Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Italian Culture: You're Mafia right?

As I've mentioned before, my Family background is Sicillian. My Ancestors on both sides came from small villages in and round Palermo. Most of my Ancestors were hard working fishermen and laborers (there was even a famous ditch digger turned conscript soldier during WWII who's case keeps being referred to regarding the whole Gunatanamo Bay prisoner situation...Google Gaetano Territo) and yes there were some Mafioso. Italians have always been portrayed on TV and in Film as one of a few things:
1. Mobsters. Yep, apparently all Italians are in the Mafia according to TV and Film. Well.....there is some truth to this. Back in the days of prohibition many an average Giuseppi worked for the Mafia in some capacity. There is a story of a Great Uncle who died in a warehouse fire protecting the Don's booze from the G-Men who were raiding it. He wasn't Mafia, but because it was the Depression, he took whatever job he could get. Also if you remember there were lots of signs that said "No Micks. No Wops." on lot's of storefronts.

2. Hot Headed Street punks. You know like Francis from Stripes and a dozen other movies set in New York or Chicago or Philly. You know the archetype; wears leather, slicked back black hair (dances disco.....) grabs his crotch a lot and says "fugghedaboutit" alot. Honestly....some truth to that as well. New York Italians have that "attitude" about them. All the Italians I know are very passionate people who don't hold back and let you know what's what. If you've never been to an Italian Family outing before and find yourself invited to one, beware. It will be loud, with tons of background conversation going on. People will be talking over each other, getting mad at each other, laughing, crying, shouting, etc etc. It's very overwhelming for Non-Italians.

3. The big stupid mook. You know, like Rocky Balboa or Vinnie Barbarino. He's a big lug, strong but simple. Heck you can find that kind of person in every ethnic culture.

Now you may think I'm complaining about this, but I'm not. I could care less. Showing a bunch of Italians sitting around eating dinner and talking would be boring. Showing a Teamster like my Dad driving around delivering bread would be boring. The Italian Architect designing something.....boring. Oh wait, let's just insert Russian, Black, Latino, etc for Italian and guess what? Boring TV and a boring movie. If the Sopranos had been a show about Italian Opera wouldn't have lasted 7 seasons??? It's about Mobsters and, like The Godfather and Goodfellas before it, is great TV. I've always been happy that we Italians have never been branded minorities; it would suck. People don't discrminate against me because of it. I will never hear "Watch out for those Italians. You know how they can be..." As I was telling my friend Brian last night on the phone, I'm glad everyone thinks we're in the keeps people from screwing with you for fear of retaliation.

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