Thursday, September 09, 2010

Moron, Moron Burning Bright.

No, the above picture is not of the attention whore Pastor in Gainesville, Fla.  It's a dark fantasy of mine that this is what will happen when he goes to light that first match to set fire to his first Quaran....btw Jackhole it's not Kuran it's Quaran.  I mean if you're going to be a racist, hateful fuck you may want to spell shit right.  I have a deep, deep desire to see this picture on the news.  I can just see it now, "Well it seems that Pastor Jones put a bit too much lighter fluid on the bonfire and some of it got on his cheap suit."   Oh Pastor claim to be a "Man of God" but honestly, there's a very warm place waiting for you and Fred Phelps of Westboro when you both shuffle off this mortal coil....and not soon enough for me honestly.  I just don't get the hatred and ignorance.   Then again I'm not a Christian so maybe that's really.  I know tons of Christians who are appaled at this Jackhole.