Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Generation PunkAss

You remember the Baby Boomers and Gen X and even Gen Y....I have a new one for you: Generation PunkAss.   In a conversation I had the other night with a friend I haven't spoken to in years we both came to the conclusion that Teenage Boys are dumbasses.   I remember back to my teen days and realize that nothing has changed, it's that we didn't get away with it.....or weren't allowed to anyway.   I've mentioned the Airsoft Forum and Field I frequent before, and there are a more than enough incidents of Teen Boy Dumbassery to back up my theory.   Teen Males tend to be mouthy, punks, etc but can usually be put in their's called Good Parenting....see when I was a dumbass, my Father would call me on it and straighten my shit out.   Or other adults would call me on it and if my Father was around those adults would have to get in line to straighten my shit out.  One of the topics on our forum is gaming, i.e. video gaming.  There's this one 14 year old dumbass who never knows when to shut his trap.  He is an XBOX's the best system ever, your opinion sucks, your an ass if you don't like it....blah blah blah.  When he is bombarded with facts he basically resorts to a digital middle finger and keeps running his mouth.   He's just 1 example of his generation.   They are all like that.  Seriously it's true.  One reason not to get an Xbox would be Xbox Live....a link to an online multiplayer area where you can play the same game with hundreds/thousands of other Xbox folks.   The problem with Xbox Live is it's populated by 12-14 year old males who are real tough guys behind the anonymity of the internet.  It's a constant trash talking, bullying, punkass environment.  A little friendly competition is one thing...i.e.  Dude you're going down....but these kids don't do that.  They take it to extremes.  I guess you can say that Ashton Kutcher is kind of the poster child for their generation.  Punk'd is the most annoying show ever.  Seriously Ashton....try some of that shit on me and a lawyer will be knocking on your door and I'll own everything you and your Mom...I mean Wife have.  I fear for my future....I really do.

1 comment:

torque said...

as long as you understand that the Xbox IS the best...