Monday, June 23, 2008

Goodnight George....We miss you already.

Click on the blog entry title to go to the full article. George Carlin has passed on to that great Comedy Club in the sky. Now he can ask the question of his last book in person "When will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?". A pioneer in modern comedy and someone that never failed to make me laugh....never. His movie roles and recordings and cable specials always kept me in stitches. I remember how Kevin Smith actually gave him a likeable role in "Jersey Girl". He potrayed Ben Affleck's Father and instead of the insensitive smart ass he normally plays he was caring and wise. It was a different role, but great nonetheless. Goodnight George, we miss you.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dear George Lucas...hang it up!!!

Dear Mr. Lucas,

Please put down the pen and back away from the paper; for all eternity!!! Star Wars Chapters 1-3 (the movies who's existence I refuse to admit) were all pieces of crap. Darth Vader is the Ultimate Villain yet you portrayed his beginnings as a whiny, wuss who always pouted and bitched. Seriously, Anakin Skywalker, the worst character EVER!!! I guess have billions of dollars and thinking that since you created it you could do whatever you want with it (those "improved" versions of the original three movies.....) does go to one's head. Apparently you think you know what you are doing. You used to, like Spielberg, but now you basically are King Feces...everything you touch turns to crap. Take the latest Indiana Jones movie for instance. Thank God you had Harrison Ford in it. He can make a crap movie good just by his presence. I can tell from the opening scene that you wrote it. All the other movies started out with an action sequence. Indy is looking for something in a temple or what have you. The other three all started on a high note and kept up from there. This new one, not so much. Oooo a bunch of military trucks going down a Nevada Highway being challenged to a race from some Happy Day's rejects in a Hot Rod. Really dragged down the tone of the movie there George. The script you wrote basically was lame. Thank God for the action and the characters. Please, I implore you, stop now! It took you 25 years to "pen" Phantom Menace.........and that was 25 years too long. Just stop making movies and jump into you large vat of money and swim around.....really just continue to make special effects and leave the movie making to those that know what they are doing and aren't so impressed with the sound of their own voices that they forget where they started.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

More reviews

So watched the other two movies we rented finally.  Alvin and the Chipmunks is hysterical.  Seriously it's funny and you can watch it with the kids and they will laugh too.  Very nostalgic for those of us that have heard that Chipmunks Christmas song over and over again.   No Country for Old Men is typical Cohen brothers.  It just ends, and leaves you hanging in parts.  But, an awesome movie nonetheless.  The guy playing the killer was downright Evil......Lord he was brilliant.  Tommy Lee Jones was awesome too.  He gave you the sense of the Little Town Texas Sheriff putting in his last days before felt his fatigue and his "I'm to old for this shit" pain.  You also felt his boredom and lack of sense of worth in the very last scene of the's his first day of retirement and he hasn't a clue what to do with feel the frustration.  Great job and a great movie.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Movie and Game Reviews.

Rented 3:10 to Yuma plus No Country for Old Men and Alvin and the Chipmunks.....(yeah I know...but I loved those cartoons when I was a kid....and it has Jason Lee...). So far I've watched 3:10 to! What a great movie. It's less of a shoot 'em up Western and more of a study of the character of a Man....his honor and drive and sacrifice. Two great performances by Russell Crowe and Christian Bale (it still amazes me how well these guys hide their accents in movies......Russell is an Aussie, but you couldn't tell at all and Christian is a Brit.....). Just a really good movie. Also on Friday night got together with the guys from The Order (my Airsoft Team) and we cooked out and hung out at Skinny's In-Law's Cabin. We pretty much played the game Rock Band all night long (after a brief stint of Laser Tag...). What a fun game that is. I played drums the majority of the time and sang too. Even tried my hand at guitar. I've come to the conclusion that like myself, the majority of my Team couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Sureshot has about the only singing talent out of the group. It doesn't matter how well you sing in this game, as long as you follow the rythmn of the words.......and if one member of the band is blowing it...guitarist keeps missing the right colored button or drummer doing the same or singer failing miserably to keep up.....then another member can make a "cover" move to save the performance. It's really a cool's so much fun we played until like 5 am......

Friday, June 06, 2008

John Mayer=Giant Douche???

Click the link for the news apparently John Mayer (yeah you know the C-List singer who has been sleeping with every celebrity he can get a hold of) is "pissed off and disgusted" with the Guitar Hero games. He, in so many words, is saying that it "deludes" kids into thinking they can really play guitar and that they shouldn't be losers but should pick up the real thing themselves. Okay jack ass...WTF???? It's a freaking game Dude. It's Simon to rock music. Jesus why do people always want to be negative about something that encourages interaction. It's not like kids playing Guitar Hero sit on the couch like other video games, no they stand up with a plastic guitar and "play" it basically. Odds are, most of these kids are moving to the music as they play so it's basically EXERCISE...........Mayer, your music sucks and now so do you. Go away.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

And we thought Bill's Ego was big.....

From Wiktionary
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[edit] English

[edit] Noun
narcissist (plural narcissists)
Person full of egoism and pride.
The tyrant was known to his subjectives as a proud narcissist.
One who shows extreme love and admiration for oneself.

[edit] Translations
Czech: narcista
Finnish: narsisti
German: Narzisst m.
Italian: narcisista m. and f., narciso m.

I might have to go in and put a picture of Hillary in this Wikidictionary entry.......seriously Lady....GIVE IT THE HELL UP!!!!!!! The DNC is releasing press statements saying Hillary is going to concede to Obama.....then her camp says "No way...the numbers are 100 Percent wrong".....Okay...what color is the sky in your little world Hillary? Is that the same little world where Bill basically declared that Oral Sex wasn't "Sex"????? Thought so. I have some advice for you Senator Attention Whore....

1. Pick up towel
2. Aim at center of ring
3. Toss in towel.

Bow out gracefully while you still have a face to save. The longer you hang on, the more egg drips off of it......

Monday, June 02, 2008

I find it quite amusing.....

You've read my take on LARPers and folks that dress up in costume to attend movies.  There's another group called Cosplayers.  It's a derivative name that stands for Costume folks that go to conventions and dress up in costumes they create.  These are usually from Anime books and movie/tv shows........some from video games and other from other movies (Harry Potter, LOTR, etc).  Now most "normal" people would point an laugh at these folks....but what I find amusing is the amount of "normal" women going to the premiere of Sex and the City: The Movie dressed like the women in the movie!!!  Of course if you pointed that out to these women they'd say it was fashion and real life clothing....yeah average woman dresses in high fashion clothes to go see a movie.....don't think so.   Basically these women are being Geeks....but they'd never admit it.  I find it highly I've said before...everyone's a Geek......