A few more rants about my fellow Tenneesseans and things in general.....
Out here there is a State law that was a reaction to an unfortunate situation that can afferct LEO's at any time (that would be Law Enforcement Officers for those that don't know). It is well known that drunk drivers are drawn to the flashing lights of Police Cruisers that are parked on the side of the freeway like moths are drawn to a flame. Drunk Drivers have been known to take out a Cop and the person they have pulled over before. The accident that caused this law to be passed wasn't a result of a Drunk Driver, but the result of a Semi driver falling asleep at the wheel. So now, because of one overworked truck driver, we have to move over (that's the name of the law the "move over" law) one lane to the left, only if you are in the slow lane, and drive slowly past the Emergency vehicle that is stopped on the side of the freeway. Now it can be any vehicle with flashing lights; fire truck, paramedic, cop, TDOT rescue truck....it doesn't matter. Oh yeah, there's one little caveat that folks forget about this law; if you can't get over safely, then you have to slow down to at least 30 as you pass the Emergency vehicle. So why discuss this you say? Well, I discuss this because my fellow Tenneseeans forget that last part and this "law" causes more issues than it saves lives. The minute someone sees a cop, etc on the side of the freeway it's SLAM on the brakes and jump over a lane as fast as possible. I've seen this behavior almost cause more wrecks. In talking with some of my Trooper friends out here, they agree that it's really not a great law. I see why these guys get killed though. They still approach the stopped vehicle on the Driver's side. In California, the CHP awhile ago started approaching your vehicle from the Passenger Side; basically not having their backs to traffic. They approach from the rear and slowly move from the left rear (driver's side) to the right rear then to the passenger side of the car. This way they can see what you are doing before they come to your window to talk to you. It keeps them from being suprised when someone pulls a gun. Good plan I say.
The other thing about my fellow Tennesseean's that annoy me is the propensity to be NICE!!! Now normally that's okay and a pleasant surprise, but not while driving!! The exit I use to get off of the freeway always has a lot of Semis on it because there is a large TA Truck Stop facility. The amount of semis and people's fear of them out here (you hear all kinds of horror stories about Semis taking people out......well if you didn't come up on the side of them and slow down maybe there'd be no problem. It's called PASSING....this means you speed the Hell up and flash your lights and honk your horn so the driver of said Semi knows you are there....) causes making a simple left turn from a light to be one of the feats of Hercules!! Then there's two other lights you have to get through before you can continue on the road I use to go home. Between the first and the second light is the driveway entrance to the Truck Stop. Folks coming out of it, just like folks coming out of any non-protected driveway DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! This means they have to wait for the cross traffic to be clear. Now, some of my fellow Tennesseans have this overwhelming urge to STOP and let the big, loaded Semi out of the driveway......and no, they usually aren't making a simple right turn and going our way. NOOOOOO they are turning left, across traffic. These NICE folks usually do this when the second light has turned GREEN!! Yes, instead of driving forward and continuing the flow of traffic, they stop and impede it. Well Mr. Semi, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth drives out of the driveway, across both lanes of forward traffic (so you can't even go around the Nice asshole) and then stops....they do this because our light which was green has now changed to red and the traffic coming the other direction's light has changed to green and they are proceeding forward. By the time this traffic has cleared, our light has changed to green and then back to red again by the time Mr. Semi has completed his left turn. So, Mr Nice Folk has now made me and about a dozen or so folks miss the light twice AND has backed up cars down the on ramp onto the freeway. Why? So they could be NICE!!!
The other day I ran into the other "neighborly" type of driver out here....the car to car talker. Oh yes, these morons see their idiotic friends in the car next to them so they both roll down their windows and keep pace with each other talking while driving....meanwhile behind them, is everyone else being slowed down because of these narcissitic assholes who have to have a conversation. Hey pal, why not pull your asses off to the side of the road and let the rest of us FREAKING Drive.....I usually give them the horn, and they give me looks. I proceed to then give them the horn some more and then give them half of a peace sign to emphasize what they and their stupid friend should go do to themselves. Wish I had a carry permit sometimes.....a few warning shots might make them realize they are not the only people using the roadways...
This morning was the one's I hate the most....The Helpers/Nosy Noras. We got up to one intersection, and I notice what looked like a fender bender. Three pick ups were all off the road and there was plastic all over the roadway. The light was green and we proceeded through the intersection when all of a sudden we stopped....for no apparent reason. Well the reason was that Joe Helper in a white pick up in front of everyone decided he was going to save the world today so he stopped......mindless of the fact that there was a loaded semi and about 8 cars behind him going through an intersection at about 45 MPH.......we all slammed on our brakes to avoid causing an even bigger wreck which would have been Joe Helpers fault. Now, did Joe Helper get out of his vehicle and help out? HELL NO! He stopped to ask if everything was okay, then when it was clear that his great assistance wasn't needed he started off on his merry way again. Thanks ASSHOLE....you were such a help. Look folks, if you think you can render assistance to accident victims, that's great but do me one little favor; PULL YOUR FREAKING VEHICLE OFF OF THE DAMN ROAD!!! Actually this is what you should really do; keep driving, dial 911 and report the accident to the local PD/Highway Patrol or whatever authorities. Trust me, unless you are trained to save lives you are only being a hinderance by stopping and trying to help. I knew a guy that got killed because he decided to pull over and help some accident victims. He walked around a large vehicle and right into traffic and was run over. All because he was trying to be the Good Samaritan. This jackass this morning didn't even get out of his truck...nooooooo Mr. Helper just wanted something to brag about at work..."yeah dudes, I was rolling along in my truck and I saw these other trucks all smashed up....I stopped because someone had to do something and when I saw it was all okay I moved on. But man I would've helped if I could." Wow, you're real brave Moron!!! You probably forgot to mention how everyone else behind you had to slam on their brakes and how you almost caused another wreck trying to be a superhero. Look folks, unless you can fly, stop time, run real fast or have super strength, just pull the frak over and call the cops. The PD are trained to handle these kinds of things, and if you say there is an accident, the PD usually show up followed by their good friends Firemen and Paramedics.......these people are trained to deal with accidents. Not you Mr. Helper Construction Worker guy in your white pick up with your Real Tree Camo hat.
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