Is it just me, or is the rest of the Country sick of hearing about how much in love and how special Tony Romo is to Jessica Simpson? Seriously girl, who the Hell cares???? I'm glad you're happy, but Lord STFU already!!! This talentless hack is the epitome of an Attention Whore. She can't act, can't sing without a crapload of producing so basically what she is going to do is make herself hated by every single Cowboys fan in Dallas. It's okay though, they deserve each other. He's as big of an AW as she is. He sits out a game with a sprained pinky????? C'mon Dude, this is the NFL....guys have played with worse. I can see if it was your thumb, kind of hard to get a good grip on the ball to throw it when you can't grip it, but a pinky??? So your spirals aren't that good....as long as the ball gets to your intended receiver who cares how "nice" it looks. Back to Jessica, she's now on the cover of People with an apparent full blown interview of how "special" Tony is.....gaahhhhhhh Stop already.
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