Read the article in the link first, then come back. Go ahead, don't cheat; read the article.
Rant coming in...3....2.....1
Ah yes, the "It's all about me" generation. I was wondering when we'd hear from them on some offense they think has been visited upon them. You know these whiners; they were born in the '80's. They were over coddled and over protected. They grew up with one billion channels of TV (just ask one of them what UHF means...go ahead...), yet still bitch that there is nothing on. They will go to the store to buy new batteries for the remote before they will get up and change the channel or turn the damn thing on. They were Federally mandated to wear bike helmets because of a handful of Mom's with a cause gave some Senator or another the right amount of cash. If they couldn't have it "now....(let me rephrase that)...NOW!!!!!" it was the end of the world. They grew up with the "There are no winners or losers in this sport" mentality. They were given awards for "just showing up". Special awards because the kid that deserved the medal, trophy, etc. couldn't feel special without it "hurting" the feelings of the other "non-special" kids. These spoiled whiners are now in their 20's. They have jobs and vote and pay taxes. They are getting married at a younger age too. These are the ones that created "Play Dates".....WTF????? If my Daughter wants to have friends over to play, and we aren't doing anything else, they can come over. I don't need to make a freaking appointment with their parents so they can come over. As we know, society tends to be Parent-Centered. There is a whole market for Parents and their kids. Big money there too. Parents are given the "magical" Child Tax Credit. I've heard lots of Single folk bitch about this. I got two words for you: Screw You!!! The news site I got the article link from was Fark.Com. Great site. In the comments section that is attached to every submitted article there was a single guy giving a married parent grief for the Child Tax Credit. He kept asking "Why do you not get to pay your fair share???" Or "Why should my taxes pay to put your stupid kids through school?" Ah, Youth. I remember being a Smart Ass when I was in my 20's. To answer idiot face: A. Parents pay more in sales tax than any single person. If you are a married parent, you buy double the food, clothing, services, etc than a single person. Therefore you are paying more sales tax than that single person is. B. You should pay taxes for education because someone paid for yours when you were a kid and now it's your turn to give back.
Now to the article. The whiner generation has a movement called "Childfree". Apparently these are married couples who don't have, nor do they want children. Good for them. I'm glad there are people out there who have the sense of mind to say "I really don't want to deal with that responsibility." Thank you for that. Apparently several of these childless couples are getting their feelings hurt because there is no special label for them. They didn't realize (because they have been trained at birth that it's okay to just show up....) that in life there are now "Participation" awards. So they have a new cause now. They are pissed at we parents for taking our kids into "Their places". Especially "Nice Restaurants". WTF????? Now cranking up the rant machine...3..2...1....
How dare these smarmy, attention whores whine and bitch. In the article there was one woman who said "I'm tired of being looked at like I'm a freak for not wanting kids." Wah!!!!! Wah!!! Freaking cry baby!!! Yes, relatives are bad about this with couples. I remember my friend Kevin and his wife Sharon going through this when they first got married. They were both 21 and all the realtives were hounding them. They ignored it. Hmmmm....see how easy that was.....let people have their opinion and their say; if you don't like it or don't agree: JUST IGNORE IT!!!! WOW!!!! Simple. You don't need to form an organization, write a book, call your Congressman or protest in the street. Why is it so important what other people think about you?????? Why??? Whiny little bitches one and all I swear!! We have a label for childless couples: Lucky Freaking Bastards!!!! You have it made you stupid shit heads!!! As a married couple without kids, your income is doubled (obviously) and that means double the disposable income!!! You don't have to know more about the Disney Channel than you ever wanted to in your lifetime. You can have sex where, how, as loud as and when you want in your household without a care. Oh wait, the Neighbors might hear??? So freaking what! You can pick up and go whenever or wherever you want. Want that ginormous Plasma Screen TV?? It's yours!!! Want to drive sports cars? You can. The only people you have to be concerned with are each other!!!! So what the Hell are you bitching for???? There are tons of products and services out there for you. Oh wait, you don't get the child tax don't need it!!!! As a married couple filing jointly, you get taxed less than a single person. Why??? Married people need more of their take home (kids or not) than single folks. Unfortunately married parents (or single parents for that matter) will sacrifice buying themselves a new shirt/car/game/DVD/ etc to buy stuff for their children. Whine whine whine.....want some cheese with that? If I ever meet one of these "Childfree" annoying assholes I'm going to kick them in the "Childfree" asses.....then get back to watching the Disney Channel with my Daughter. These are the same people who use the term "Breeders" to describe us who are parents. Screw You!!! What are you, a "Breeder-in-training"???? Dumbasses. I will admit, some parents suck. Badly. As in sterilization and removal of the children from their clutches bad. There are exceptions to every rule. I love being a married parent. I really do. I love my Step-Children and my Wife. I may bitch about having to watch Disney Channel, but honestly I'd rather have my 11 year old Daughter watch that then any of the other crap that is on television.
In conclusion I have a few words of advice for those that are married but don't want to join the rest of us in the gene pool:
1. Pull up a lawn chair by the edge of the gene pool and enjoy your life and let us enjoy swimming in said pool.
2. Grow the F**k UP!!!! You are adults now. Screw the cliques and elitist attitudes. Learn to ignore people. If your family gives you and the spouse grief for your choices, tell the family that they should respect your wishes. If that doesn't stop them, then tell the hard headed busy bodies to SCREW YOU!!! and go away.
3. If a family is in a restaurant and you don't like it, or don't think it's an appropriate place for the "Breeders and their Brood" then leave. Complain to the Manager/Owner (5 bucks says he will tell you "cya" because he's going to get more cash out of the family than you).
4. Don't like to censor yourself in public? Get pissed when people ask you to watch your language because there are children about? Too freaking bad. You should watch your language regardless of children being present or not while in public. Some people don't like swearing, and in a Civilized Society like ours tries to be it's not polite.
5. Single people pay more taxes. They always have and they always will. What the Hell do you care for anyway? If you do it right, you get a huge refund check that you can spend on chicks/guys, beer/booze and partying all night. STFU already!!!
6. I'm not special and you aren't special. Nobody but you, your parents and family and maybe your spouse/partner cares about you. You are nobody to me and I am nobody to you. Get over it. You want to be special; cure a diesease, stop poverty and World hunger. Bring peace to the Middle East: then you will be special. Choosing to not have children is not special. Choosing to have children is not special. Just because you are you doesn't mean we care.
7. You want to get up in arms and start a "cause"? There are more legitimate and pressing problems in the world than Great Aunt Martha thinking you are a freak because you don't want to have kids. Stop the whining. NOW!!!!
Rant button off.
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