Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Quick One

I've noticed this a long time ago, but felt the need to comment on it today for some reason.  We as a Country are dumb.  Or at least that's what the manufacturers of products and services seem to think.  I have several travel mugs for coffee.  On each of them, somewhere, are the words "Caution-Contents may be hot".  No shit???  Really????  Wow I'm glad they decided to point that out to me because I never would have figured that out for myself.  Let's get real we need it spelled out to us that the container we are putting hot, steaming coffee in may contain "contents that are hot".  We have this cool little coffee maker at work now.  It makes one cup at a time using these little packets and it's a great little item.  When it is done making your cup of coffee, the screen says the following (yes it has a LCD screen on it....): Enjoy your drink!!  Caution-your drink may be hot!!!  Okay, we were doing good with the first sentence.  Enjoy your drink.  Why thank you coffee machine, I will surely try and enjoy my cup of hot, steaming coffee.  Caution-your drink may be you have now shown your stupidity machine.  Let's see, the mug is warm to the touch, there is steam vapors rising out of the liquid inside of it.....yep, it's hot allright!!!  Why do the people that make this stuff feel that we need the obvious stated to us????  On the side of a jar of Planters Peanuts, I shit you not, is the words "This product was manufactured on equipment that processes nuts.  May contain nuts".  I sure hope the Hell it was and does!!!!  Planters PEANUTS.....should have PEANUTS in it......shouldn't it????  Have there been occurrences of people highly allergic to nuts buying a jar of plainly labeled "peanuts" and then suing because....wait for it.....the jar of peanuts contains peanuts?!?!?!?!?  I blame the idiot judges.  Apparently because of some now long dead old woman burning herself with a cup of McDonalds coffee and being rewarded 2 million in damages, companies now have to state the obvious.  Do you remember this?  A lady goes through the drive in at McD's and gets a cup of coffee.  Now mind you, if you've ever had a cup of coffee from McD's, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, etc you know that the minute you grab that cup it's damn hot!!!  That's why Starbucks has those little recycled paper slips you put on your cup so you don't burn your hands.  So let's picture this if we will, shall we?  You are handed an extremely hot cup of coffee....your nerve endings in your hand tell you, no scream out to you "HOT!".  You are wearing a skirt and hose.  You voluntarily.....remember now this was a conscious act on her part, she made the decision to do this.....take said cup of hot steaming coffee and put it between your legs!!!!  Yep....the cup that is burning your hands you voluntarily place betwixt your thighs so it burns the insides of them.  Oh, and you hit a bump causing it to spill everywhere causing severe burns.  According to the judge who tried this lawsuit, this was McDonald's fault.  Huh?????  Did the kid at the window spill it on her?  No.  Did the McDonalds employee place the cup of coffee between her legs?  No, because if he did that would have been a lawsuit of a different kind I'm sure.   Let's restate:  McDonalds did nothing but fill her order and deliver the promised goods.  Somehow though someone's stupidity was rewarded and prompt service was not.  So now, everything obvious is spelt out for us because there may be some idiot judge who will award someone multiple millions of dollars for their own stupidity.  Thank God there aren't that many of those anymore.  The judge I applaud is the one that threw out the lawsuit filed by the hugely fat dude who was suing McDonalds because it was their fault he was fat.  Really???  Nice try pal.  Yeah all those McDonalds employees are holding guns to people's heads making them ingest Big Macs.  Don't think so.  Also, why do some things that need instructions do not have them why others that are obvious as to what they are used for do.   Take toilet paper for instance.  Why is there no instructions on how to use it?  Tampons have instructions, condoms have instructions but TP doesn't.   Sunflower seeds do though.  Why?  Peanuts in the shell don't have instructions, you just know that you are to crack them open and eat the nut inside.  So why do sunflower seeds say "Crack open shell, remove nut, put in your mouth and enjoy".  No kidding......I thought you were supposed to stick the sunflower seed up your nose!!!! 

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