Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I guess it's working...

Have you noticed, gas prices are going down slightly. Isn't it funny how it takes 2 days to go up 1 dollar a gallon but 2 months to drop .19? The price of a barrel of oil is down now too. I guess the Repugs are right...all that drilling we've been doing is working......oh wait, we haven't done any additional drilling have we? Yeah I guess all that "those damn Liberals won't let us drill for our own oil so we can lower gas prices" morons are now, wait for it.....FREAKING WRONG!!!!! God I loved doing that!! I can't believe the thousands of folks who think that drilling is the answer. The experts all agree (you know Geologists, Market Analysists, etc) even if we were to drill right now off both coasts, the oil we pull out of the ground (if there's any down there) won't reach market or make a difference (if it does make a difference) until the year 2015. So how the Hell is that going to help us in the year 2008? Besides, its a well known fact that the Oil Companies have acres of land just sitting there that they have permission to drill on. Acres of the stuff that they are not touching. Hmmm....so we need to drill offshore again why? Why not make those Oil Jackasses drill where they've got land before we go spending more money and doing more damage to the seabed.


supergoober said...

The problem with gas prices now has to do with speculation. The mere idea that we are opening up the coasts and parts of Alaska affects the price per barrel in the world markets. Its akin to real estate where there are finite homes to be bought and lived in and here comes a developer with plans to build a hundred new homes in your community....what happens? Home prices come down, it need not wait for the actual homes to be up for sale. Its a con game really.

Steve T. said...

It is a Con game. The problem I see is people think it's some kind of magic bullet, but what they forget is that oil is regulated to the point that x amount has to be re-sold to the Global Market....they think that every drop we pull out of the ground is ours to keep....not likely. We neither have the refineries nor capability to refine it all.