Dear Mr. Lucas,
Please put down the pen and back away from the paper; for all eternity!!! Star Wars Chapters 1-3 (the movies who's existence I refuse to admit) were all pieces of crap. Darth Vader is the Ultimate Villain yet you portrayed his beginnings as a whiny, wuss who always pouted and bitched. Seriously, Anakin Skywalker, the worst character EVER!!! I guess have billions of dollars and thinking that since you created it you could do whatever you want with it (those "improved" versions of the original three movies.....) does go to one's head. Apparently you think you know what you are doing. You used to, like Spielberg, but now you basically are King Feces...everything you touch turns to crap. Take the latest Indiana Jones movie for instance. Thank God you had Harrison Ford in it. He can make a crap movie good just by his presence. I can tell from the opening scene that you wrote it. All the other movies started out with an action sequence. Indy is looking for something in a temple or what have you. The other three all started on a high note and kept up from there. This new one, not so much. Oooo a bunch of military trucks going down a Nevada Highway being challenged to a race from some Happy Day's rejects in a Hot Rod. Really dragged down the tone of the movie there George. The script you wrote basically was lame. Thank God for the action and the characters. Please, I implore you, stop now! It took you 25 years to "pen" Phantom Menace.........and that was 25 years too long. Just stop making movies and jump into you large vat of money and swim around.....really just continue to make special effects and leave the movie making to those that know what they are doing and aren't so impressed with the sound of their own voices that they forget where they started.
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