Monday, December 18, 2006

Airsoft Whiners

As some of you may know, I am involved in a sport/hobby called Airsoft. We run around in camo with realistic looking bb guns shooting at each other. Kind of like playing "guns" when I was a kid except that our "guns" cost a lot more. I play at a field in Lebanon, TN called the Bad Karma Airsoft Field which is owned and operated by the Bad Karma Airsoft Team. A bunch of nice guys who are all honorable players; alot like the people I used to play with back home whenever Roundhouse had its "invite" only version of the public games they used to run. These guns are accurate up to a point. The bb's weigh anywhere from .20 grams to .25 grams and are made of plastic. They may travel at speeds up to 400 feet per second or more, but being made of plastic and weighing nothing they are subject to wind and other conditions. Our games are normally played without referees of any kind; it's the "honor" system. If you are hit, it is upon you to indicate you are struck by yelling hit, putting a red rag on your head, and either waiting for a "medic" or getting up and walking to a "respawn" point. At said "respawn" you are only there for 5 minutes then you can get back into the game. Unfortunately like in most sports (cough cough Baseball) you have cheaters. This is not a game you play for points or trophies, it is played for fun. There is a competitive aspect to the game, ie getting your mission completed, but it's generally considered okay if you really don't compete all that hard. Missions may include: search and destroy/rescue, base defense/offense, holding waypoints, etc. As you can see, competitive yes, but easy to be overtaken, shut out, etc, etc. Lately we have been having a few whiners on the field. At the all day game we had in September, I went off on the entire group of people in the one compound where a massive and intensive firefight was taking place. These guns have a motor that drives a piston in them. When one has them up to ones ear, as in the standard firing position for a rifle, then it is hard to hear someone you've just struck with a bb say in a normal tone of voice "hit". These people usually end up bitching and whining saying things like "Stop f**king hitting me I'm hit already!!". I know I usually scream "HIT!!!!" over and over again several times while waving my red rag above my head. The visual cue is what usually gets my opponent to stop shooting me. I heard so much of it I just had to tell the whiners to STFU!!!!! There are times you swear you hit somebody, but because of the above mentioned elements that affect bb flight, you are totally off target. Then there are times where you watch bbs bounce off of someone's goggles and they just ignore them. Not feeling the hit is also a common factor in not calling one's self out. BB's hurt less than paintballs and lose a lot of their kinetic energy over distances. You may be able to hit someone with your gun from 200 feet away, but when it gets to them it has slowed down considerably. Ah well, it's still a fun sport in spite of the whiny idiots we have to deal with.

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