So says the cover of Us/People (or whatever Hollywood gossip mag that I saw in our lunchroom). Really???? You don't say???? If Us/People is just figuring that out now, they need help. Yes, Lynne Spears should be ashamed of herself. She's proof you can take the girl out the trailer but you can't take the trailer out of the girl. This woman has whored out both of her daughters to fill her coffers with no care as to how it affects them. Never been a Brittney fan, but I pity the girl. It's easy to laugh at her because the masses lifted her up so high that her fall into oblivion makes us feel good about ourselves. "God my life sucks!" you may say, as the bills pile up and it gets harder to make ends meet. Then you see Brit on the TV, shaving her head, flashing her privates, being chased by photogs and generally spiraling around the drain that is mental and physical health. You look at this and say "Hell at least I'm not Brittney...." It's a nasty thing we do, but we can't help it. We are constantly told these people are better than us, and that pressure makes Lower Middle Class folks like Lynne Spears whore out their daughters for profit. Or the Ramseys.....Mom used to be a Beauty Queen.....never knew anything else in by on her looks because some of us men are stupid and want the Beauty Queen with no ambition other than to marry a rich Dude. They have children and Mama Beauty Queen who's now lost her looks because duh we all age....tarts up her 5 year old and lives vicariously through her. Or you have Joe know him....another lowlife who whores his daughters out for his profit. I feel sorry for those girls too. These folks aren't the first, nor will they be the last. Remember the Osmonds? The Jacksons? The Osmonds didn't turn out so bad, but there was some drama there for awhile. The real damage was done to the Jacksons. Jeeeessssussss!!!!!! Ever wonder why Michael is so screwed up? Meet Joe Jackson...Patriarch and sadistic asshole. Child stars get destroyed for the most part in Hollywood. There are those that survive and survive well. There are those that go to the lowest lows and march right back to the top, head held high to succeed again. Drew Barrymore comes to mind. Tatum O'Neal is another. What's becoming more prevalent, and Thank God too, is parents being in control of what happens with/to their child stars. Not letting them be destroyed or become the next Brit, Paris, etc. One good example is Billy Ray Cyrus. Yeah I know....Mr. Achy Breaky Heart.....I give the man credit though, he watches out for his daughter like a hawk. She's a talented Kid and sets a good example. I guess these folks don't realize that when one is in the public eye, one is an example. There are folks that look up to you, want to be like you, imitate you. Brittney was selling bubblegum pop to 8 year olds but her videos were for the Dad's of those 8 year olds. WRONG!!!! I'm so glad my Step-Daughter has other idols....all strong and independent women. Not the Paris' or Britts of the world. I remember in High School wanting to be an Actor (thus my numerous Theater classes and roles in plays and 12+ year stint at Ren Faire and Dickens Fair) but if I had realized then what it meant, I would have said "Hell No!!!" No matter how clean you keep your nose, one stupid little slip and they broadcast it and try and tear you down for it. This happened to Miley Cyrus. Apparently now we have these Ticket Broker companies who are the reason ticket prices are so high for live shows. These guys are basically legalized scalpers. They have banks of Bot computers that are programmed to go off and buy the maximum number of tickets online that a person can buy. Thus the reason certain shows sell out so quickly. God I remember before the interwebs we had to sit on the phone and hit redial 40,000 times until you got through. These ticker brokers buy at the normal price, then sell at whatever the market demands. Miley tickets were going for 1-3K a piece because of these schumcks. Did the media blast the ticket brokers? NO. They said Miley should have had more control. Doesn't work that way moron media folks. She gets a percentage of the profits as well as the venue putting on the show plus the ticket company doing the original selling of the tickets gets a cut too. So the 60-80+ dollars you pay for a ticket goes to cover costs plus make several people a profit. Miley has no control over this. She signs a contract to do the show, and she is paid either a flat rate or cut of the ticket sales depending on the contract. When these brokers are selling them for 1-3K, they are the only one's seeing the profit from that. So Miley ain't making extra off the sales of high priced tickets, nor does she have say in who buys or doesn't I hate these schumcks. Something needs to be done about them........possibly have software where you have to type in a code on the screen that a Bot can't to be able to buy tickets. Might not stop these guys, but it will slow them down.
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