been the "Middle aged, attractive, Soccer Mom type". It's hard to imagine what a Teen boy, for the most part, can do for these women. I have a 15 year old Daughter, I've met her friends both male and female and I can tell you there's nothing about any of those girls that I desire or could want whatsoever. Teen boys are worse...they are dorky and clumsy and they act the fool all the time. Just don't understand it......and yes I know it's abuse, but all I have to say is
Where were these teachers when I was in High School? Pseudo serious note, but if this had happened to me and my friends in High School, that teacher would never be arrested. There were young (30's) attractive teachers we fantasized about and if they ever did what these women did, we'd never tell a soul. I will give kids today that much credit, they will go a long with this for a bit then turn it around on the teach. I honestly don't think we would have. Then again, that was a billion years ago and what do I know? Yes this is a serious matter, but I honestly don't think we would have reported said teacher back in the day.
The other place where they need to check the water is Ft. Campbell....home of the 101rst Airborne. Within this past year we have had half a dozen soldiers accused of rape and murder and murder.....could it be the stress of constantly rotating in and out of a combat zone, or is there something more?
It just seems we have two flux points of strange activity in the US and only now someone is starting to notice.
Where were these teachers when I was in High School? Pseudo serious note, but if this had happened to me and my friends in High School, that teacher would never be arrested. There were young (30's) attractive teachers we fantasized about and if they ever did what these women did, we'd never tell a soul. I will give kids today that much credit, they will go a long with this for a bit then turn it around on the teach. I honestly don't think we would have. Then again, that was a billion years ago and what do I know? Yes this is a serious matter, but I honestly don't think we would have reported said teacher back in the day.
The other place where they need to check the water is Ft. Campbell....home of the 101rst Airborne. Within this past year we have had half a dozen soldiers accused of rape and murder and murder.....could it be the stress of constantly rotating in and out of a combat zone, or is there something more?
It just seems we have two flux points of strange activity in the US and only now someone is starting to notice.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Two for one Day......
As those that follow this blog know, Heroes is one of my favorite shows.....well except for last season and part of the season before. The Season before hinted at the formation of Teams.....Super Heroes vs. Super Villans....but it was short lived and the rest of the season went to crap. Last Season was basically Days of Future Past....see the collected X-Men comics from the 80's in the Graphic Novel of the same name....but unlike that story, Nathan Patrelli's reason for rounding up Supers seemed to be flawed and make absolutely no sense whatsoever. This Season started off well with a band of Irish Carnies who are a Family of Supers that adds to their ranks when one of them is dying. They have an aging Time Traveler and they are looking to recruit Hiro to take his place. It's kind of a "Something Wicked This Way Comes" kind of vibe. They remind me of Marvel's Morloks....Mutants who have decided to live underground. So far it's starting out well....then again most seasons of this show do then take a detour somewhere along the line to WTF??ville. Here's crossing the old fingers that it stays good all season long.
It's about time.....
The Giants are actually coming to the end of a Season on a winning record!!!! Guess getting rid of Barroid and freeing up all that cash and getting young guys is working out. Our magic number is 4......let's see if we can make it to a Wild Card Spot. I may actually have to watch Post Season Baseball this year.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Kanye West: Douche Extraordinaire
Last night at the MTV Video Music Awards; I'm going to pause right there for a second. Let's consider the OxyMoronic nature of that statement right there. MTV Video Music Awards. You remember MTV don't you? You know, the cable channel in the '80's that everyone said was going to kill radio because they played visual versions of music. Yep Music Videos and they had instead of DJs, VJs. Oh wait, you don't remember that? That's right, I forgot Music TeleVision hasn't played a freaking video since the mid-90's! Why these Jackholes think they are experts on Video Music is beyond me. Anyway back to your regularly scheduled rant.
Last night at the MTV Video Music Awards Taylor Swift won for some kind of video. Not a huge fan of this young lady, but she is one of those rare Country Singers that can crossover and appeal to all listeners of any kind of music. Not just Country Music fans. Faith Hill, Shania Twain and Dolly Parton also come to mind. As she was happily receiving her award and starting to make her speech, has been Kanye West jumped up on stage and grabbed the mic from her telling her congratulations, but that Beyonce's video was better and she should have won. He was summarily booed off the stage and the shows producers cancelled his performance and they escorted his ass and his large ego out of the building. I believe this is the second time he's played the Ass at an awards show. If I recall correctly he had a hissy fit because someone else won over him and he thought he should have won. I give Kudos to Beyonce (not a fan of hers either) for pausing before her performance to call Taylor Swift up and told her to finish her acceptance speech please and apologized for Kanye's Douchiness.....she didn't say it quite that way but the jist was there.
What's with these Douches anyway? Sean Combs and this dumbass need to go away; far away. Yes I said Sean Combs...sorry asswipe I refuse to call you P-Diddy or Puffy or whatever stupid ass name you want to call yourself. Should call the guy Lame Douche.....L-Douchy. So is this what they tell you to do when you are a failing and fading Rap/R&B star? Make an ass out of yourself? You may have an opinion, but we don't want to hear it. The world doesn't stop to consult your asses before making decisions. It goes right along without you. So please, please fade into oblivion a little quicker. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The President's "Evil" Agenda or how Repug Parents are serving their Kids Sour Grapes now.
The President is going to make an Internet speech geared towards children today that has all the Conservative Parents who didn't vote for him in a tizzy. You see they believe it's part of the President's Socialist "Indoctrination" of their children. His "Evil" Agenda to warp their minds. Now mind you, it was announced that the Speech was about education and geared towards keeping kids in school and hopefully lowering the dropout rate and encouraging these kids to work hard and excel so you can get into college. Evil agenda indeed. If that's what these frothing at the mouth, repugnican Kool-Aid drinking sour grape eating dumbasses consider "indoctrination" then I say Indoctrinate away. The freaking transcript was released saying exactly what the President's speech will contain, yet there are still moronic parents and School districts that aren't taking time out of their day or not even showing the speech because they still believe it's crap. Here's the kicker; that bastion of fear mongering, Bill O'Really, he thinks their's nothing wrong with the speech and that all kids should watch it. Wow!!! He's not even remotely a fan of the Pres but yet he even thinks that pushing education is a damn good thing. So to all you moronic parents I say this; get used to your child lounging around the house at 30 years of age, doing nothing with his/her life. Hope you didn't want to see your kids succeed because with your insular attitude they won't. All the President is doing is making education, hard work, college, success a good thing; making it more attractive than dropping out and not getting a diploma or higher degree. What the Hell is wrong with that? Do you hate the man that much that when he does something positive you still don't care? I'm all for free speech and all, but lately some of the shit folks are saying and doing is bordering on treason. I think the Pres needs to start being a bit more of a Hard Ass. When Beck called him a racist, hold a press conference and call Beck out for a discussion. Tell him "put up or shut up". Something tells me Beck wouldn't have the stones to go face to face with the Pres. When Sorehead Palin talks about shit she has no clue about, call the bitch on it. The Pres should have come out and said "all right Sarah the Quitter, where's your proof of these so-called Death Panels?" The Dems in Congress need to stop being such wusses as well. Man up Nancy boys and girls and let's go. Back the Man, tell the Repugs to fuck off or come the next election you will all be history. We put you in there to change shit; well get off your asses and start.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
This is going to suck so badly....
As those that know me are aware, I'm a huge Comic Geek. My childhood Super Hero is Spiderman and I was so glad the first two movies didn't suck, but was really disappointed in the last one. Comics way back when were a great thing, until the '90's. Those that remember Comics in the 90's will remember that they had become an investment. Apparently folks in the 90's were looking for that quick investment that no one else had...thus the over abundance of Baseball Card Stores and Beanie Babie stores. Comics were coming out with 6 different covers with foil and glitter and glow in the dark and you had to put them in plastic bags with a carboard backing so they wouldn't get wrinkled, and God Forbid you actually opened one up and read the damn thing!!! What ended up happening is summed up by a quote from Stan Lee (one of the Marvel Founders) "We almost killed the Comic book industry with our fancy covers, etc. We stopped writing books for entertainment and started cranking out crap for investment purposes." Yes you did. The company delcared restructuring bankruptcy and Marvel Studios was created to make quality movies. There were a few movies that had come out over the years and they sucked big time. Then came X-Men, Spiderman, etc and they were actually good. Apparently after two sucky Hulk movies and various other failures...see Fantastic Four and Spiderman 3....the crap has hit the fan and Stan Lee is selling out again. Yep The dreaded Mouse has bought Marvel!!!!! Oh my God!!!!! I can't tell you just how much that is going to suck. I can see it now...Spiderman's new love interest will be Hannah Montana!!!!
As those that know me are aware, I'm a huge Comic Geek. My childhood Super Hero is Spiderman and I was so glad the first two movies didn't suck, but was really disappointed in the last one. Comics way back when were a great thing, until the '90's. Those that remember Comics in the 90's will remember that they had become an investment. Apparently folks in the 90's were looking for that quick investment that no one else had...thus the over abundance of Baseball Card Stores and Beanie Babie stores. Comics were coming out with 6 different covers with foil and glitter and glow in the dark and you had to put them in plastic bags with a carboard backing so they wouldn't get wrinkled, and God Forbid you actually opened one up and read the damn thing!!! What ended up happening is summed up by a quote from Stan Lee (one of the Marvel Founders) "We almost killed the Comic book industry with our fancy covers, etc. We stopped writing books for entertainment and started cranking out crap for investment purposes." Yes you did. The company delcared restructuring bankruptcy and Marvel Studios was created to make quality movies. There were a few movies that had come out over the years and they sucked big time. Then came X-Men, Spiderman, etc and they were actually good. Apparently after two sucky Hulk movies and various other failures...see Fantastic Four and Spiderman 3....the crap has hit the fan and Stan Lee is selling out again. Yep The dreaded Mouse has bought Marvel!!!!! Oh my God!!!!! I can't tell you just how much that is going to suck. I can see it now...Spiderman's new love interest will be Hannah Montana!!!!
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