Thursday, September 04, 2008

Barack Obama 101

First let me correct a statement I made yesterday about Gov. Palin being a member of the organization that wants Alaska to suceed from the Union. She was briefly (probably thought it a bid idea considering she was probably running for Gov at the time) but isn't anymore. Her husband is though and she talks at their functions. Here's a link to a true false article about her....the truths are scary..

Now for Gov. Palin and all the hard headed Repubs out there who still say "what is Barack Obama going to do...he hasn't said anything...". Well to use a Palin quote from last night, after he "Holds back the waters and heals the world" (you know it's funny, she said that last like it was a bad thing......not a real good sentiment from the Governor of Alaska....) he will do what he has laid out in this . Now I know some of you Repubs (apparently Gov. Palin is one of these) are just figuring out how to navigate these here newfangled Interweb things, but if you click on the link and READ...oh that's right, it's not a book by Bill O'Reily or Man Coulter so I guess you won't will see, detailed, what the Senator wants to do for our Country as President. I love how some delegate told the news after Palin's speech last night "Biden better be scared...". Yeah right. Sorry Dude, but Biden has 35 years experience and will destroy the Pitbull with lipstick (well Palin did say the difference between a Hocky Mom and a Pitbull is the lipstick....) when it comes to foreign policy and life outside of the frozen tundra of Alaska. I can't wait for these debates.

Did you also notice that during the entire RNC, so far anyway, not a single speech has been about what the Repubs intend to do to help our economy, etc. Not a thing. All I've heard is "blah blah 9/11...blah blah blah defend our country blah blah Barack is EVIL blah blah blah stop the terrorists blah blah 9/11". Seriously! Giulianni was on his usual "Mayor of New York blah blah 9/11 blah blah" kick which was the reason he didn't get the nomination. And of course true to what Barak Obama said, I saw lot's of White Folks in the convention audience clinging to their guns and religion. See he was right after all.


supergoober said...

I like your optimism Steve and it is welcome given my sadness after Palin's speech last night. When I hear any Evangelical Conservative from small-town USA talk about our Country, it reminds me of the millions of people still living in the stone age, and it always disheartens me about how little our culture and society has changed. As for Biden, the gloves are off...the only question is how far he'll go make her look like a abject fool.

As for Obama, in the manner that I've come to expect and admire, he responded to last night's diminishment and trivialization with dignity...I hope it serves notice to his character and reveals the contrast to the rhetoric the Right is spewing.

The Repubs have made it clear with Palin's choice that the Religious Right still holds sway over their party. If it were up to McCain, he would have chosen his good friend Leiberman. I worry because the Right's tact will be decidedly and unapologetically devisive. They are not interested in coming together, not interested in moving forward...they want to move backward in every way.

I count on you to keep up the good fight in your neck of the woods my friend.

Steve T. said...

All she did SG was to revitalize and unify those that were going to vote for a Rebulican no matter who he/she is. The 29%ers (those that still think Shrub is doing a great jorb). In checking several of the polls this morning, Obama gained a few more points on McCain. I truly believe that when it comes time for the debates the Dems will shine as long as they keep taking the high ground they have been. Notice all the Palin bashing is coming from the media and Bloggers...NOT the Democratic Party. For once they are being smart about handling things. What's truly funny/scary is all the crap the media found out about Palin WITHOUT EVEN TRYING!!! Now that she has thrown down the gauntlet to them just imagine the graveyard full of skeletons they dig up when they really try......

Anonymous said...

You have a problem with Believers, Magog-boy? Jesus was not a 'community organizer'. Jesus was The Word made flesh. I really don't give a rat's keister what you think, but Obama is a socialist, and may well not even be qualified to RUN for the office. Biden? Who cares. One more Demo-leftist.

They can't win. Abortion? They're for it. America isn't. Gay rights? They're for it, America isn't. They are against everything America stands for. You honestly think that they can get elected? Ha. Tighten up yer ice skates Lucifer, here comes President Obama.

Steve T. said...

Thanks for stopping by Anonymous.....I love how those that always attack my posts use Anonymous......Which America are you referring to? Not all of America is Pro Life....not all of America fears Gays.....I think you need to read a dictionary and understand what the term Generalization for Obama/Biden not read the Polls and watch the news...heck even watch Fox News...McSame/Failin have a 5.9% chance of winning and Obama/Biden has a 94.10% of winning. And yes, Jesus was a Community Organizer in the sense of his actions. He fed the poor, healed the sick, organized a Community that was downtrodden and being oppressed by the Governors (you know that Pilate guy....) so don't tell me he didn't Organize a Community Jack I have a problem with Believers?? No. I have a problem with organized Religion and those that adhere blindly and without question to Dogmatic Belief. Obama/Biden wants to get America out of this Economic mess, wants to send our Troops to Afghanistan and kill Bin Laden because that's where our troops should be fighting...he wants to stop giving the Rich a break and take the tax burden off of those that can't afford to give anymore....people like you Anonymous but of course you are feeling a bit bitter right now so you are probably clinging to your guns and/or Religion as we speak. You are probably one of the 26%-ers....notice how it used to be 29% I guess 3 percent of those folks finally woke up and realized Bush is the worst President in History. It's also funny how you write "I don't give a rat's kiester what you think" but yet you take the time to fully read my post and comment. I guess you do indeed give a slight rat's ass....I mean Kiester....about what I think. Why is it that you Religious Nuts always get pissed when someone else gives their opinion on Religion. Aren't you supposed to turn the other cheek?? That's what Jesus said isn't it? I was raised Catholic so I do know something of religion, et al. I also realized that I can be a Deist and it's okay. For you Fundie Nuts that's a person who believes in God, et al but doesn't belong to any Organized Religion. You are free to create your own blog and talk about how we "heatheans" are EVIL, etc all you want. Hell you can even list your Creationists Manifesto about the World only being 6,000+ years old and that Dinosaur Bones were planted by the Devil. You call me Ancestors weren't born near the Black Sea...they were born in the Mediterranean know in Sicily. I guess being called a Son of Noah is an insult of some kind??? Again Anon thanks for stopping by and when your tax break comes in the mail next year and your family actually has affordable Medical care next year you can thank President Obama....even though you are probably plotting to kill him because he's "a scary black man".....