Thursday, February 28, 2008

We're a Scared and Confused Lot aren't we...

Since election time will be upon us it's hard for one to not get bombarded by everyone's pet peeve.  The War on Terror, the "Gay" Agenda, Abortion, Religion,'s enough to make you want to just nuke the planet from orbit and go live on the moon (although there are all kinds of things that go wrong with your body after years in lower or no gravity but I digress...).   We seem to get all worked up over things that aren't really important.   Little Johnny can't pray in school.  Little Johnny doesn't need to be praying in school, he needs to be learning to read and write intelligible English and how to do math.  Little Johnny needs to be learning about science and how the world works.....he needs to learn History so he knows what not to do when he gets older.   Little Johnny can pray on Sunday like everyone else, or at the Dinner table at home or at the side of his bed at night before he turns in.   We don't need to go Ape Shit and have protests and such about this.  The Government doesn't need to spend our tax dollars on this either.  Bob and Jeff want to get married as do Suzy and Cindy.  Rev. DoGood doesn't want them to because in his opinion they are sinners!!!!  Who cares?  Seriously, not to be an ass, but who cares right now.  This isn't important really.  I personally don't care if Gays get married or not, they aren't hurting me and my marriage like all the Religious nuts say they are.  We don't need to be spending tax dollars fighting this right now.   Abortion.....oh Lord help us!  It's legal and has been for a long time.  You don't like the idea of an abortion; don't get one!  I don't like you reading a book then telling me how to act because God said so but you don't see me telling you that you can't read that book, now do you?  Me personally, I'm Pro Choice because it's none of the Government's damn concern what a woman does with her own body.   Abortion is a traumatic thing and that woman needs to live with her own actions.    We don't need to spend any more tax dollars on this.   Athletes taking steroids.   Exactly what laws are they breaking doing this that the Government needs to spend tax dollars on hearings and such?    The War on Terror.  Yes, we do need to still spend money on this, but we don't need to constantly strip away more and more of a Citizen's rights to do so.   They say the surge is working; is it?  What exactly are we doing over there now?  We are not fighting to free the Country anymore, we've done that and did a damn fine job.  We are now just occupying a foreign nation and doing so because of a Moron in DC who says we are doing good.  We are just dying is what we are doing.  We should be in Afghanistan reducing the mountains of the Khyber Pass to rubble so we can kill Osama....the real bad guy.  It's the distraction I guess.  Let's get all worked up over prayer in school so people will hopefully forget there are real issues going on that need to be addressed.   A good portion of the populous has no Health Care.   As far as I'm concerned fix that problem first, then we can talk about Gays getting married or Johnny praying in Math Class.   Insurance companies are raping "we the people" as badly as the Oil companies are.   Shrub is letting them do it and not lifting a finger to stop it.  Yes I know it's a free market, but please.  It's like the Oil companies as well.  They are making a killing and we are suffering.  We love our cars, and we are paying the price for that love.  Is there another way?  Not in Middle Tennessee.  Transit only works if you work Downtown Nashville.  I work on the outskirts.  I could take the train, then hop on several busses and all of that would take me about 2 hours of waiting and boarding and unboarding and having to pickup transit far away from where I work.  Or I can drive and it will take me 45 minutes at the most.  There's a saying that says don't sweat the petty stuff.  Really, roids, prayer, abortion and same sex marriage are the petty stuff.  There are more important things we should expend our energy on.

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