Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I love when people prove my points for me.....

"Anonymous said...
look, if you hate the show and all the people on it so much, why do you even bother caring?? GET A LIFE"

So apparently someone hiding behind the Anonymous tag was a bit peeved that I bashed American Idol. Figured I needed to "get a life". Yeah...okay. I think the person that needs to get a life are people that defend the crap that is American Idol. See this person obviously didn't get the point of my post. I don't hate the show per se, like I said it's a remake of a Talent Show which has been on the air in some form or another since TV first began broadcasting. I hate Simon Cowell because he's the kind of person that is what's wrong with the Music Industry today. He is not musically inclined, he's not even a damn musician. From an early age he's worked as part of the Red Tape Bureaucracy of the Recording Industry. The same people that passed Milli Vanilli off as "real talent" then when the secret was out, turned on them and threw them to the wolves. He's one of the reasons why CD's, which are considered ancient technology now, still cost the same as they did back in the late 80's early 90's. It's all about money money money for folks like Simon. He could care less about actual talent. Thus the reason for the post. Some singer they said was only 4th place has one of the best selling albums in the Country while the person they crowned as the Champion will be playing small lounges in Vegas. See the irony there? Probably not as Ms./Mr. A Non-Knee Mouse probably doesn't even know what irony is (isn't that like steely.....). I respect people that gather up the courage to get out there and try their hand at singing (I will never do it because I suck as a singer....I would need years of voice coaching and lessons and I'd probably only be as good as say Chris Martin from Coldplay). Don't you love how if you say you don't like something that everyone else loves you get accused of not having "a Life"? I have a life Ms./Mr. A.....I'm not a sheeple like you. OOOO everyone is watching "American Idol" so if I want to be "part of the crowd" I will watch it too. I bet you liked Friends and Seinfeld too? I thought they were both the lamest shows ever. Neither was funny, and both were populated by whiny, unlikeable characters. Thanks for your comment Ms./Mr. A...... I love it when the Sheeple speak to me............

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