Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Why are we wasting tax payer money?

So Bonds has been indicted on four counts of perjury.  Apparently they have "mountains of evidence" yet it took Federal Prosecutors 4 years to indict him.  Hmmm why putting another Gazillionaire in jail (can you say Martha Stewart???) for lying is a MUCH better way of spending our tax dollars than say...oh I don't know....building a higher, stronger border fence or properly equipping our troops currently wasting away in Satan's Litterbox (Lord knows the Government is going to bring them home any time soon) or looking into the reason for the rape of the populous by the Oil Companies.....maybe Oil Companies should be on trial for lying and not an end of his career baseball player.  So what, Bonds took steroids.  So did Maguire, Sosa, Canseco, etc, etc....the list is miles long folks.  You put Bonds on trial, then you need to put the MLB's commissioners and powers that be on trial too because they LET IT HAPPEN!!!  These Greedy so and so's cancelled the World Series in 1994.  Over money.  Yep, players couldn't seem to live off of 2 million a year...Hell no!!!  Shit I can live off of 1 million a year.....even 500,000 a year even 100,000 a year.  The fans were pissed off and it took two seasons for them to come back.  1995 was a sad year for Baseball as the stadiums were all practically empty.  I know I didn't pay any attention to the sport then, nor did I pay attention in 1996.  It wasn't long after that players started hitting more and more homeruns.  Their strength seemed to increase exponentially.  We had the Maguire/Sosa home run race.  Baseball was making money again and these players started getting huge.  Steroids were the answer, but the commissioner like the money he was making so he ignored it.  Don't ask don't tell I guess.  Bonds and the others are guilty of being sell outs, greedy monkeys.  Bonds himself is guilty of being an arrogant ass.  Who are these people hurting that we need to spend tax payer money tracking them down?  I'm surprised they didn't get Ken Starr to head up the investigation.  He's just the kind of obsessed, I don't have a life, personal vendetta kind of guy that will get things done.  Oh wait, maybe not.  He couldn't get the Clintons for Whitewater so he made it his life's obsession to get Bubba for getting a hummer in the Oval Office. 

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