We took Liv to see "Bridge to Terabithia" the other day. Wow! Not what I expected, I was expecting a "Narnia" type of thing. Not even close. You will get misty eyed, I don't care who you are. Not going to say much about it because it will spoil the movie. It's one of those "sit down and discuss" movies for kids. Now on to Random Musings.
Heroes. Holy Crap can this show honestly get any better??? Network TV has a habit of ruining a good premise by dumbing it down too much. "Jericho" is kind of getting there, although last weeks episode pulled it out of the Soap Opera quagmire it was slowly sinking into. It still amazes me how a bunch of people still want to cling to the "old" ways when it's obvious the world is screwed. You saw a mushroom cloud evaporate Wichita Kansas.......saw it!!! Saw other clouds on TV, then the TV went dead. You've seen a guy with radiation poisoning come crawling into town....but you still cop the attitude that all will be okay. NO..it won't. They need to put a big wall around their town and man the catwalks in shifts. All food is to be divvyed up and rationed, same with water and other supplies. Anyway....back to a show that is one of the best shows on Network TV. Heroes isn't holding back. They are plunging ahead and advancing their storyline while adding more twists and revelations that will continue to advance the whole show for a good long time. The alignment (to use a Geek term) of the folks involved is blurring. You aren't quite sure anymore who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. The one "villain" ends up showing some humanity, the other is just nuts and an obviously evil man. Surprises abound. This is some good story telling.
Books. I'm almost done with the "Song of Fire and Ice" series that has been written to date. There are three more books coming and that's it. So far we have one Mother's stubborn recklessness causing an all out War. Well it didn't really cause the War per se....it gave certain schemers the go ahead to kill the current King. A nice hunting "accident" put blame on an evil "wild boar". The Widowed Queen puts her spoiled, cruel son on the Throne which causes the Son of the Stubborn Mother to declare himself a King. Then the two Brothers of the former King claim they have a right to the Throne. A fifth faction makes a claim to the Throne as well, and the world erupts into War. Meanwhile this Stubborn Mother has lost sight of her two Daughters, it's rumored that her two Younger sons are dead (the one who was the cause of her recklessness) and her son that declared himself King is betrayed and murdered. As is she. These books are great!!! The flow of the storyline is well done to the point that the complicated and intricate plots do not get lost. You can easily follow all the unraveling threads of the tale so far. I'm also eagerly awaiting news of when they will start casting and filming the HBO Series based on these books. Each book will be one season. Trust me, at 1,000 pages average they will need to do one book per season. Next on the agenda after "Feast of Crows" is "Storm Front" by Jim Butcher. It's Book one of the "Dresden Files". Yep the show that is currently on SciFi Channel. The show is good, but from what I've been told the Books are far superior (isn't it always that way...). This Series of books is about Harry Dresden who's office door says "Harry Dresden: Wizard". He's the only Wizard listed in the Chicago Yellow Pages. He's a PI who the Police go to when the case is "just too weird". Can't wait to dive into that one. I will need to pick up the other 5 books in the series so I can read them all. After that is "Under the Black Flag" by David Corrdingly. It is the true history of piracy. Ah yeah. Can't wait for that either.
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