It's been a long time coming and I'm glad my Father is still around to see it happen. For him, this is the ultimate. This is a man who used to hop the fence at Seal's Stadium and watch the Pacific Coast San Fran Seals play. Then when the NY Giants moved to SF, he made several trips to Candlestick. When his son, that would be me, came of age to understand what Baseball was it was time to pass on the torch of fandom; and pass it on he did. In my young bachelor days my buds and I would try and get to every Friday night Gianst vs Dodgers game we could. Good times, and yes we froze our asses off at the Stick....and yes, I will refer to it as the Stick forever more no matter what monkey buys the park and renames it. The Giants outplayed the Rangers and proved they had what it takes to be champs. This is what happens when you work as a Team. A Team of Baseball players, not superstars with huge egos and roided up (Barry....) who bring the Teams morale; Baseball players who genuinely love the game. To The Freak, The Beard, Rentirria and the rest I congratulate you and thank you. To Bochy, thank you for being a far superior Baseball Manager than Dusty Baker could ever hope to be. Boch wouldn't have taken a pitcher doing well out and replace him with a crappy one making us lose. No way. Boch knew when to hold them and when to fold them. To Joe Buck and Tim McCarver and the rest of the Faux Sports morons; Kiss it!! You were so sure last night we'd be playing game Six on Wednesday in SF. Got news for you Jackholes; you were wrong. To all the "experts" who went on and on about the great Texas Rangers and the Underdog Giants.....Guess your asses were wrong too. When a Team wants to win, needs to win, so badly they can taste it, that's who will end up on top. It's like last year's Superbowl. Peyton and the Colts came in all cocky and thinking they were unbeatable. Then came the Saints. Ignored, underestimated, but hungry for the win. They walked all over the vaunted Peyton Manning and the Colts.
Just goes to show you, never underestimate anyone.
Go Giants!!! See you next season.