Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Wow what a crock of BS.....

So John McCain and Hillary Clinton are trying to convince the populous that they can wave a magic wand and make gas taxes go away for the Summer....and apparently some people are buying it.   Okay folks, here goes....
And just how are they going to achieve this?  As of right now they are just members of the Senate.  They can propose this as a bill (I'm just a bill yes I'm only a bill....remember that? ) but it has to go through the proper channels to be voted on and approved.  Guess what?  Ain't happening.  Obama is being honest and realistic about it.  He's right, these two numbnuts are just using this as impetuous to get votes.  Do you people seriously think that even if you had tax free gas for 3 months that the price would go down??????  If you do, you're only fooling yourself my friend.    Gas prices are set by the Oil companies and the corporations that own the service Stations.   The price of a gallon of gas includes, sales tax, gas tax, cost of refining, and, drumroll please, PROFIT!!!  Lot's of profit nowadays apparently.   So at 4 bucks a gallon without the gas tax, that would only mean more profit for the Oil Companies.  This isn't just something I pulled out of my ass.....no, it's what every single major Economist in this Country is saying.  The "savings" will go right into the coffers of the Oil assholes that are driving the price up to begin with.   Let's use our heads people.  Until the Government stops letting these Oil Schmucks get away with this, nothing is going to change.  Period.  Also if you take away those taxes for 3 months, that's 3 months of lost revenue for highway and infrastructure projects lost.  Probably about 50 mil......you think your local Department of Transportation takes forever getting crap done now....just wait until they are out 50 mil.......We won't save any money......how can we save money if the prices won't go lower.....and you know they won't.  It's almost summer for Christsake......the time when gas prices traditionally go up because there is measurable more demand for gas as people are driving to recreation destinations because of summer break.   Please don't believe these jackasses...they are just blowing sunshine up your ass.....

1 comment:

supergoober said...

Here Here! It is a crock. It has been attempted in several states, including Illinois and you know what the oil companies did?...exactly what you said, they raised their prices. Its a salve to appease the (stupid) masses, to pretend they're doing something about high gas prices. I'm glad to see that most Americans see this as what it is, bullshit. The problem with high gas prices has to do with artificial inflation of gas prices, and a complete lack of refining capacity, and horrid foreign policies, and industries and companies which are late-coming in providing Americans with less energy consuming options.

Politicians really think we're stupid, I'm convinced of that. In the sound-byte era, they'd like to compress this huge problem into one sound-byte solution. As are you, I'm not buying it.