Cue cracking of knuckles as I stretch out my fingers for another Rant!!
Enough is enough! The airlines are getting worse and worse every single day and we are letting them. How many more of our Civil Liberties are going to be stripped away in the name of "Security"? How many more items are we not going to be allowed to take on an airplane because someone at the Department of Homeland Gestapo decides that it could potentially be used as a weapon? Take this latest bit......a woman flying along with a toddler was taken into custody because she would not dispose of her child's sippy cup. What???? Yes you heard me right, a sippy cup. You know, brightly colored, has handles and a lid with a mouthpiece so kids can drink juice/water without spilling everywhere. She was told by the TSA (SS) that she had to dispose of her liquid vessel because the liquid in it wasn't of regulation volume. I blame the Brits for this one. They got everyone's panties in a bunch because of a supposed plot to sneak liquids on a plane that the terrorists could combine into an explosive. Search the web, there are millions of articles saying how that is totally impossible without anyone noticing. But, because of Osama Bin Laden we now have to have our rights taken away and can only carry-on a piddly amount of liquid. What's next? You have to piss before you get on the plane??? "I'm sorry sir, you are carrying precisely 1 gallon of liquid in your bladder and must dispose of it before getting on the plane..." Now picture this if you will: The woman is trying to wrangle a carry-on, a child (probably 3-5 years of age so kind of squirmy) and herself all on to a plane. Security stops her giving her grief about her illegal liquid. She offers to drink the liquid so she can carry the empty cup on board because she needs the cup so her child can drink their juice. As she is trying to drink the liquid from the cup the TSA Stormtrooper grabs her arm and she spills it.....at this point they accuse her of trying to "ditch" her illicit liquid and proceed to treat her like a criminal. Now mind you, her child actually got away from her at one point during this. She is taken off to the side so the TSA Goons can flex their 10 dollar an hour muscle and she and her child miss their flight. Was this necessary???? These people have no sense of humor, nor do they know when enough is enough. Give these morons a badge and a uniform and they think they are God. Then they want us to have passports when entering Canada or Mexico now. Okay, sounds good, something they should have done a long time ago. So this couple about to be married makes arrangements a year in advance to get passports because they are going to Honeymoon in Cabo. They go to get on a plane, now mind you a year later, and are held up because they didn't get their passports yet. After a freaking year?!?!?!?!? They had their receipt and tried to talk to the security folks but it was to no avail.....they missed their flight and missed part of their Honeymoon. Apparently the Department of Homeland Gestapo puts these new rules into effect, but doesn't have the personnel to handle the obvious increase in demand for passports. As I write this it is still taking forever and a day to get one. But of course it becomes "our" fault that they can't process these requests fast enough. The airlines have also been notorious lately for stranding passengers on planes for hours on end when something goes wrong with the plane. Do they offer them refreshments, etc? Sometimes, although not in the case of the Cathay Pacific plane that left it's passengers stranded for 7+ hours on the SFO runway. Jet Blue is the only airline that had done this lately that has apologize profusely for their screw up. Took out a full page ad in the WSJ to publish the apology letter written by the CEO to the public. It was a great letter, and the first time I've ever seen a CEO say "we screwed up". Amazing. When these people are interviewed, they always give in to their crappy treatment by saying "well I guess it's all in the name of security". Nice one...thanks loser. Why don't you just let the CIA and FBI tap your phone too and read your mail. C'mon, it's all in the name of security after all. Better yet, why not just let the Government tell you what to do, when to do it, how to live, what to eat, where to live, etc......hey They are just watching out for you.....you know in the name of security and all that.
I will say this: Orwell was right.
Ciao for Now (although Big Brother might delete this post since it's encouraging free thinking.)
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