Tuesday, June 03, 2008

And we thought Bill's Ego was big.....

From Wiktionary
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[edit] English

[edit] Noun
narcissist (plural narcissists)
Person full of egoism and pride.
The tyrant was known to his subjectives as a proud narcissist.
One who shows extreme love and admiration for oneself.

[edit] Translations
Czech: narcista
Finnish: narsisti
German: Narzisst m.
Italian: narcisista m. and f., narciso m.

I might have to go in and put a picture of Hillary in this Wikidictionary entry.......seriously Lady....GIVE IT THE HELL UP!!!!!!! The DNC is releasing press statements saying Hillary is going to concede to Obama.....then her camp says "No way...the numbers are 100 Percent wrong".....Okay...what color is the sky in your little world Hillary? Is that the same little world where Bill basically declared that Oral Sex wasn't "Sex"????? Thought so. I have some advice for you Senator Attention Whore....

1. Pick up towel
2. Aim at center of ring
3. Toss in towel.

Bow out gracefully while you still have a face to save. The longer you hang on, the more egg drips off of it......

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