Monday, September 15, 2008

Wow you learn something every day!!

So apparently every single drop of gas that is sold in the US comes from refineries in Houston Texas.....did you realize that? I mean it must right? Every single station save a handful around middle Tennessee has no gas! So apparently all those other refineries in the other States just make rainbows and Unicorn Farts. Can you freaking believe this crap? Seriously, we need to find another way to power our damn vehicles now. I would truly love some other industry to come up with another fuel source so we can watch the Ivory Towers of Oil crumble to the ground. It is pretty messed up of us isn't it? The technology of our cars has grown in leaps and bounds since Henry Ford first pulled the lever on his first factory. I mean we don't have to change points and distributors and rotors when we do a tune up anymore (remember that???). Heck we don't even have to change the plugs in our cars until 120,000 miles now! Yet the only thing that hasn't changed about the engine; they still run on internal combustion. They still need gasoline to power the generation of torque, etc. STILL!!! After 1,000 years....c'mon! It's 2008 for Christsake!! Weren't we supposed to have flying cars by now???

1 comment:

Steve T. said...

Wasn't Shai Alud the Fremen name for the Sandworms on Dune?