Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Oh Boo Hoo

So today a bunch of independent Truck Owners and Operators refused to work because they are biatching about fuel prices. They say that the people they contract with aren't giving them enough to cover the rising cost of fuel. Well gee, if you didn't fly down the freeways doing 90 and cutting people off and generally driving like asshead, then maybe I might have some sympathy. Sorry dudes, I don't. For the past several years Semi's have been the menace of the roadways. I remember back home in the Bay Area. Every time I heard a traffic report it was an incident involving a (insert vehicle/object here) and a Big Rig. Always! The Union drivers didn't stop driving nor did the big transport companies. They're smart. My company is working on a rail project that will raise the height of tunnels so that they can double stack freight cars. When this happens, Semi's will only be used for local hauls, from the railyard to the warehouse. Not cross country hauls. Niiiicccceee!! Get these schmucks off the road I say. If I was an independent owner/operator, I'd tack on a fuel surcharge as part of the price I qouted. If they didn't like, then they could hire someone else. When I worked for a Courier Company we had fuel surcharges all the time. Folks just accepted it because it was necessary. If these truck jockeys want some kind of change, try parking your rigs in front of an oil refinery and haulting traffic in and out.......that might get some attention. Making life miserable for the rest of us will only make us despise you more.

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