Friday, February 26, 2010

Is it just me?

Is it just me, or is being married and middle aged kind of fun?  Seriously, I do enjoy being the age I am and being married.  I know, sounds odd coming from a guy (essentially we are supposed to want to fight old age to the bitter end and want to sleep with anything that moves), but I really do enjoy where I am in life right now.   My Wife and I have a good marriage, we are comfortable with each other and genuinely enjoy each other's company.   I know people who have that "she's the old ball and chain" attitude, but that's not me.  I will be 45 this year, and you know what; who cares?  Seriously, it's a number.   What has driven me to write this is constant "war on aging" that television slams us with.  Toyota (poor Toyota) has been showing these commercials for the Sienna mini-van that show a 40 something couple in complete denial that they are married parents who bought a mini-van by using terms like "Mom-Like" and "Dad-Like".  Sorry folks, you did the deed, had the kids, are raising them, etc.  You are Mom and Dad; i.e. Parents.   Deal with it and move on.   Dove has some great anti "war on aging" commericals out now.  They are selling their body wash for men by saying "after all the macho bs is done and you are now comfortable".....essentially saying, hey we came up with a product that won't dry out your skin and get you clean and you won't be considered a pansy or a wimp for using it because you're an old guy.  

I feel sorry for single folks, I really do.  Not the one's in relationships; technically you're not single then.  No, I'm talking about the "serial daters"; the ones that are constantly with someone new.  That's got to suck.  Yeah I know the whole "you eat saltines all your life then you have a ritz and it's like a whole new world opens up", but my attitude is "it's a damn cracker".  Unsalted, lightly salted, spiced up, whatever; deep down inside, under all the layers it's still a cracker.   I believe that if you communicate well in your relationships, you can eat an flavor of cracker you want; and it will all come out of the same box. 

Damn I'm hungry now......

Friday, February 19, 2010

Spam, Spam, Spam Spam....

Not the canned meat product of the, no not that kind, the Electronic kind.  It honestly makes me wonder how people fall for this crap.  Here's a few examples from my current Spam folder:

Good Day,.

I hope my letter meets you in good health. I am a former bank staff here in Istanbul-Turkey. I'd apparently contacted you due to similarity with your location as compared with one of our late client's supposed grantee holder. I humbly wish to request your help to be presented as the (Grantee) to the deposit so that the it can be safely transferred out of Turkey before it is foreclosed upon. If agreed all back up documents will be provided to you for official Notary purpose at your local notary office which will enable all procedures be carried out legally.

Further information will be forwarded to you on receipt of a positive response from you.

Sincerely Yours

K. D. Emin
WTF?????  The above paragraph doesn't even make sense.  But yet, there is some monkey out there who will think that someone in Turkey is going to give them money.   Wait, it gets better. 
How's it going Sue

can't believe i'm really doing this, logged into %%site%% and thought of u.

if ur not busy can you give me your opinion on this come see it over here,
luv, you know who

Huh?????  There was a link but I'm not going to give the spamming asshole the satisfaction.  Okay, who the Hell is Sue and who is "you know who"?  Who pays these schmucks to send this crap, and do they realize it's just wasted money as no intelligent person is going to click on the link.   Here's another:
was that you at the bar

i was in red and black

click here

Another link attached which I have chosen to not include here.   Let's see, I was at the Y last night with my Wife and Step-Daughter then after that I was home watching Survivor so no it wasn't me at the bar.   Even if I was a single guy who went out to bars everynight I wouldn't fall for this.  Unless you give someone your email address, no strange woman is going to magically get it and email you. 
Just found these particularly interesting.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

TV Recommendations, Weird Commercials and Please go away Sorehead Failin'

Leverage just wrapped up it's winter season and will be back in the summer.  If you aren't watching this show, why?  Damages is back as well, and this season the big case is ripped from the headlines.  Great shows both, I highly suggest checking them out.

In the category of "How not to sell stuff to people" we find CVS Pharmacies.   They have this new spokesperson, a white haired Grandma who is pitching their products.  Okay, little old ladies have been used before to good effect (The Wendy's "Where's the Beef" lady comes to mind) but this one isn't working for me.  Frankly she scares me.   She looks like that grumpy old bitch that lived down the street from you when you were a kid.  You know, the one that personified the grumpy old person mantle.  "Get off my lawn" would be heard alot.  All her lights were off on Halloween and she never gave out anything.   The new spokesperson also reminds me of that ancient Substitute teacher that you'd get no matter what grade you were in.  You need to find a nicer Grandma figure CVS.

In the category of "They are so mean to me.." comes the darling of the GOP Sorehead Failin' and her newest bout of outrage and something she thinks is aimed at her.   Okay, this one did make a reference to "my Mother is a former Governer of Alaska", but still.   Apparently the show "Family Guy" (one of the non-funniest shows on TV) had a character that was "special" that had become the love interest of Chris, one of the characters on the show.  She talked about herself and mentioned the above line regarding her mother's past.  Now Failin' has a Down Syndrome Child, but the child is an infant and a male.  It's also probably her oldest slut's...I mean daughter's child but I digress.  (That's right GOP, you have your "he's a Kenyan not an American" and we have our "That's not her child that's her Grandchild".)  I got news for you Sorehead:

A. Family Guy has humor as tasteless and biting as South Park (although South Park is just damn funny in comparison.).  Family Guy often illicits that "Oh No they didn't?" response.  
B. You are now employed by Fox.  Fox produces Family Guy, airs the show and makes a mint off of the advertising and marketing from the show.  In other words, you are pissing in your own Cheerios dumb ass.

Oh Lord, please make this stupid Bitch go away.....

Hey at least Joe the Plumber has finally admitted he was a tool.......

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

GOP=Grainy Old Phonograph

That's right, I said Grainy Old Phonograph.  You know, Broken Record.   Seriously you mouth breathing, mentally deficient, Right Wing, Nut Jobs need to to shut the Hell up about two things in particular:

1. The Whole "teleprompter" thing.  Everyone uses a teleprompter you dumbasses.  W used to have an earpiece with someone talking into his ear when a teleprompter wasn't available.  Glenn Beck and Hannity who rail against the President do so by reading those same words off of, you guessed it, a teleprompter.   Holy Christ folks.  You hate a man because he reads words off of a screen?

2. "He's not a citizen."  Okay dumbasses, when a person runs for office like Senator or Congress or President, an independent, non-partisan panel checks that very fact out.  So I guess President Obama has to show his birth certificate but John McCain didn't have to?  Oh yeah, it's because McCain is white...I forgot that part. 

The GOP has become the party of the Broken Record.  It's become the party of hatemonger and lies.  They rail and rant and demean but yet they don't come up with any solution other than "leave things alone".  Oh yeah, that's good.  Things are so great the way they are. 

Another thing, Democrats, get off your asses and stop letting the freaking Right Wing, Nutjobs control the conversation!!!  Seriously, you dumbasses do this all the time.  You had the majority, then you just sat there on your laurels letting the Teabaggers, Hannitys, O'Reilys, Becks and Palins of the world stir up the Country.  Jesus you dipshits, wake the Hell up!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I was expecting this to happen.....

I just didn't know it was as wide spread as it is.  Click on the blog title to be taken to the Sacramento United Coalition of Reason's website.  Here's there billboard

They are a group that tells people it's okay "not to believe".  As most readers of this blog know, I'm not too fond of organized religions.   I find them controlling, unreasonable, xenophobic and full of hypocrisy.  I also think that they give people excuses to act like animals sometimes and to feel more "holier than thou".  I expected something this to happen eventually.  When W. was President, he pretty much catered to the Religious Right.  For 8 years we saw an increased blurring of the lines between Church and State.  It's good to see there are others out there who are seeing the "light" (or not seeing the "light" because that's a religious reference after all.)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Social Networking

I just read an article in today's Tennessean (an extreme, right leaning newspaper much like the SF Chronicle leans left) about folks "signing off" of Social Networking sites.   These people claim that it eats up too much of their lives, etc.   These are obviously people with no self control.   I personally use Facebook as it's a bit more Adult Oriented.  No, not that way you pervs, there are more adults on Facebook than on any other Social Network site.   I love it personally.  My eldest Step-Daughter and her Husband send me little blurbs, etc all the time.  I've reconnected with Family members that have lost touch, old High School friends and the like.   For awhile there we didn't have any home computer at all.  The Desktop died, the laptop died so we were stuck.  Even then, I would log on once in a blue moon and check my Facebook page and not be all stressed because it had been a few weeks or months since the last time I check.  No one gave me grief for it, nor do I feel it's sucking my life away.   These sites are great tools and with a bit of self-control, you will be just fine.    I don't use Myspace because it's populated by Teens; I have a 15 year old Step-Daughter, I get enough of Teen "drama" without having to go to a webpage with blasting music and banners flashing you to an epileptic seizure.  No thanks, I'll stick with my simple, clean Facebook page any day.  The one I don't think is really useful, for at least myself anyway, is Twitter.   Honestly, my friends and the world do not need to know my every move at all times of the day.   I don't know of many of the GoG that use Twitter.  I'm glad they don't because I can jus see the Tweets now:
The Warden:  "Just took a massive shit.  Man it stunk.  It was approximately 18 inches long and curled nicely as it evacuated itself from my ass."
The Discourser: "Just declared biological warfare on the room.  Man that was a stinky one!!!  I think the Professor's face is turning blue."
The Perfect Line: "Just finished banging a hot chick.  Damn she has nice tits.....we took pictures.  I will show them to you at our next gaming session."
And these would be the tame ones from the GoG, trust me. 

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

WTF is that White Stuff????

This is my front yard from a couple of weeks ago.  The white area past the tree in the background is the street that runs outside my front yard......oh wait, what Street!?!?!?!  Exactly.   This looks like an alien landscape to me.  I mean in Cali the only places that ever got snow was way up North in Shasta area and the Tahoe area.   You know in Shasta where they have that cheap property that Eric Estrada pitches.  Some paradise huh?  

Teabaggers: Morons to the extreme.+

The Tea Party movement, or as I sarcastically like to call them "Tea Baggers", started as a way of being frustrated at the Government's treatment of the little man.  It has now evolved into the crazy arm of the right wing repugnican propaganda machine that is still being powered by sour grapes.   Seriously you retards, get the Hell over it.  Your Dude lost.   Look the "Bush Stole the Election" people were annoying after awhile too okay.  Jesus, shut the Hell up already.   Anyway, I digress.  The Tea Baggers held their first National Convention in Nashville recently and they only pulled in about 600 people.   You get about 6,000 at a Star Trek Convention as a comparison.  I guess the Geeks have more conviction than a bunch of mouth breathing whiners.   The Tea Baggers have become Anti-Obama and stopped being Anti Government like they used to be.  What these talking monkies don't realize is that it's their favorite party, the GOP, that is really the issue.  The President hasn't had a chance to do anything yet because the GOP is pitching a fit at every little thing.  Instead of bitching about the health care bill, try coming up with a solution.  The loudest Republican opponents of anything the President does never offer a solution; they just rail and rant because that's their job apparently.   Bob Corker, Tennessee Senator, is useless as a Legislator.   All he does is pull out his GOP Sour Grape scented flash cards and says things like "Tax and Spend Democrat" "Socialist", etc etc.  These jackholes still think there is a free market out there.  I have news for you, there isn't.   The only markets where true competition exists is the goods and services retail markets and the auto markets.   In retail you have your choice: You can buy clothes at the high end Department stores, go to Ross or TJ Maxx and find the same clothes at close-out prices, find similar items with off brand names for a crapload cheaper at Old Navy, Target or WalMart.   These are your choices.  The range of prices goes from 100 dollars to 5 dollars depending on where and what.  That is true competition.  Car dealers are the same.  What you get for equivalent dollars at one place may not be the same speed wise, luxury wise, etc, but it's still a vehicle that gets you from point A to Point B.   Have you shopped for health insurance?  I have, and trust me there is little difference in price whatsoever.   The Health insurance industry has evolved into a money making machine for stockholders; that's it.   The customer has to pay so much more out of pocket it makes one ask "why do I need insurance anyway?"   If I have to pay 5K out of pocket on top of a monthly premium before the Insurance Company pays a dime, then why pay the Insurance Company?  Right?  You have to because the Doctors are all in bed with the Insurance Co's.   If you don't have insurance, Doctors treat you like you have the freaking plague and need to be put down.  No competition, no free market there.  They have you by the short hairs and they know it.  It's like the Oil Companies.  Gas prices fluctuate depending on what City/Area of the World you are in, but within your town, there's not that much difference.  It's an industry that raises and lowers their prices on a whim, and come up with creative and mind blowing reasons as to why.  Not a free market, not even close.  I'd have more respect for the Tea Baggers if they actually were for a better Government, but they aren't.  Hell their Keynote Speaker was Sorehead Palin for Christsakes!!!  C'mon folks, that bitch is a joke.