Time for the latest movie reviews.
1. Eragon. A real good movie. Lots of fun, and now my Step-Daughter and Wife want a pet Dragon.
2. Wickerman. A cross between M. Night Shamalamadingdongs The Village, an Amazon Village, and a Lesbian Ren Faire. I thought it was supposed to be a supernatural whodunit mystery thing. Nope. Don't bother it's just to odd, and not good odd but makes no sense odd.
3. Jet Li's Fearless. Supposedly his last Martial Arts movie. Real good. Lots of action and Asian Mysticism. Kind of a Hamletesque ending. It's awesome watching Jet Li match his Wushu style against: bare knuckle boxing, saber fencing, English Pike, and a Samurai. Great scene where he fights the Samurai with a three piece rod vs. a Katana.
We also rented "Little Miss Sunshine" and "Miami Vice". From everything I've read about Little Miss Sunshine it's supposed to be good odd and very funny. Miami Vice I will go into with low expectations......I like Jamie Foxx...he's gotten to be a good dramatic actor.
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