Now awhile back I blogged a rant about Hollywood not having an original thought to save their lives. This still holds somewhat true, but what they are doing now is coming up with a newer twist on an old theme. Big Kudos for that. The banner above is from one of the best new shows on TV. As my favorite TV Critic Tim Goodman says, "this is the year of the serialized drama". How true. Here's the premise of Heroes. One day you wake up and you have super powers. You are just regular old you, but yet you have an extradordinary gift. What would you do with this gift? How would you handle having this gift? Is it even a gift, or is it a curse? So far we have in this show:
1. The indestructable Cheerleader. This little blonde High school cheerleader cannot die. Period. She hates it, and just wants to be normal.
2. Mirror Girl. A single Mom who has a messed up life but is trying the best she can. Her husband is in jail (we find out later he isn't....oh yeah, and he works for the bad guys....) and she is doing whatever she can to get by. Her gift? She has an alter ego that is an Amazon kick ass machine (think Xena.....).
3. Future seeing guy. He can paint the future, but only when high on heroin. Poor guy.
4. Flying guy. Yep he can fly. He is also running for Congress.
5. Flying guys brother, Mimic Guy. He can mimic the abilities of any super he comes into contact with.
6. (My favorite) Time traveler/time stopper guy. Hiro a Japanese wage slave finds out he can travel through time and stop it. He handles it the best because he is living a Comic Book Geeks dream........and appears in the last scene of the latest episode as his future self....a bad ass psuedo-Samurai complete with sword.
7. Telepathy Cop. Yep, a cop that can read minds.
8. Mental JuJu bad guy. Mirror Girls husband DL. He seems to be able to read minds really well...hints that he may have the ability to stop other Heroes powers.
9. Indestructable Cheerleader's Adopted Father: The obvious bad guy......psycho bastard that seems to work for the Government.
Hooked yet? Watch an episode and you will be. It's a really well done show, and because it's serialized, you have to come back each week for more.....
Another show that is just as good is Jericho. A small town in Kansas witnesses a mushroom cloud off in the distance (the direction of Denver, Colorado). You find out most major Cities have been destroyed in the same manner. It's about a small town's ability to handle this situation. Good cast and some interesting developments.
Thank you Hollywood for listening. Now if you could just stop casting Jessica Simpson in movies they might not bomb.....just saying.....
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