Thursday, March 13, 2008

Perv Nation

Wow, just wow!!! What's wrong with people in power? Seriously, does power truly corrupt and diminish the mind of the person wielding it? We have the Gov of NY busted by his suspicious financial records for paying for prostitutes. Expensive ones at that (5,500 dollars!?!?!?! Can't imagine sex with any woman being worth that much....). This is the same guy that when he was a DA busted Escort Services all the time (must be where he got the web addies from...ya think?) so you'd think that he wouldn't put himself in the position (positions.......sorry just had to) that he is in now. Dumbass! Lately I've been reading a rash of articles about Dirty Old Women....that's right I said Dirty Old Women. There's been a rash of Teachers doing the deed with male students. (I will be a base guy at this point and say "what is wrong with you stupid teen boy?" I kid really....) I'm sorry, but these are teenage boys.....awkward, not the picture of hygene, have the attention span of a flea and probably last all of 20 seconds. C'mon Ladies....what's wrong with you???? If you want the younger guys, make sure they are legal and not your students okay...... Apparently even if the boy is 18 (ie legal) it's still against the law for a Teacher/Student relationship.....I guess that doesn't count in least it shouldn't because that's an adult world. A lot of these women are the type that can get any man they want, but yet there's something in them (emotionally, mentally you sick people you....) that makes them crave the attention and adoration of young boys...pre-men I guess. I know why older men go for the 20 year makes them feel younger, but it's all smoke and mirrors really. There's nothing that you have in common.....nothing other than one part fits into another....that's it. You may fell great, but it's really an empty, false feeling. I remember a DJ back home, Alex Bennett (as big if not a bigger an ass as Howard Stern) who was in his 50's and always talked about his 25 year old girlfriend. Then she dumped him and he used the public radiowaves as his personal crying towel. Hello dumbass....she liked you roll, your BANKROLL......that's all it was dude. It's like the original Horny Old Grandpa, Hugh Hefner. Remember guys when Hef being surrounded by legal age lovely young women made you jealous? Now it makes you cringe and want to call Chris Hansen and report a pedophile at work. Hugh Hefner? I'm Chris Hansen, have a seat over there please..... Seriously you see him with the three brainless bimbos he hangs with now and it's like some pervy guy from an Old Folks home hitting on the Nurses. Yeech!!! I feel sorry for Demi Moore's kids. Her "man" isn't much older than them. Real nice Demi........not only is he half your age easy, he's a tool and a lame actor. Now I'm reading that poor Paula Abdul is in need of some serious mental help. Not only does she sound drunk all the time, but now she's making statements trying to reassure herself that "she's still hot". She said that she enjoys all the attention the young boys give....she loves it when young boys check her out....

Whoa!!!!! Rein that in Mrs. Robinson.......jeeez........

Hi Paula Abdul, I'm CNN's Chris Hansen....have a seat over there please.


Anonymous said...

yeah i agree, poor paula abdul. her TV show is nr 1, her music video is nr 1, i feel sooo sorry for her.

Steve T. said...

I feel sorry that a human being is on the road to ruin and it's obvious but no one will tell her "get some help"....that's what I feel sorry for, the human being.

Anonymous said...

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Steve T. said...

I did hear about that guy....lovely...what the Hell is wrong with these people....