Friday, October 31, 2008

Socks and Barney

Today's strip explains my last post to a on the blog entry title to go to Steve Conley's page to see a bigger version.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can you hear the record skipping???

Note: I have removed the ads from by Blog. I hope you are reading this Google.....running ads about "Obama's Half-Brother in Kenya" really pisses me off. It's some BS Russian paper and ads like that are precisely what I rant about in this Blog. No more ad space for you. Not yours.

Now to our regularly scheduled Blog. I can't wait for November 4th to get here. I'm so tired of the Repulican Record skipping over and over again. It's the proverbial broken record. The tune goes something like this: Marxist, Socialist, Spread the Wealth, More taxes, more spending, give aways to the poor, small businesses going under (really? Honestly they think this is the truth? If you are a small business and you NET not GROSS but NET over 250,000 a year, then you need to Incorporate or become an LLC because you are no longer a Small Business. Also you need a better accoutant...just saying...) oh and this is the best one I've read today..."a half hour infomercial is kinda creepy.....", The ONE, The Messiah........I can go on, but why. The GOP is doing a fine job of that themselves thank you very much.

I love how the GOP plants/spammers/bots are putting down Obama for his half-hour infomercial last night. You are the assholes saying "we don't know anything about your sekrit mooslim messiah...." so when he puts an all about his background program on TV all you can say is "kinda creepy"???? Really??? Let's face it, you will never vote for a Democrat, no matter who he/she is. Stop coming up with excuses. Just say it and be honest. Or better yet, why not come out and say "I won't vote for a black man" because that's really the reason isn't it? C'mon, be an honest bigot......

Enough already!!! Jeebus Crist STFU!!! Look, you know how you're voting and I know how I'm voting and if at this juncture you are still and "undecided" well then you are just stupid. Seriously stupid.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Help I'm surrounded by Morons.....

Tenneessee is one of the states that has early voting so my Wife and I took advantage of my Friday day off to go vote. I remember polling places back home, there were never any campaign signs even remotely close to the polling place nor where there any folks out campaigning. I believe the law states that you can't campaign within 100 feet of a polling place.....out here though, it happens all the time. You drive up to the polling place and there are folks out there holding signs and waving at one tells you who to vote for, they just hold their sign and wave. They do seem to be far enough away, but it's still odd nonetheless. While waiting in line there was this motormouth who pretty much talked to this Rich, old White Dude non-stop. The ROWD (he had Republican written all over him) had made a comment.."as long as you pull the right lever...." which the other guy MM replied "as long as it's the Far Right one.....". Gee...I know Republicans in Tennessee.....say it ain't so?? Apparently that morning the Republican spammers decided to send out yet another "Obama is a sekrit mooslim beware!!!!" email which stated that Obama says he will be sworn in on the Koran. MM decides to discuss this with ROWD.... the conversation was something like this.....

MM:"I hear he's going to be sworn in on the Koran.....that's just unacceptable to me. That's an insult to our Christian Country..."

ROWD: mumbles something about "what do you expect from their kind"...

MM: "It is the Koran right? That's what those Muslims call their bible right??"

The picture explains my reaction perfectly........
I honestly just bite my tongue Wife and I just looked at each other and laughed. I told her "ignorant people amuse me.......". I mean seriously folks.....every single news agency out there and independent Media source says and I will put it in big letters for the benefit of people like ROWD and MM
Probably bears repeating
Honestly though, there are morons like ROWD and MM who only believe it if it comes from Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity (talk about your obssessed assholes....give me a break with this's like he's made it his personal mission to bring Obama down......) it's not true.
Off topic for a sec here: (in my best Andy Rooney voice) Have you ever noticed how the 24/7 news channels just go over the same old crap again and again? I've stopped watching any of them because it's all the same crap. I guess when you don't have anything new to report on in a 24 hour period, you have to fill in the gaps somehow. Take Nancy Grace (please take her...far away....) for instance. Not only does she have the most obnoxious and annoying voice on TV, but she has the ability to talk about the same cases every single day and say the same crap but in a different manner. Seriously, do you need to discuss "where Kaylee is" every single freaking day. Anyway, now back to your regularly scheduled blog post.....
Like I was saying, the stupid is strong here in the South sometimes. People's ignorance astonishes me. All you have to do is Google the rumor "Obama is a Muslim" and you will get a crapload of results saying "You're and idiot"....okay they won't say that, but they will point you to numerous places that tell you that.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Few cool and funny things....

Click on the link to see what would happen if McCain was to be President and cack's quite funny...hint, click everywhere.......

Fans of Wil Wheaton or fans of Criminal Minds....or fans of on the link to Wil Wheaton's blog (last link on the left hand side Links section) for his insight into auditioning for the role of Evil, Perverted serial killer guy....and there's a bonus link to his Flikr page with behind the scenes on the set photos of the shoot. Fairly cool......

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

1. Apply Stick to Dead Horse 2. Repeat

Ah yes, this elections GOP point they love to pound into the ground.  Socialism.  Yep, just keep beating that dead horse boys and girls.  Socialism.  Barack Obama is a "Secret Mooslim" and wants to destroy us with Socialism.  Because he wants to give Billionaire Corporations a 3% tax increase and lower taxes for the Middle Class.  Yep, Socialism.  Honestly I'm a supporter of one lump tax; say 5% of your yearly income whatever that may be.  Or, to be completely fair, no income tax but a high sales tax...say 15%.  This way your gross income that looks real good before it gets the crap taxed out of it will be your net if you make 4K a month (average gross income) you get to keep that money and you won't mind so much paying 15% sales tax on something.  And, I'm not talking taxing food  Groceries, meat, veggies....we're talking fresh stuff here, not canned or processed or pre-packaged.....should not be taxed.   Food is a necessity; we eat or we die, it's that simple.  These two options I believe would be a completely Fair Tax.   In the meantime, I will take a tax break so I can get my financial situation so that I'm not living paycheck to paycheck (like half the Country or more...).  Bush and Company believed that if you are nice to the Big Corps it encourages them to re-invest in our Country.   On paper that looks good....okay, Hell that doesn't even sound good on paper.  It's laughable.   Again I will tell you a Corporations driving force: Profit.  Enough profit to pay dividends to Preferred Stockholders and still have enough left for the CEO, CFO and all of the Board of Directors to purchase yet another Yacht or another Summer Home.  Meanwhile they, who could afford to pay taxes, get tax breaks.  Huh???  That's right, those who never have to worry about not paying one bill this month so they can buy groceries get to pay less in taxes.  Is that fair?  Oh, and of course they lobby the crap out of Congress and the Senate to pass new tax laws that give them the ability to have these breaks.  I have a co-worker who's opinion is that taxing the Corporations more is wrong because it's their investments that drive our economy.   I have to say she's mistaken on that.  This is a Capitalistic Society, and our economy is driven by You and Me and our ability to buy shit.  Simple.  Just look around.  Movie Theaters are wastelands, restaurants the same.  Places that sell "entertainment", like the aforementioned theaters and restaurants, are closing up.  Tourist destinations are recording less Americans visiting and more folks from the European Union Countries....gee perhaps it's because the Euro makes the Dollar look liked a beaten dog.....even State Parks are recording lower numbers of folks going camping...unless they live nearby.  All these places are suffering because You and I don't have the extra cash left over each month to spend.   See, WE drive the economy.   Retail establishments are saying that they are most likely not going to hire Christmas help this year because they don't expect a huge rush.   Think Rich Folks having more money to invest in Wall Street is going to fix that???  NO.  They will invest it in Oil and Foreign markets.   Oh yeah, and let's just see how much those Corporations care about the US Economy......look at the label in your clothes, on the food you buy, Hell most of the crap we buy......does that label say "Made in the USA"?  I highly doubt it.  I bet it says "Made in China" or "Hecho en Mexico" or "Made in Vietnam".  Yep, for every label that doesn't say "Made in the USA" that equates to shitloads of lost American jobs....but hey, Failin's hot so let's vote for her........or McCain is a POW and a real 'merkin because he's....well he's white.......yeah that's it.   What truly galls me is that I hear shitloads of people say Obama will turn us into a Socialist Country.  I have news for you, we already are.  Take this fabulous 700 billion dollar bailout for instance.  Right now, the US Government basically has become Majority Owner of craploads of Banks.  That's right, Nationally run banks...which is what you find in Socialist Countries.  Oh wait, not that's not taxes on hugely wealthy folks is because they are special.....and if you work hard Joe the Plumber and Edna the Lunch Lady and Cathy the Real Estate Agent and Lola the Single Mom who works retail...that's right if you work hard and pay more taxes than you really can truly afford to then you will become wealthy and special too.   Look folks, not everyone gets to be an Astronaut okay.  We need ditch diggers, and there are those who are happy to be ditch diggers.  Nothing wrong with that, it's hard work but productive and necessary.  All Dan Ditchdigger wants is to be able to afford a house for his family with access to good schools and a good neighborhood.  He wants to be able to afford to take his family to the Doctor when they get sick without having to take out a second mortgage to pay the bill.  He wants to be able to put food on the table, but give "the cook" a night off once in awhile and treat the family to a meal out.  So if voting for Obama makes me a Socialist and a Hater of America, so be it.  It's better than backing a senile Old man who thinks we need to keep spending 10 billion dollars a day sitting in a desert far far away playing target for nutjobs because we need a "victory".  Um, I thought Shrub said "mission accomplished" and isn't Saddam Hussein rotting in a grave now?   What exactly would you call that but a freaking Victory.   It's okay, because on 1/20/09 when President Barack Obama takes that oath of office I will try to not grin in your faces and say "who hates America now asshole??".  When you are enjoying having money to save and some extra to spend on nice that Plasma TV....all because you have more of your paycheck each month because of Middle Class tax breaks, I will try hard not to point at you and say "how you liking this Socialism we're having?".  Or when you can afford to take your family to the doctor and they find that cancerous lump on you early and they are able to operate and get it out of you before it can spread because you were able to go to the Doctor more than just "when you are sick" and you end up being Cancer free for a good long while, I will try not to be too much of an Asshole when I say "Isn't that better than that 5K one time check McLame was going to give you???  How's that Socialism working out for you now?"  Or when the CEO of some huge Corporation cries because the extra 3% tax he has to pay won't let him buy yet another Ferrari (bbbbb but I wanted an even dozen....) I'll try hard not to laugh.   Or when all those Corporations are still happily in business and making profit even though they are paying an extra 3% I will really try hard not to say "Told ya so.....".  

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not Counting my chickens or anything but.....

It looks like this Country is finally waking up. Is it just me, or (in the immortal words of David Letterman) does John McCain look more and more like a retiree who can't remember where he parked his Buick??? Seriously John, you don't look good man. I guess pulling crap nuggets out of your ass and calling them "facts" is taking more of a toll on you than you first imagined. The McCain folks keep saying how Obama is going to raise takes for those that make 48K......even though the Man himself has said numerous times that he won't......then McCain himself says Obama is going to fine parents and small business owners who don't have insurance on their children or employees???? Where the Hell is this coming from? Honestly what is the basis for this crap nugget. Then we've got Sarah Failin who keeps on saying that Obama consorts with evil domestic terrorists.....even though in the last debate Obama laid out the facts of that affiliation. People change Caribou Barbie.....just look at your running mate. He went from true Maverick in 2000 to senile old fart in 2008 who would stoop to new lows to win. Oh, and by the way, for those of you that are still undecided.......time to make a decision. Seriously folks, if you haven't figured it out by now then you are full of shit and just an Attention Whore or you are truly clueless. I call BS on all of those "undecided" voters that Katie Couric interviewed....the ones that got to go to the debates because they were undecided. I think they just claimed to be undecided so they could get a free trip to a debate and get on TV. Did you see that one old bitty? She had rich, white Republican written all over her and of course she was "moved" by what McCain said. Lord help us. I could see which ones were Dems and which ones were Repubs right off the bat. Undecided my ass. I will tell you though, Obama better make good on what he says or he only gets one term out of me. I gave Clinton only one term because I just didn't see all the good he did the first time around. Yeah I know, I was a bit clueless but I wasn't married yet so I kinda didn't notice any differences. Ah well. Here's hoping we don't have a Bradley Effect (although from what I read its different this time around. The Bigots are being honest Bigots.). For those that don't know, the Bradley Effect refers to Tom Bradley's defeat to Deukmajien for Governor of California. He was leading in the polls, but it was determined that alot of the White folks that said they'd vote for him, just said that because they were afraid to admit they wouldn't vote for Bradley because he's black. This time around we actually have people saying they won't vote for Barack because they don't trust "his people"........

And she wonders why they all leave her.....

Is it just me, or is the rest of the Country sick of hearing about how much in love and how special Tony Romo is to Jessica Simpson? Seriously girl, who the Hell cares???? I'm glad you're happy, but Lord STFU already!!! This talentless hack is the epitome of an Attention Whore. She can't act, can't sing without a crapload of producing so basically what she is going to do is make herself hated by every single Cowboys fan in Dallas. It's okay though, they deserve each other. He's as big of an AW as she is. He sits out a game with a sprained pinky????? C'mon Dude, this is the NFL....guys have played with worse. I can see if it was your thumb, kind of hard to get a good grip on the ball to throw it when you can't grip it, but a pinky??? So your spirals aren't that long as the ball gets to your intended receiver who cares how "nice" it looks. Back to Jessica, she's now on the cover of People with an apparent full blown interview of how "special" Tony is.....gaahhhhhhh Stop already.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Heard a new term on the news last night: SMiShing........Yep...the spammers and con artists are at it again.  This time they are texting their scams to you.  Oh Joy!! For those that don't know, SMS is the technical term for know the only form of communication that teenagers use nowadays.  It's very rare to see a group of Teens actually talk to each other using their vocal chords.   I know, I sound like my Father but hey....I'm 43 so get off of my Lawn!!!!   I also read today of a new scam of using the telephone to try and con Gradmas out of their cash.   This lady who has 13 Grandkids (HOLY CHRIST!!!  Let's just pause for a second and let that sink in.......if she has 13 Grandkids, just how many Children did she have??????  And if it's not a lot, then how many freaking kids did they have????) got a call from one of them which started out like this:
"Hey Grandma it's your Grandson."
"Which one?"
"It's me Grandma...." (this folks is your clue that this is a scam.......)
"Is that Jaime???"
"Yeah Grandma it's me Jaime....I need 5,000 because I'm in jail and need bail..." (clue #2 that this is a scam..)
So Grandma went to get the cash but, unlike most Seniors her age, the jist of the call started really bugging her.  Something wasn't right.  Before she got to the bank to get her money she called the Police Station her "Grandson Jaime" was supposedly at.  The Cops told her he wasn't there and it was a scam.  She called Jaime's Mother and found out he was right there at home.   Kudos to you Granny......good to see some intelligent people are still out there. 
Here's a few helpful hints to keep you from falling prey to these losers:
1. Your bank/credit card company already has all of your information.  Hell it's available to some minimum wage Customer Service Rep in Podunk, USA at the touch of a keystroke or available to someone that doesn't speak real good English in Bangalore, India.   Your bank/credit card company will not ask you for this information unsolicited.  In other words, your bank/CC isn't going to call you, email you, text you out of the blue and ask for this information.  The only time they will ask you to verify this info or for this info is if you call them.   So, if your bank sends you an email, leaves a message or texts you asking for this info; it's a scam.
2.  A British Barrister does not represent the exiled Prince of Nigeria, Nairobi, Somalia, nor does he have 100,000 to put in your bank account, nor does he have a check for you to cash for him.  All legal issues are handled via written document....the last holdouts on the whole "Paperless" thing.  Lawyers love it.  Try getting divorced sometime....I have a shoebox full of documents.  My Wife's shoebox is bigger....
3. There is no Yahoo ATM Sweepstakes (????????).  This is the lamest one yet.  If Yahoo, or anyone for that matter, runs a contest they advertise the shit out of it and have official rules, etc posted.  Most ATMs will only let you take out a couple of thousand dollars a day...these "ATM" cards say you can get up to 100,000 or something like that. 
4. No you don't need that cheap viagra and/or cialis from Mexico........
Seriously though folks, don't give out your info unless it's contact that you initiated.  If I call Comcast to order cable service, then yes I'm going to give them personal info because they need it for billing purposes and credit checks.  Same if I buy something online or over the phone...(call now....but wait there's more!!  Now how much would you pay??).  The best con-artists are friendly and clean cut looking.   They are likeable people that you just want to help.   Sorry, I'll call a tow truck for you or a cop if you're having car trouble, but I won't pay for it or give you a lift.   It's the least I can do and until people stop taking advantage of other people it's all I'm going to do.  I know, it doesn't sound like I'm a nice person, but you know what?  I'd rather be rude than dead.  Hitchhikers, I pass them by....too bad so sad.  Walk it's good for you.  Homeless folks, I might buy them a couple of burgers at McD's because I know they are hungry but I won't give them money.  It's a scam.  The money goes to further their habit which put them on the street in the first place.  Remember, the folks that are truly homeless and need help know where to get it and usually are there trying to get the assistance.  Not begging on the street.   The beggars are the junkies and winos.  Or street performers......just kidding.   Protect yourselves and you won't need to order things like Lifelock or Identity Theft insurance (yes our State Farm Agent is now selling Identity theft insurance.....).  I know you hear of customer info getting hacked or absolute Morons leaving laptops full of confidential material around to be stolen.......I bet this make the PerfectLine piss fire when this happens, if it happens on his watch.......but usually those instances are few and far between and those lawyers for those stores/agencies usually send out a letter (see there they go again.  More paper...I told you Lawyers love paper...) warning you and have been paying for a year's worth of credit report monitoring to see if there's any odd activity. 
So, remember, be safe and keep your private info just that....Private.
By the way, I have a check that needs to be cashed but I can't do it myself since I'm the Prince of really I am.....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Rants, Ravings and Other Helpful Nuggets

Per the SuperGoober's request for another post, here it comes.   Going to be several (at least two) items in here so buckle up.
The Bailout.   Honestly I'm glad that Congress is taking it's sweet time hammering out a package that will not reward the greedy bastards on Wall Street for being kids in a Candy Store.   Seriously, these bastards whined and whined about too much Government interference with the free market.  When the Gov backs off, the Greedy and Unethical bastards ran rampant; not caring who or what was destroyed in the process.  Like a pack of freaking locusts they chased profit at whatever the cost.  Now these same greedy bastards are asking You and I the American Taxpayer to give them our money so they won't lose their 5 Yachts, 10 Multi-Million Dollar Homes, 12 Sports Cars, Limo Service, etc etc.    Nice huh?   They dupe Americans into taking loans they can't afford or really don't qualify for (yes Prof...I know, we should all know what we are getting into, but not everyone in this Country is the GoG......).  C'mon folks, yes these people should have read the fine print, but the lenders should have spelled it out in plain terms as well.  If these lenders would have said "well with this loan package you will end up paying more for your house than it's worth, but hey in today's market the price should increase so it's okay.  Then when you have enough equity in the house you can refinance to a standard mortgage.  Of course, if the housing market slumps, you will get stuck owing us more money than your house is worth and that could be financially ruining to you.  Still want this loan, or would you rather just rent for awhile and build up your credit?"  I know, in the Real World lenders won't tell you the whole truth.   It would be nice if they did.  Here's a helpful nugget of information.    Housing Markets rise and fall all the time.  Any loan with a variable rate can, and most of the times will, increase and cause your payments to get out of reach.   I have yet to see an instance where a variable rate loan goes below the starting interest rate, they are just not set up that way.  Normally if say the Prime is 5%, your rate on a variable is about 6-7% to start.   A few points higher, but definitely not at Prime.  If you could qualify for Prime, why the Hell would you get a variable rate loan???  Think about it.  Most loans are from anywhere between 5 and 30 years (cars, personal loans tend to be in the 5 range whereas Mortgages are longer), do you really think that in that 5 years you're going to get a better rate than Prime?   My Wife's car loan is at 2.9% fixed.  Notice the word fixed.....I'm not stupid to think that it's going to go lower.   My mortgage refied at 5.85% FIXED.  Notice the word again.  That's right FIXED for 30 years at almost 6%.   If the trend of the cost of living continues the way it has, which so far it has, then I've done good.   I'm not going to gamble my freaking HOUSE on the chance that the Prime interest rate could go down to 4% or lower.  Ain't. Happening. Period.   Gas is between 3.50 and 4.00 a gallon, 8 years ago it was just over a dollar.   Remember what it cost to get into a movie 8 years ago?  10 years ago?  It's a lot more now isn't it.   I honestly think Congress should let these companies fail, crash and burn.  Look this "crisis" isn't as bad as it seems.  The market lost over 700 points on Monday, then rallied on Tuesday.   I don't think we have to worry about Soup Lines or "hey Brother can you spare a dime (like that would get you anything anyway....)".   I seriously think we should just let these greedy bastards die a slow painful death.  Oh, BTW, did you notice amidst all this financial "crisis" the price of a barrel of oil drop 10 bucks.    Funny that.  The reality; this Financial Crisis doesn't just affect us.  It's Global.  China owes their economy largely to the US (I mean 95% of what we sell here is made there.).  Japan the same (who buys more Japanese electronics and cars besides the Japanese......).  Seriously, this is bad but not so bad that we have to basically reward greed and bad ethics with a bucket of money.
Singles.  Now I know some of my friends are single, and others in extremely long term relationships but aren't married.  None of the following applies to you.  You folks don't whine and complain about your situations or want to be treated special for it.   I read an article in the Chron the other day ( about National Singles week or something like that.  Apparently there are Single folks who feel like they are being treated like second class citizens.  WTF?????  Get the sand out you whiny bitches!!  If you don't like being Single, then remedy the situation.   If you don't want to do that, then STFU!  So what would you like exactly?  Your benefits where you work are cheaper than mine.  You just have you to pay for.  I have to pay for me, the Spouse and any dependent children.   You get no sympathy from me.  Oh wait, you want domestic partner benefits?  Okay, that I'll give you.  If you are in a committed relationship and you and your SO live together, it would be cheaper for one party to pay for the medical.  But guess what?  You will be paying what I pay.   Actually I don't pay because it's too damn expensive.   That's a legitimate beef.  See I'm fair.  But, you have to be committed to that person for at least a year for it to kick in.  Sorry, being married should still have it's benefits.  You see being married should be rewarded because it's a lifelong commitment as well as a second job.  Ask any of your buds that are married.   A good marriage takes work.  Seriously, it's like the band on the finger is a beacon.  Married guys get flirted with more often than Single guys.  I think it speaks to our baser natures.  The Male of the species is supposed to attract that perfect mate for life and the Female of the species is supposed to actively seek out that mate.   Of course that is, like I said, our basest instinct.  Like the base, primitive, Male instinct is to spread his seed to as many fertile Females as possible for the continuance of the species.  So Single Dudes, stop whining like little bitches.  You get to indulge your inner primitive.  You get to only think about you.  You don't have to worry about having cash set aside for school clothes, fees and you don't have to use your gas being a chauffer.  You don't have to "clear it with the boss" as some guys put it.  If you want to go, you go.  Even if you are a married couple with no children, there is still someone else's agenda/plans to take into account.  I'm not sure how these people get the feeling they are Second class citizens.   Look, your married friends aren't going to the wild Orgy Party down the street unless they and their spouses are into that kind of thing.  Most aren't.  The majority of the GoG is married or in such long term relationships that they might as well be with the others Single.  The Single folks go out and party it up while the Marrieds don't.  In between marriages I used to attend a rather wild party called the KoK with the Perfect Line and other members of the gang.   The Discourser and the Prof never went.  Why?  Married guys.  The KoK is not a place for married guys unless that guy and his Wife are into the whole open marriage thing.  The Craftsman got married; he stopped going.  Pretty much now it would be the Perfect Line and maybe the Mighty Mook going.  Do you hear them whining about the fact that we can't go.  Hell no.  Do you hear them whining because they wish we could go.  Hell no.  They laugh and point is what they do.   So please, if you're Single I don't want to hear a freaking peep out of you.  If being Single gives you feeling so loneliness and isolation, then fix it.  Re-evaluate what you want out of a relationship and stop jumping into one just because.   Yes, more and more couples aren't getting married nowadays, and I don't really understand why.  There's a couple on the new season of Amazing Race (yes I know, but it's really the only Reality Show I actually like on TV) who have been together for 4 years, have lived together for most of it and now she wants to get married and he's freaking out about it.   I guess it's levels of commitment.  A marriage means it's that person and that person only.  That person comes before anyone else. At least that's how I look at it.  Maybe others see it differently, but I really still don't understand how it changes anything.  Honestly, you love that person, have been with them a long time and have no desire to be with anyone else so why not reap the benefits of being married (taxed less, health benefits...a married couple can conceivably have double coverage on medical insurance which is a good thing....etc).