It's New Year's Day. Yeah I know, I don't get excited about it either. I do know one thing, W will be out of office at the end of this year. Now that's something to get excited about. Here's hoping that this Country wakes the Hell up and realizes that the person we put in the White House we are stuck with for at the least 4 years. Remember that. I honestly think that the Office of President should be reviewed by the People every year; like you get at your job a performance review. If the review is in the extreme negatives, then that President should be demoted to VP and a new President elected. That will make them actually do something now won't it. It might actually make them part of that whole Government for the People, by the People. You know, that passage that is on that 200+ year old document sitting in Washington DC. The one that starts off with "We the People.....". The one with great Men's signatures on it, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, that big show off John Hancock (notice he had to write his name bigger than anyone elses.....). Since 9-11-01 our Government has forgotten all about that document, and "We the People" have let them. Let's make 2008 the year we take back our Civil Liberties that have been stolen from us. No more snooping on random phone calls. If you suspect that Muslim group of being terrorists; fine bug their damn phones. Don't pull Grandma's out of line for a random security search at airports, or kids, pull people like me: dark skinned, dark haired between the ages 0f 18-40 something. I don't care.
Happy New Year.
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