Monday, March 29, 2010

The Death of the Video Store???

Apparently so.  I noticed that the two Hollywood Video stores in my area have Store Closing signs on them.  I just read an article to verify that yes, they are filing for bankruptcy and closing a lot of stores.  Their excuse?  Netflix and RedBox.  I didn't know this, but it seems that Movie Gallery bought out Hollywood Video (I thought they were just two different versions of the same place) and before they did this round of store closures, the Parent companies original stores, Movie Gallery, were the one's being closed first.  I don't think you can blame NetFlix or RedBox really.  It's the store management I blame.  They keep trying to shove this new "Powerplay" thing down your throat EVERY SINGLE TIME you go into the store and you literally have to tell them a dozen time "No, I'm not interested...thanks anyway."  I guess they were giving employees incentives to sign people up or something. Look, if I wanted to pay a monthly fee to rent movies I'd join Netflix.  Why should I pay a monthly fee to a brick and mortar store that I have to drive to and sometime come away empty handed from because what I want to rent isn't there?   So I pay you a monthly fee so you will lower your prices and then I get to keep the movie as long as I want........I have an idea, although it's obviously too late,  why not just lower your prices......See NetFlix charges a flat fee a month and not rental fee on top of were trying to charge a flat fee plus a rental fee.   Bad idea.   If you want to really compete with the competition, Walmart them.   Walmart loves to sell the same item for 5 cents cheaper....Wii Fit Plus normally retails for 19.99...Walmart had it for 19.94.   Very deceiving....not really, it's a typical Marketing ploy.  People buy more things at 19.95/19.99 than they'd do at 20 dollars.  It's a perception thing.  They think they are getting a "Great Deal!!!" but after sales tax they really aren't.  Sad to see Hollywood Video going away, where else am I going to rent Wii games to see if I want to buy them or not??? Yeah I know, Gamefly, but I don't like paying monthly fees for crap I don't use that often.  It's too bad Corporations don't see the big picture sometime. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

When does Rush's plane board?

Click on the blog title link to go to the blog of Zennie Abraham....a very astute blogger attached to  He's asking the same thing I'm asking.....when's Limbaugh leaving the country?  C'mon Rush, you said if Health Care Reform passes you'd go to Costa when's your plane leaving?  C'mon big mouth, man up.  You said you'd leave...get the fuck out already.  Ciao, buh bye.   Oh that's right, I forgot; you won't leave because you are a coward.  A lying, drug addicted, hate mongering, coward who doesn't have the balls to own up to the crap he spews.  If I was one of your listeners I'd be pissed at what a big liar you are.....oh yeah, those folks can't think for silly of me to forget that.  They need you and Beck to tell them their opinions.  I'm serious Rush; tell me when and where and I'll be there with a nice fruit basket doing my best Bugs Bunny impression: "Toodle oo, bon voy-agy...hor revor..."

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Generation PunkAss

You remember the Baby Boomers and Gen X and even Gen Y....I have a new one for you: Generation PunkAss.   In a conversation I had the other night with a friend I haven't spoken to in years we both came to the conclusion that Teenage Boys are dumbasses.   I remember back to my teen days and realize that nothing has changed, it's that we didn't get away with it.....or weren't allowed to anyway.   I've mentioned the Airsoft Forum and Field I frequent before, and there are a more than enough incidents of Teen Boy Dumbassery to back up my theory.   Teen Males tend to be mouthy, punks, etc but can usually be put in their's called Good Parenting....see when I was a dumbass, my Father would call me on it and straighten my shit out.   Or other adults would call me on it and if my Father was around those adults would have to get in line to straighten my shit out.  One of the topics on our forum is gaming, i.e. video gaming.  There's this one 14 year old dumbass who never knows when to shut his trap.  He is an XBOX's the best system ever, your opinion sucks, your an ass if you don't like it....blah blah blah.  When he is bombarded with facts he basically resorts to a digital middle finger and keeps running his mouth.   He's just 1 example of his generation.   They are all like that.  Seriously it's true.  One reason not to get an Xbox would be Xbox Live....a link to an online multiplayer area where you can play the same game with hundreds/thousands of other Xbox folks.   The problem with Xbox Live is it's populated by 12-14 year old males who are real tough guys behind the anonymity of the internet.  It's a constant trash talking, bullying, punkass environment.  A little friendly competition is one thing...i.e.  Dude you're going down....but these kids don't do that.  They take it to extremes.  I guess you can say that Ashton Kutcher is kind of the poster child for their generation.  Punk'd is the most annoying show ever.  Seriously Ashton....try some of that shit on me and a lawyer will be knocking on your door and I'll own everything you and your Mom...I mean Wife have.  I fear for my future....I really do.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Is it Just Me?

In the News Today:  1 out of 10 Tennesseeans is a Teabagger.  Really?  I thought anything closely related to being Gay was a sin?  That means that 1 out of 10 Tennesseeans is a hypocrite.  Oh wait, I think that number is probably bigger.   :)

In the News Today: More Global Warming "facts debunked" or something like that.  I get really sick of this shit.  I won't fully buy into Al Gore's Power Point Presentation of Doom and Gloom, but I do know a few things that I believe in:

A. 100+ years of heavy industrialization have screwed up our planet.  Period, Exclamation point.  We have been slowly taking steps to improve such things and I think we are doing a good job.

B.  The Anti-Global Warming folks' line about "If the planet is warming up then why is it so damn cold lately???"  is just plain stupid.   Think about it dumbasses.  Have you ever been swimming in a lake in the summer time?  The surface of the lake is hot and the temperature of the water gets cooler the deeper you are.  Every fisherman knows that if you want a chance at catching any fish at Noon on a summer day, you better make sure your bait goes real deep...that's where the fish are hiding where it's cool.  Our planet is experiencing the same thing.  The hotter the upper atmosphere gets, the colder it is closer to the surface of the planet.   That's why we are having what seems to be mini-Ice Ages. 

C. Why, oh why is it so bad of an idea to want to be more ecological in the way we deal with the environment?  Seriously you freaking monkies why are you so against this crap?   Give me a damn car that runs on waste water and I'll buy the bloody thing.  Imagine, a car that runs off of all the dirty rinse water in your sink, from your laundry.   Oh darn, that would put the Oil Companies out of business....gee I'm so heartbroken.  What's wrong with just using bamboo for building material?  A bamboo forest only takes a year or two to fully regrow......just think about how much product they could sell?  They wouldn't have the government up their asses with regulations, no eco-terrorists putting nails in trees to damage saw blades etc.  Seriously guys, you'd be more productive and make craploads more money on the sheer volume alone!  Hell if the damn Paper mills would grow fields of Soy Beans they would have more than enough product to produce wouldn't have to use damn trees.  Would it cost that much to re-tool?  What's the hold up?

Is it just me, or are you tired of all these jackasses who "don't want the Government in their business"?  Really, you are tired of the Government in your lives huh?  Okay you are straight on all of this, if you don't want the Government in your lives then do the following:

A. Stop trying to have Gay Marriage outlawed.  You are basically asking the Government to sponsor I guess if you want something outlawed you are okay with the Government being involved huh?

B. The next time your house catches fire, don't call the fire department.   That's a Government mandated organization and since you don't want the Government in you life and you are so better off without then get off of your lazy ass, grab your hose and put your own fire out.

C. Next time your family feels threatened, or you get into an accident or need an authority to deal with something, don't call the Police.  They are a Government mandated organization. 

D. Call the Post Office and refuse any mail service.  That's right, that damn Post Office is a Government Agency and they are just screwing up your life by their interference.   Good luck getting that birthday card with money in it from Grandma.

E. Speaking of money.....take all your money out of the bank.  Now!  It's an Evil organization regulated by the Government for your protection.  Yep those banks are just messing with your lives.  Good luck paying your non-local bills.  Especially since you can't use the bank's bill pay service and since you aren't mailing out those checks because you don't want that Evil Government Post Office in your life. 

F. Call the food manufacturers and farm co-ops and tell them you don't care what they put in your food or that you don't care if the farm/factory worker washes his hands while dealing with your food.  After all, those standards, etc are mandated by Government Interference......

G. Tell your boss that you don't want overtime. Actually work 24 hours a day if you want.  That's right, that 40 hour work week that you enjoy is there because of Government interference.  We can't have that now can we?

H. Cutoff your municpal water service.  Dig a well and deal with what comes out of that.  The purity of your tap water is, of course, mandated by Government interference. 

I. Call the sewage treatment plant and have them release the untreated water back to your house.  That's right, the Government has mandated that all sewage be treated and the water cleaned and purified.  So since you don't want that pesky Government in your lives, deal with your own shit an piss you flush away.  Good luck with that too.

and finally....

J. If you don't want the Government involved, then move the fuck out!  Go live in Somali or in Mexico (where the Government will do your bidding for the right price) or better yet, move your ass to an Island somewhere in the Pacific and see just how well you survive without the Government Interfering in your lives...