Thursday, December 28, 2006

2006: The Year in Review

Wow!!! Another year almost gone.  I swear they go quicker the older one gets.  This was my first official year living in my newly adopted State of Tennessee (I've already addressed this with humorous resulting comments in an earlier post).  So far most of my year was spent on various house projects.  Tile in the Master Bath, digging the Once and Future Pond (which is still a shallow hole in the ground), redoing the fence (still needs finishing), stripping wallpaper and painting (painted the living room, hall and part of the dining room) and that's it.  Wow....I'm truly a Homeowner.  Locally the housing development and retail center that were being built when we moved in is about done.  The retail, Providence Marketplace, has all of it's big anchor stores finished and opened.  The areas with the smaller stores are done, but all of the tenants have yet to move in.  There's about 25% of them in and open for business.  The restaurants that are there are all open now, so there is a choice other than Cracker Barrel, Ruby Tuesday or (Gaaahhhh!!!!) Waffle House.  We have Chik-Fil-A (I still haven't been), Wendy's, Red Robin (yay!!!), O'Charleys and Logans.  The housing portion is mostly done too.  We drove through there the other day and most of the neighborhoods are filled with residents.  All of these improvements have run some of the Rednecks out of town....darn.  There was a bar called "The Country Pub" which had the same 4 pickups parked outside of it all the time.  It's closed now.  The Music City Star, a commuter railway, stops in our City now on it's way to Nashville.  All these improvements make me glad we moved where we did.  All the Suburban sprawl makes me feel at home.  Statewide we had one of the nastiest Senate Races.  Both sides stooping to negative campaign ads just to make the other look the fool.  Nationwide the voters revolted and put the Democrats in power.  I guess even the staunchest Republicans couldn't stomach another year of a bunch of parrots.  Personally my relationship with my Step Kids has grown more solid.  My oldest has wonderful things to say about me; thank you Amanda.  My boy has become a good friend and I've become someone he can talk to.  My youngest is still my pal, even though she is 12 and her Mom and StepDad embarrass her now.  Cat and I have gotten into a wonderful routine in our lives, and we love it.  It's nice to be able to just sit with someone and talk about anything and nothing. My Grandson is getting bigger every day.  He's such a nut at 3.  My folks back home are doing good too.  Dad will be 68 come March, and the Doctors say he's as healthy as a horse.....makes me feel better.  Mom's doing well too.  Sis changed careers and is much happier and has less stress in her life than she did before.  My friends are doing great too.  Brian and Chrissy moved back to San Jose from Hawaii and Bri is going for his Phd in psychology.  Mike and Anne had their first child in August.  The GOG, as the Discourser likes to put it, is doing good too.  Except for Zeb who after only a month or two of marriage got a crappy surprise when he went home; the new wife took her crap and left leaving a lawyer bearing papers in her place.  Zeb seems to be doing okay though.  Jamie and Liz got married finally.  We always knew they would.  Duff is up in Oregon attending college trying to make something of his life...good for you Duff.  The GOG is still rolling dice every now and again, and I miss them.  Ah well.  The outlook for the new year seems to be on the upswing.  Cat is shooting for getting her Real Estate license soon and when we are able, we will be planning a trip out to Cali....I'll let you all know when I'm coming.

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