I made a special badge for the Undecided Voter. The Undecided Voter is that guy in line ahead of you at McD's looking at all his choices conviently packaged into numbered combos or an entire .99 cent value menu but still hems and haws and just can't make up his freaking mind! Meanwhile behind him are about 5,000 people who already knew what they wanted coming in (for Christsake it's McDonalds...they serve Hamburgers, Fish Fillet sandwiches and Chicken items plus fries, drinks, salads and other sides...oh and dessert. Not really hard to figure out what you want. Beef, Chicken or Fish, something to drink and a side or dessert if you feel like it.) or figured it out within 5 minutes of standing in line. The Undecided Voter is the lady at the grocery store who has a debit card, but insists on still writing a check!!! And of course she waits until the guy/gal is done ringing her up to fish for her check book in her purse, fish around again for a pen, slowly opens the book, starts to write check, asks for the total about a dozen times (even though it's right there on the cashier's screen....) then fumbles through her purse again to find her wallet so she can show her ID. Then takes approximately 12 years or so to pack everything back in the purse and slowly walks towards her cart and takes her crap out to her car. Meanwhile the line behind her is to the frozen food aisle near the back of the store!!! Or the guy/gal that when you are out to dinner and has looked at the menu about 50 times but still can't make a bloody decision!!! This clown asks "what are you having?" to each of his/her dining companions. For folks like that I always want to respond "I'm having a hard time keeping myself from taking this butter knife and jamming it in your eyeball is what I'm having...".
This is the Undecided Voter. So to the Attention Whore Undecided Voter I say this: November is 2 months away!! You will be called upon on November 4th (or somewhere around there) to make a decision that affects you and your fellow Americans. Heck, early voting is going to start in a week or so around here. Here's your choices, and they are really easy.
A man who's only claim to experience is that he was a Prisoner of War for 5 years in Nam. This same man has lots of experience in the Senate and at one time was a Centrist but in the past 8 years has sided with the bad decision making process of his Party's main stooge 95% of the time. A man who's answer to our ongoing fuel shortfall is to "drill baby drill!" and to take tax revenue away from each State to give you that "tax holiday" during the summer on your gas....which if you really thought about it would really screw up our State's big time. Folks forget that the money from fuel taxes goes to maintaining roads, salt trucks to de-ice said roads in the wintertime (what do you think the City/County/State just magically waves it's wand and poof there are salt trucks that mystically appear as if out of nowhere????) but hey it will lower gas prices right??? Don't bet on it. It will just put that much more profit into the pockets of the oil companies. (side note here: The Republican Party used to be strong on defense and all about smaller Government and very Pro Corporation. Now it seems like it's become the Jesus Party and the take away every Civil Liberty our Citizens have because we need to be safe from the Islamic Facists.) A man who wants to basically continue the failed policies of the last 8 years and drive our economy further into the ground and a man who's running mate talks about women breaking the glass ceiling but wants to deny a woman her choice of what to do with her body and wants to stop scientific advancement. A running mate who thinks that Global Industrialization has nothing to do with the Planet's Climate changing.
A man who has only had two terms as a Senator but before that was a Lawyer and a State Senator. A man who could have worked at some big Law Firm getting crooks and murderers off but instead worked at a smaller Firm. A man who is a Community Organizer, essentially a person who gives of themselves to help take back a Community from the degradation and corruption that have ruined it. (Word of note for Sarah Palin: Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer and Pontius Pilate was a Governor......just wondering, why does she hate Jesus?) A man who made the South Side of Chicago a better place to live and stopped it from becomming Detroit!! A man who's only mantra is Change we can believe in and Hope (you know the last thing in Pandora's Box that helped make all the evil's contained therein palatable). A man who has written down what he wants to do across Party lines to help this Country pull it's collective head out of it's collective ass. It may be a painful process folks, but isn't birth/metamorphosis always a bit painful. Ben Franklin said "No gain without pain" (yes Ben said it first...). There may be an increase in taxes, but how the Hell do you people think crap gets done? With Rainbows and Unicorn Farts?????? The once almighty dollar still talks, although it's a bit short of breath right now. Everyone bitches about "those damn Chinese taking over" but yet still shop at WalMart. I hear these same people say "why don't we make stuff here anymore?" Because the present Administration and the one before it, yes Bubba I'm looking at you and your dumbass NAFTA, made it so attractive to the Corps to manufacture everything cheaply that they didn't stop to think of the impact on the Economy of the Country their consumers live in. You can stop bitching and do something about it. Barack wants to give tax breaks to Corporations that stop outsourcing manufacturing jobs and start re-opening factories here in the US. Make it more attractive to the Corps to give the Middle Class jobs back. Look let's face it, some people's skill set and education level only allows them to work certain kinds of jobs. There's nothing wrong with that, the world needs ditchdiggers you know. What's wrong is those folks don't have a place to work anymore because a bunch of Chinese folks are doing their jobs in Beijing or Shanghai for 25 cents an hour. The way to change that will be to vote for Obama, not McCain. McCain will continue to encourage the Corps to do business as usual. Obama may not be able to do everything he wants to do, but dammit he at least wants to try. Honestly folks, how much worse can he make it? I do know that if the present trend continues our Country may not bounce back. Nothing we do is going to make gas prices come down. Not happening. The only thing we can do is continue to research, and I mean non-oil companies doing the research, alternate ways to get us from point A to Point B. Seriously people think about it. We get our television via Sattelites now. Civilians have freaking sattelite dishes on their houses!!! Land line phones have gone the way of the DoDo now. You can use cable lines to speak to each other now. Hell we have cellular technology. Portable/Mobile phones have gone from a large box in your car with external attennae to something the size of a pack of smokes to something that fits in the palm of your hand!!!! We have cars that used kinetic energy from braking to store power in a battery and that stop using gasoline when the engine is running under 40 mph!!!! We've had all these advances, except in the crap that makes your car go. In all this time we haven't found another method of internal combustion????? We've got freaking mechanical arms that do heart surgery now but we still use gas to make a car go. We've improved engine technology for cars but it's still the basic internal combustion engine. Something's seriously wrong with us if we can give that up.
So Undecided Voter again, in simple terms, here's your choice:
Business as usual (in the words of Dr. Phil, how's that working out for ya?)
An attempt to begin to fix the problem.
It's really not that hard.
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