Tenneessee is one of the states that has early voting so my Wife and I took advantage of my Friday day off to go vote. I remember polling places back home, there were never any campaign signs even remotely close to the polling place nor where there any folks out campaigning. I believe the law states that you can't campaign within 100 feet of a polling place.....out here though, it happens all the time. You drive up to the polling place and there are folks out there holding signs and waving at you....no one tells you who to vote for, they just hold their sign and wave. They do seem to be far enough away, but it's still odd nonetheless. While waiting in line there was this motormouth who pretty much talked to this Rich, old White Dude non-stop. The ROWD (he had Republican written all over him) had made a comment.."as long as you pull the right lever...." which the other guy MM replied "as long as it's the Far Right one.....". Gee...I know Republicans in Tennessee.....say it ain't so?? Apparently that morning the Republican spammers decided to send out yet another "Obama is a sekrit mooslim beware!!!!" email which stated that Obama says he will be sworn in on the Koran. MM decides to discuss this with ROWD.... the conversation was something like this.....
MM:"I hear he's going to be sworn in on the Koran.....that's just unacceptable to me. That's an insult to our Christian Country..."
ROWD: mumbles something about "what do you expect from their kind"...
MM: "It is the Koran right? That's what those Muslims call their bible right??"

The picture explains my reaction perfectly........
I honestly just bite my tongue now......my Wife and I just looked at each other and laughed. I told her "ignorant people amuse me.......". I mean seriously folks.....every single news agency out there and independent Media source says and I will put it in big letters for the benefit of people like ROWD and MM
Probably bears repeating
Honestly though, there are morons like ROWD and MM who only believe it if it comes from Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity (talk about your obssessed assholes....give me a break with this guy....it's like he's made it his personal mission to bring Obama down......) it's not true.
Off topic for a sec here: (in my best Andy Rooney voice) Have you ever noticed how the 24/7 news channels just go over the same old crap again and again? I've stopped watching any of them because it's all the same crap. I guess when you don't have anything new to report on in a 24 hour period, you have to fill in the gaps somehow. Take Nancy Grace (please take her...far away....) for instance. Not only does she have the most obnoxious and annoying voice on TV, but she has the ability to talk about the same cases every single day and say the same crap but in a different manner. Seriously, do you need to discuss "where Kaylee is" every single freaking day. Anyway, now back to your regularly scheduled blog post.....
Like I was saying, the stupid is strong here in the South sometimes. People's ignorance astonishes me. All you have to do is Google the rumor "Obama is a Muslim" and you will get a crapload of results saying "You're and idiot"....okay they won't say that, but they will point you to numerous places that tell you that.
The funny thing is that if ROWD and MM were to ask McCain that question, he would tell them "Dude, he isn't Muslim, he's Christian, but I'm nevertheless, I'm so happy you've fallen for that line of hooey! I knew we can count on your racist paranoia! Welcome to the party!".
Just yesterday, Elizabeth Dole accused Kay Hagen of being a Godless Athiest in a TV Advertisement. However, Kay is a Sunday school teacher and Elder at her Presbyterian Church. Hagen is fighting mad and beginning litigation citing slander....opps!
Now I'm not so naive to think that the Left is above Fear-mongering, but given the unprecedented possibility of a complete Congressional, Senatorial, and Executive Democratic Landslide, the Right is resorting to a kind of campaign that I've never seen, with political tactics that even they see as reprehensible...but damn does it work!
Unfortunately, both Parties can count on the "idiot base" for a good 20 million votes a piece. Oh well, thats Democracy.
The idiot vote is kind of typical in this Red State I live in. They honestly don't see that the Repulican Party is the Party of the Rich, that caters to the rich, and doesn't give a shit about the poor.
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