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Save the Cheerleader. Save the World.
This is the key plot device so far in the TV Series "Heroes" for stopping an nuclear explosion in New York. I have already written about the basics of this show, and yes I'm writing about it again. Like I've previously mentioned, I wrote an open letter to Hollywood asking them to get their creative heads out of their collective butts. Apparently someone is listening. The writing and pacing in this show are top shelf. It just goes to show that you don't need a cape and tights or even a mask to be a Super Hero. As one of the cast, the character Hiro, says to his friend "You don't need Super Powers to be a Hero." The story telling is like that of a good suspense novel. You think you have the characters figured out, but no.....you don't. Total surprise with some, confirmation of your suspicions with others. SPOILER WARNING!!!!!!
A surprise like......Saresh's neighbor. I figured she was up to something.....she was way too nice to Mohinder and way to friendly with his Father (who was supposedly a recluse...). She, as we find out last night, works for indestructable cheerleader's Dad........who is another suprise. They have been portraying him as some kind of Villan, but as the show goes on, he doesn't seem so nefarious. He knows his adopted daughter is the Indestructable Cheerleader, but if he was so evil, he'd have killed her long ago. (At least tried too....she is indestructable after all.) More and more he seems like he is some kind of Government Agent who is in search of the Heroes. I suspect some kind of cloning program to make super soldiers or something like that.
The show harkens back to the days of Serials at the local theaters of yesteryear. I can remember my Mom and Dad telling me about Flash Gordon, etc and how you had to go to the theater like once a month or so because you'd miss a chapter. Heroes is like that. Each episode is a chapter. Sometimes they wrap up nicely, but there is always something unanswered, or left open that doesn't get resolved until later. It's a nice touch, and real good story telling. Lord knows we've had to sit through our share of stupid "Reality" shows. Honestly, these things have run their course. I know they are cheaper to produce than an ongoing series, but c'mon people. The viewing public has spoken; they want a good story. If you want me to park my butt for an hour or two and not constantly channel surf, then make it worth my while to stay on your channel and watch your efforts. Good job NBC....too bad it's the only show I watch on your network.
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