Thursday, July 12, 2007

Silly Monkeys

We are a bunch of Silly Monkeys. Going back over my post about "The Secret" I read some more on the nutjobs that are behind this whole phenomenon and it just makes me shake my head. One of these loons claims to channel Abraham.....not Lincoln but the know the Biblical one. Okay......sure you do. Why do we let ourselves get lured in by this crap? Has our lives become so jaded that any little distraction is exciting??? It's like the flocks of folks that belive in Faith Healers. "Oh Reverend Scam-a-lot touched that man on the head and he could see again!!" No he didn't. Okay, he may have touched him on the head, but the man wasn't blind to begin with. It's called a schill. All the people that get "healed" on those shows or in that church on Sunday all are paid to pretend they have an illness. I remember a comment made by a 17 year old kid on our Airsoft boards about how he saw a man's eye being regrown. Sure you did. The guy probably came up to the altar with an eyepatch claiming his eye was gone. Reverend Dewy Cheatum touched the guy's head then removed the patch and "lo and behold" his eye had grown back. No. The eye was there all the time....just covered with a patch and you were stupid enough to believe what you were told. We need to learn to question things folks. All these guys and gals on late night TV who "want to share their secret of financial success with you" are full of it. Want to know the secret of their financial success? Making an infomercial and selling "the secret of their financial success". These people have no need to share with you. Look at Donald Trump. Does he sell "Trumps Secrets of how to Get Rich"? Hell no! He wrote a book telling you how he struck it big but that applied to him and him only. Does Larry Ellison of Oracle tell you how to make money? No. Steve Jobs of Apple? Again no. Do you see any "Secret of my Success" books or tapes by Bill Gates???? No. These are the people that one should learn success from. Not Carlton Sheets (what the Hell kind of name is that???) or some wet behind the ears 20-something kid who's rich parents gave him all the operating capital he could get his hands on. We see all these celebrities and want to be like them so we look for the easy way out. There is no easy way out. Porus Horton does not have a good life. If you think she does, you have no idea what true loneliness looks like. That's the loneliest person I've ever seen. Sure she parties and is surrounded by people all the time, but that's an act. The partying is to numb her to the reality that she is a useless waste of oxygen. She produces nothing nor does she give back anything. Her "friends" are fair weather and only hang around so they can mooch free crap and bask in her spotlight. I know a couple that having loads of money changed. They started off middle class and worked their way up. I like that....that's how it should be. Work hard and get the pay off, you appreciate it more. The problem is, they let it change them. They are show offs. If it's new and high tech, they've got it whether they need it or not. Their kids are spoiled animals that screw up majorly but are rewarded with every little thing their hearts desire....and they don't have to work for it. This couple has no friends; they used to, but their constant bragging and showing off just made folks not want to associate with them anymore. But their rich you may say. So what. What did that money get them? Isolation. Loneliness. These folks are successful financially, but a failure when it comes to being human beings. I will quote a Business Management teacher of mine from long ago....Greed is good, just don't let it cloud your judgement. Think about it. Greed has always been associated with the negative aspects of life. Ambition is just Greed with a positive spin on it. Trump is Ambitious.....but he's also Greedy. He's lonely too, although not as much. See riches alienates people. The one's that want to get close to you only want to do so because you are the easy coat tail to ride on. The Perfect Line is a good example of someone with means who hasn't let it cloud his judgement. From everything I've seen of the Perfect Line he's not a lonely man. He has lots of friends, genuine friends and he's always been a prudent shopper. This man can pay top dollar for something, but will scour the net, the stores, do as much research as possible until he finds the "right" price. Always have been impressed with the deals he's gotten. See, money should be a tool or a means to an end, not the end all and be all of your life. Silly Monkeys indeed.

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