Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Tennessee: Year Two.

It is time again for my annual report on life as a California transplant living in Tennessee.  As I've mentioned previously I lived the first couple of months out here in Algood (which might as well just call itself Cookeville because besides having a Wal-Mart, a McDonalds and a Bad Chinese restaurant everything else you need is in Cookeville) then moved to Mount Juliet.  What has changed since last year:
A. Cathy is now a Real Estate Agent and I'm so proud of her for her perseverance.  Good job Sweetheart!!
B. Olivia has a BFF named Tara.  Last time I believe I wrote about a girl named Erica who we thought would end up as bad news if Liv hung around her anymore.  Boy we were right on that one.  Thank God Olivia is as intelligent as she is and can peg bad news people on her own.  Tara is a great kid and a great friend to Liv.  She has a few more friends now, and is a lot more happier at school.  It takes Liv a bit to make friends but she makes good ones when she does.  She's also 13 now and a typical Teenage girl.  Not sure what happened to our little Tomboy, she became femine overnight!
C. People out here still have no idea how to drive; nothing's going to change that however so I will just be road rage boy and salute them with one finger and rant and rave at them.  Hey, it makes me feel better. 
D. The Providence Marketplace mall is pretty much finished.  There are a crapload of stores and restaurants now, with more coming.  They are also building two new hotels....gotta love progress.
E. Cathy and I are working on getting a Farmer's Market going next fall.  Our Supervisor Jim Bradshaw loved the idea and someone from Providence Marketplace's Marketing Department loved it as well.  We need to get together with her to discuss it.  I already have two Music acts that I know would love to play. 
F. They built a new off ramp which is nice because if the Freeway gets backed up, you can take that one and still get home.
G. My Airsoft Team has had to put two members on Inactive Status, then we kicked one of those members off the team.  The guy just wasn't a Team Player, the other guy is just in Financial straights and needs to focus on getting out of debt.  Airsoft put him in debt because he's one of those guys without self-control.  If you don't have the money to buy a new gun, don't buy a new gun.
H. Did I mention I have a Boy Crazy Teenager living in my home now?  All boys will be shot on sight. 
I. January 22, 2008 will be my 4 year Wedding Anniversary.  I'm happier every year.  I chose wisely this time.
J. We have two Cats now....well we had two Cats, but Pumpkin has decided to go roaming and hasn't been back.  It's going on two months.  I hope he's just shacking up with someone else.  You know Tom Cats who are mostly outdoor cats...they get that Walkabout bug under their skin and they are gone.  We still have Panther who is getting more vocal the older she gets.  Demanding little thing sometimes.
K. Kevin has had the same Girlfriend for awhile now.  Sara, and she's great!  She's got him interested in College, and he's in the middle of his first Semester at Tennessee Tech University.  He's an Art major of course.  He also just turned 20.
L. Amanda has had the same job for awhile now at Kohl's.  She's loving it because she works in the credit office and gets to do other things than stand around and scan clothes and take credit cards at a register.  She has a great Fiancé named Drew.  Jay loves him and so does Amanda.  A very generous guy.  I think we'll keep him. 
M. Speaking of Jay.....My Grandson and I are getting very close now.  He's 4 and all boy.  We had a Nanu and Jay day a couple of months ago and had big fun.
N. Still digging on the pond....probably will be digging on it forever.  Have the liner and pumps and all that, just need to dig trenches to run electrical and finish digging the pond so it's deep enough that fish will survive the Winter.  I've taken to calling it the "Shallow depression that will one day be a pond". 
O. This year our summer was horrendous.  We've had drought conditions for since June so there was no digging in the pond anyway because the ground was too damn hard. 
P. Put up some braces off of an existing post so I could hang a hammock in our front yard.  I've taken many a nap on that thing.
Q. We built a compost bin where the garden that wouldn't grow was.  A convenient way to get rid of the leaves our trees love to regurgitate on the lawn.
R. I've discovered the Religious Right is trying to kill Halloween......we had 0 Trick or Treaters this year.  I've already written at great length about this.
S. We took a Family vacation finally!!!  We went to Gatlinburg (Like Tahoe) and had a great time.  Cathy and I intend to go up there in Spring when Liv is at her Dad's for Spring Break to have the Honeymoon we never had.  (My reception was at Fresh Choice in Redwood City and my wedding night was spent in Chuck E Cheese). 
T.  I mentioned Teenager in the house right???
That's the report for this year.  Hopefully next year I can report that the pond is up and running........don't hold your breath.

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