Monday, June 02, 2008

I find it quite amusing.....

You've read my take on LARPers and folks that dress up in costume to attend movies.  There's another group called Cosplayers.  It's a derivative name that stands for Costume folks that go to conventions and dress up in costumes they create.  These are usually from Anime books and movie/tv shows........some from video games and other from other movies (Harry Potter, LOTR, etc).  Now most "normal" people would point an laugh at these folks....but what I find amusing is the amount of "normal" women going to the premiere of Sex and the City: The Movie dressed like the women in the movie!!!  Of course if you pointed that out to these women they'd say it was fashion and real life clothing....yeah average woman dresses in high fashion clothes to go see a movie.....don't think so.   Basically these women are being Geeks....but they'd never admit it.  I find it highly I've said before...everyone's a Geek......

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