Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

I made it until exactly midnight, then it was bedtime for me. Cathy went to bed alot earlier. We have both been getting over colds, and she had to work two days of retail in a row......the boring stuff....usually she works in the stock room which makes the day go quick. Out here in Tennessee, people still don't get the whole don't drink and drive thing. I guess it's because they don't make the penalties as stiff as back home in California. In California, when all is said and done, a DUI will cost you 10,000. That includes fines, rehab (yes they make you go to rehab), classes, court costs, lawyer fees, etc. Then after you are done, you drive on a restricted licensce for a good while. Out here, some idiot teenage girl (19) t-boned a cop car while under the influence.......thank God everyone is okay, but it's just Karma biting this idiot in the ass. Anyway, all in all New Years Eve was uneventful. Here's hoping all my friends and family have a great 2007.

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