Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Demise of the Hollywood Studio System?

Click on the title to link to my previous "Open Letter to Hollywood". It seems like my predictions are coming true. Paramount and Tom Cruise had a major falling out recently. The bottom line, Cruise made more money and put up no financial risk than Paramount Studios which put up all the financial risk. This is because Tom Cruise has become the poster boy for Scientologist Freakazoid and has run his mouth and couch-jumped his way behind the 8-ball. Have fun back there with Mel Gibson Tom...he needs the company. I read an article today about how the studios aren't backing alot of pictures because DVD sales have gone flat. Hmmmm let's see. For the past several years now 2 - 3 out of 10 movies to hit theaters are worth seeing. The rest are crap. Of course your DVD sales are going to be flat. If people aren't willing to pay 10 bucks to see a turd on a big screen, what makes you think they will pay 15-25 dollars to own said turd so they can not watch it at home?????? The last theater movie I saw was Pirates 2. It was worth the cash and a lot of fun. I wanted to see Clerks II, but it left theaters before I got a chance. Other than those two movies, there isn't anything playing at our local cineplex that I remotely am willing to pay money to see. Even Mutha F***n snakes on a Mutha f***n Plane (as great a B movie as I hear it is). This latest news just proves my point that the Hollywood creative still has run dry. Too many remakes of movies that were so-so at best or didn't really need to be remade. Too many TV shows made into movies that should have just been left as TV shows (Dukes of Hazard for one.....and they are talking about making Chips into a movie.....what is Erik Estrada going to come on and sell some cheap vacation property to us in BFE during the credits?????) Too many Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson (Hell too many Owen Wilson movies.....dude sucks as an actor and he's just not funny). I mean c' make a 70's serious cop show "Starsky and Hutch" into a comedy.......of course no one is buying the DVD. Disney is whining about flat sales too. Let's see, you wait freaking forever to release a beloved movie on long in fact that when you release it amidst a huge marketing fanfare all the fans turn their backs on you and just don't care anymore.....(see Lady and the Tramp release for a limited time....) We don't care anymore Disney. Just release them all......don't make a huge deal out of it because we are unimpressed. Same for Lucas.....Star Wars fans waited forever for idiot George to relase the original movies on DVD.....we get the special edition versions and he changed a critical aspect of the ending of Revenge (Return) of the Jedi.......I knew someone that was chomping at the bit to buy it until I told him about the change.....he downright refuses now. Now they are saying private investment firms may approach these actor run production companies (Cruise/Wagner for example). A few have done it, but it's been hot and cold so far and that's keeping the others away. What these actor production companies don't realize is that the first big chunks of change come back to the backer in these deals.....

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