Heard a new term on the news last night: SMiShing........Yep...the spammers and con artists are at it again. This time they are texting their scams to you. Oh Joy!! For those that don't know, SMS is the technical term for texting.....you know the only form of communication that teenagers use nowadays. It's very rare to see a group of Teens actually talk to each other using their vocal chords. I know, I sound like my Father but hey....I'm 43 so get off of my Lawn!!!! I also read today of a new scam of using the telephone to try and con Gradmas out of their cash. This lady who has 13 Grandkids (HOLY CHRIST!!! Let's just pause for a second and let that sink in.......if she has 13 Grandkids, just how many Children did she have?????? And if it's not a lot, then how many freaking kids did they have????) got a call from one of them which started out like this:
"Hey Grandma it's your Grandson."
"Which one?"
"It's me Grandma...." (this folks is your clue that this is a scam.......)
"Is that Jaime???"
"Yeah Grandma it's me Jaime....I need 5,000 because I'm in jail and need bail..." (clue #2 that this is a scam..)
So Grandma went to get the cash but, unlike most Seniors her age, the jist of the call started really bugging her. Something wasn't right. Before she got to the bank to get her money she called the Police Station her "Grandson Jaime" was supposedly at. The Cops told her he wasn't there and it was a scam. She called Jaime's Mother and found out he was right there at home. Kudos to you Granny......good to see some intelligent people are still out there.
Here's a few helpful hints to keep you from falling prey to these losers:
1. Your bank/credit card company already has all of your information. Hell it's available to some minimum wage Customer Service Rep in Podunk, USA at the touch of a keystroke or available to someone that doesn't speak real good English in Bangalore, India. Your bank/credit card company will not ask you for this information unsolicited. In other words, your bank/CC isn't going to call you, email you, text you out of the blue and ask for this information. The only time they will ask you to verify this info or for this info is if you call them. So, if your bank sends you an email, leaves a message or texts you asking for this info; it's a scam.
2. A British Barrister does not represent the exiled Prince of Nigeria, Nairobi, Somalia, nor does he have 100,000 to put in your bank account, nor does he have a check for you to cash for him. All legal issues are handled via written document....the last holdouts on the whole "Paperless" thing. Lawyers love paper....love it. Try getting divorced sometime....I have a shoebox full of documents. My Wife's shoebox is bigger....
3. There is no Yahoo ATM Sweepstakes (????????). This is the lamest one yet. If Yahoo, or anyone for that matter, runs a contest they advertise the shit out of it and have official rules, etc posted. Most ATMs will only let you take out a couple of thousand dollars a day...these "ATM" cards say you can get up to 100,000 or something like that.
4. No you don't need that cheap viagra and/or cialis from Mexico........
Seriously though folks, don't give out your info unless it's contact that you initiated. If I call Comcast to order cable service, then yes I'm going to give them personal info because they need it for billing purposes and credit checks. Same if I buy something online or over the phone...(call now....but wait there's more!! Now how much would you pay??). The best con-artists are friendly and clean cut looking. They are likeable people that you just want to help. Sorry, I'll call a tow truck for you or a cop if you're having car trouble, but I won't pay for it or give you a lift. It's the least I can do and until people stop taking advantage of other people it's all I'm going to do. I know, it doesn't sound like I'm a nice person, but you know what? I'd rather be rude than dead. Hitchhikers, I pass them by....too bad so sad. Walk it's good for you. Homeless folks, I might buy them a couple of burgers at McD's because I know they are hungry but I won't give them money. It's a scam. The money goes to further their habit which put them on the street in the first place. Remember, the folks that are truly homeless and need help know where to get it and usually are there trying to get the assistance. Not begging on the street. The beggars are the junkies and winos. Or street performers......just kidding. Protect yourselves and you won't need to order things like Lifelock or Identity Theft insurance (yes our State Farm Agent is now selling Identity theft insurance.....). I know you hear of customer info getting hacked or absolute Morons leaving laptops full of confidential material around to be stolen.......I bet this make the PerfectLine piss fire when this happens, if it happens on his watch.......but usually those instances are few and far between and those lawyers for those stores/agencies usually send out a letter (see there they go again. More paper...I told you Lawyers love paper...) warning you and have been paying for a year's worth of credit report monitoring to see if there's any odd activity.
So, remember, be safe and keep your private info just that....Private.
By the way, I have a check that needs to be cashed but I can't do it myself since I'm the Prince of Nigeria........no really I am.....