Two items that I keep reading about and just have to comment on. The first one is the statement "Is TV dying and moving to the Web?" Uh no. The networks think so because they have done studies that say there's an increase in Americans watching videos on the web. Uh...yeah it's called YouTube. Or music videos. See there's this station on Cable called MTV, and the initials stand for Music TeleVision. Apparently somewhere along the line they forgot that and starting airing lame ass game shows and Teen reality TV. Where did the videos go???? With the Government forcing networks to broadcast in Digital next year and the price of HD's and Plasma's going down, I don't really think TV will die. I think the networks might wake the Hell up. Seriously, ABC......Cavemen and Carpoolers?!?!?!?!?!? You were really serious with those two shows weren't you????? The only reason people watch a show on the net is if they missed it and didn't dvr it or tape it. I know a friend of mine who lives in Germany doesn't get alot of American TV so he watches it on the web. He's glad to do it as he wouldn't be able to see them any other way. I just wish the cable companies would wise up. Seriously, At&T, Comcast, etc......can't we just tell you what channels we want and pay accordingly? Is that so hard? There are a dozen channels I could do without, a few I wish I had. Can I swap the crappy ones for the others?????? When you sign up for service you should fill out a form and click on the channels you want. They total it up for you and's 60 bucks a month for these 100 channels....something like that. Charge the box rental fee, etc but really just let us pick and choose what we want to watch. Even have a preview channel. You get to watch a couple of hours of a channel and you can click on a button to "add to your subscribed channels now". Then they tack on that channel to your bill. Would it be that hard?
The one that has me really wound up is this Polygamy Cult in Texas. I've read alot of comments in the paper and news online and I can't believe people are actually defending these jackasses!!! There's a Tin Foil Hat wearing conspiracy theory brigade out there who are pissed that the Government is invading peoples lives and taking away their children. So what if teen girls are pregnant....teens get pregnant all the time......there's not proof of's typical gestapo tactics.....reminds me of Waco....
WTF is wrong with these people!?!?!?!?!? Seriously. It's a cult where women are bred to become the wives of multiple men in the upper echelons of the cult. Young boys are gotten rid of if they don't pass muster as they are a threat to the way things work. Girls are hand picked to be "wed" to various men as their 3rd, 4th or 5th wives and they don't have a say in it. So apparently according to these freaking idiots that read the news and comment on's okay for a 13 year old girl to be forced to be the wife of some 52 year old man. It's okay for that old freak to force himself sexually on her and get her pregnant. Then when her daughters are old enough, they are given to other old freaks. There's no proof of abuse?!?!?!?!?!?!? What they Hell do these idiots think that is....... Do these morons think that a 13 year old girl is "okay" with being forced to marry and have sex with someone who she considers "ancient"??????? I think what Texas should do is deprogram all the mothers of these kids then see if giving them back will work out.
Rant on my friend. I'm with you on this one. I suppose some people actually think that child sexual abuse is the price our society has to pay and must allow, else we relinquish our civil rights.
What gets me is these people don't even look at the situation...they just assume the authorities in Texas are on a Police State kick and just bust into people's homes for no reason. Sorry, there was a huge reason this time.
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