Friday, August 01, 2008

As if WalMart wasn't Evil enough....

Click the blog entry title for the article. So apparently WalMart is trying to defeat Barack Obama because they claim that a Democratic President will make it easier for employees to Unionize.......there's a problem with this how????? They are scaring their employees saying they'd have to pay big Union Dues without any benefits....HUH???????? No, there's plenty of benefits that go with those Dues....affordable health benefits and something other than slave wages. WalMart makes a huge profit margin because everything they sell comes from China or Mexico (where as we know labor is cheap). Why do you think they can sell their crap at such a low price..........They can pay their employees more and still make a profit but they won't. More of a reason to defeat the Repugs in this upcoming election.....the Corporations have gotten away with murder for 8 years and now they are threatened by one Man to the point where they are trying to outwardly exert their control on who runs our Country. Wonderful.......

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