Let's all take a moment and reflect. Today has been proclaimed Patriot Day. A good enough name I guess. Rememberance Day would have been better I think. Let's just pause and remember those that died that day and those that are dying every day in Iraq as a result of that day. Remember folks that these events could have been prevented if enough people would have taken a stand. Flight 93 is a good example of what should have happened on the other 3 flights. We need to stop thinking of our selves in situations like these an act. If you see someone being mugged either try and stop it, or if you don't have the ability to do so, call a cop and make sure you give detailed descriptions. We all have Cell Phones, use them for something other than mindless yakking. If a couple of guys with box cutters stand up on the plane you are flying on, you and the other 100+ so passengers should all stand up and tackle their asses. Be mindful people, that's all I ask. There's an old saying that goes "Evil men thrive because of the inaction of Good men." Let's make that a saying of the past.
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