Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Independence Day

No, not the Will Smith movie.....the Holiday we just celebrated. Also known as the 4th of July. A Holiday where we celebrate our right to have a say in our taxation that led to us becoming our own Nation. Now it seems like we don't really have a say in our taxation, even though we have representation..... anyway, the point I was trying to make is this: why can't they just change the Holiday to fall on the first Monday of July???? Why wait for the 4th? Take this past Holiday for example. I worked on Monday, but it was a useless gesture because half of the office was out. I got Tuesday off, and now I'm back at work until Friday. If Independence Day (which is what we call the Holiday anyway) was on say the 3rd.....then I'd have had a long weekend, as would everyone else. Look, if we can take two President's Birthdays who were born in February and combine them into one, why can't we make Independence Day fall on the first Monday????

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