I will let Ha Ha Guy make my snarky remark for me.....
Yes, you can all figure out what this is going to be about.....or can you? I know you are saying "go ahead Mr. Ranter, let's hear all about what a loser Bristol Palin is because she's 17 and preggers...."
Nay nay good readers, you do me a disservice. Bristol Palin is not running for office, and yes I believe that you are fair game but only when you are a certain age. Bristol is only 17 and she's not campaigning for Mom whereas Chelsea Clinton is in her 30's and was center stage stumping for Mom. Chelsea=fair game Bristol=leave the kid alone she has enough crap to deal with....especially because she is being forced to marry Levi her "f**in Redneck" boyfriend who "doesn't want kids". Too late Levi. So no, I'm not going to slam a teenager ill equiped to make an intelligent decision regarding birth control. Especially a teenager who was told to "just don't do it because it's a SIN!!!!!". Yeah, like that's going to stop raging hormones....... No dear reader, this is going to be about her Mom, Sarah Palin and the Ha Ha Guy is because of the hypocrisy of the Republican Party.
According to the Repubs, Obaman doesn't have the experience to lead. John McCain does because he flew a plane in the Navy in Nam and he got shot down and was a POW. Thanks for the Service John, but that doesn't make you leader caliber. Obama has been a Senator for 2 terms, McCain for a lot of years. Now we have Palin who Fred (dum dum....sorry had to throw the Law and Order thing in there.....) Thompson says "is qualified to lead this Country should she have to." Really? She was the Mayor of Podunk Alaska before becomming Governor and only serving.....a year!!!! Governor of a huge State with not a lot of population, also head of an organization who's goal was to have Alaska succeed from the Union! But you know McCain says "Country First".....I guess he forgot to as Sarah if she was for Country First or Alaska First.....it sounds to me like it's Alaska first. Yep folks, in her first interview after being picked as McCain's running mate she basically sad "I'm so happy with the things I can do for Alaska and Alaskans...." Ummmm I thought the President and Vice-President were supposed to be concerned with all 50 States and not just one? Sounds like she's still looking for that chance of succession.
I pause for one comment about the Bristol situation.....two things about her pregnancy that glaringly point out Mom's hypocrisy:
1. Just goes to show that "abstinence Only" education in schools is full of loads of Fail.
2. Proves that our Sex Offender laws can be way too strict. Levi is 18, Bristol is 17, according to the law he should be arrested and at least have to register as a sex offender for having sex with an underage girl. I think that 17 is one of those border line ages that should be viewed as if it was a crime by the age difference between the two parties involved. A 20 year old and a 17 year old...yeah he's a big perv. 18 year old and a 17 year old......pretty consenual if you ask me.
I also would like to point out that if Bristol was Obama's 17 year old daughter, the GOP wouldn't pull any punches and slam the crap out of the kid and it wouldn't be "a private matter".
Palin also was instrumental in getting funds for building a bridge to some island in Alaska that wasn't necessary to build a bridge to because no one went there. When the press got ahold of the truth and it was being called "The Bridge to NoWhere" she changed her mind and said she wasn't for it and it was a dumb idea. Did she give back the tax money? Hell no!!! This is a woman who like most Republicans think that the Government should be not so involved in our lives; unless you want to have an abortion or you want to take your Wife off of a life support system because it was her last wishes......then they can get up in your business. Or if they want to pull the 80 year old Granny out of line at the Airport because she could be a terrorist or listen in to your phone calls because it's their right because they are looking for terrorists. Yeah it's okay then. Apparently she is so Pro-Life that she thinks any form of birth control is abortion. Wow!!! Tell that to all those little 13 year old boys going through puberty. I guess all that choking of the chicken is abortion too.
Bbbb...but Obama has no experience and POW...9/11.....
Yeah right.....Ha Ha indeed.
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