Stormbringer. The novel by Michael Moorcock featuring the guy in the picture above. Elric and his Soul Stealing Sword Stormbringer. With the technology they have today, it would be an awesome movie.
The Wheel of Time. Novels by Robert Jordan about a simple farm boy who turns out to be the Prophesized "Dragon Reborn". Destined to fight the Dark One in the final battle. Great series of books which needs to come to an end soon or the author will start losing readers.
A Song of Fire and Ice. Novels by George R. R. Martin. This is the bravest most unpredictable writer I have ever read. This guy kills off main characters right and left!!!! No qualms about it. You start liking the character and ZAP, they're dead.....brutal. The kind of books that suck you in and won't let you go.
Rainbow Six. Tom Clancy's novel about an international anti-terrorist squad headed by Clark and Chavez. Great book, would make an awesome action movie.
I full agree with the wheel of time being made into a movie series. I say a series because one movie would only be ableto cover one if not only half of one book.
I would be a great movie. I can see the black light radiating from the Stormbringer with the runes aglow.
On the other hand look at how they butchered "StarShip Troopers". I would hate to See Elric get screwed up that way. :(
I hear you NR Rob....Hollywood does have this bad habit of taking good things and turning them into crap.....but one could hope right?
It's not possible to turn those into movies and satisfy both the lover of the original story and the viewing audience.
The story would be too drawn out or either missing too much detail.
They are turning A Song of Ice and Fire into a series on HBO that is looking to be good. Each Book will be one season, that way they can actually spend the time on telling the story right.
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