Monday, December 31, 2007

Dark Dungeons

No it's not some kinky S&M thing, it's the title of the most ridiculous piece of Evangelical Paranoia every written.  All Gamers know this "tract" from Jack Chick.  We've all read it and had a damn good laugh at it.  Mr. Chick is one of those people that lives in a box.  He's one of those King James guys who claim that Catholics aren't Christians (Huh????? It's true).  Here's the link so you can get a good laugh out of this serious comic. Yes, Mr. Chick believes that Dungeons and Dragons, the Grand-daddy of all RPG's is training you for induction into a COVEN!!!!  I have to pause for a moment to stop laughing.  If you read any of the tripe on his site, there are literally THOUSANDS of covens in every City in the Nation.   So apparently you playing a Warrior-Priest Character and calling upon your "God" in the game for assistance, this means you are really calling this "God" to come into you.  Let's see, I was raised Catholic (oops, according to Chick that may be my problem....) and I've played D&D; alot of D&D.  I've played since I was in High School and I still play (well not lately) RPG's whenever I can.  Not once did I believe that it was anything other than what it is: A FREAKING GAME!!  Apparently this fool at the end of his comic Dark Dungeons claimed that Tolkien and CS Lewis were raging Satanists.   I guess Chick never read the Chronicles of Narnia with it's "Jesus" like character Aslan who rises from the Dead on the Third Day.........oh wait, those comments have been since removed because it was considered OKAY by his looney Fundy Buddies that Narnia had a big Christian Message......I see the parallels, and know the background of Lewis but whatever.  Same with Tolkien.  He was an extremely religious man.  Isn't it funny how they vacillate when it's considered OKAY by the majority of their nut job pals?  Too much.  Apparently now J.K. Rowling, the woman I personally want to thank for making kids want to read a book again, is the Devil incarnate.  Yep, Harry, Hermione and Ron are all evil Hellspawn.  If you read the bunk on his site, there are several "samples" of the Evils of D&D.  Kids killing themselves, their parents, their siblings, each other, etc etc........I say this, if your kid goes looney because he played a game, it's not the games fault.  Just like the kid who committed suicide while listening to the Ozzy song "Suicide Solution".  The parents sued Ozzy...yeah it's some drunken British Rocker's fault your child was unhappy.  Notice a common theme in my posts?  "No responsibility for their own actions....pass the blame off onto someone/thing else."   Mr. Chick is still around and kicking, and every once in awhile I have to read the "Dark Dungeons" comic to get a good laugh.  What's great about my reactions to this whole thing a long time ago (I used to be really pissed at Chick, now I pity him because he will never know joy in this life) is that I see my Step-Daughter Liv being similarly incensed by things that she does that someone says is "evil" or "bad".  The other day her and her friend Tara were watching some NBC news commentary on "The Scourge of Emo Culture" or something like that.  Liv is a pseudo Emo girl.  She has dyed her hair black (meh whatever.....if the girl wants to express herself, let her.  Certain things will not be tolerated, but dying ones hair ain't gonna kill her.)  and is a big fan of Avril Lavigne.  She even went and bought fingerless gloves that are pink and black like Avril.  Well after listening to this "Emo's are evil" newsbroadcast (you know the kind; "Parents do your children do blah the where such and such...then you better watch out because OMGBBQ they will commit suicide/murder/vandalism/arson or insert evil, vile behavior here".....I love how the news has become "Let's see what we can scare the masses with today?".  She and Tara got so mad (I was very proud of her......she's a smart kid who thinks for herself.  There's hope for the world after all) they went outside and in fake spray on snow sprayed EMO RULES on our driveway.  Oh yes, and the ever Emo symbol the skull and crossbones (apparently we have depressed Pirates now...).  I told her that I love Emo and think it's really entertaining.  She looked at me funny and I said "Seriously.  Emo Phillips is darn funny.  You should listen to him sometime."  

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