Thursday, January 22, 2009

Narrow Minded People

I'm still coming down off of the high that was Tuesday's inauguration, but not everyone in this great Nation was so elated. It was fairly sad to say the least, here in my office they made an announcement that the IT guys would have the live streaming webcast of the inauguration playing in the training room. Out of 150 employees, most who will benefit from Obama's tax cuts, only 8 showed up. A few others were watching History being made from their desks, but really it was about a dozen people total. The rest; still dining on their meal of sour grapes and sipping a nice hot mug of "oh woe is me". People on the street were interviewed and some of the typical mouth breathers said shit like "well he should really re-take the oath....he screwed it up so it's not official..." Or my favorite "he's not MY President..." Really dumbass? Who's President is he? If he's not your President, then may I see your citizenship papers please...oh you were born here? Guess what Hillbilly...he IS YOUR DAMN SUCK IT!!! Such talk of succession coming from a Southern State....why that's never happened before......if it comes to that again, I am hearby volunteering to be a spy for the North...right now. Actually more like a spy for the West. First off, the Chief Justice screwed up the Oath not the President. The President paused to let the Chief Justice get it right but it just came out wrong. To be official, the oath was retaken on Wednesday. There whiny happy now??? Oh, hey did you notice that Koran Barack and Michelle were know the one he took his oath on? Oh wait, it was the Holy Bible that Lincoln had used to take his oath all the morons I heard say that and actually believed that; don't you feel real stupid about now? Probably not as you didn't feel stupid then nor will you ever feel stupid. Now you've got Rush and other mouth breathing, irrelevant Neocons mocking the Inauguration and people's overwhelming feelings of elation and hopefulness. These short sighted, narrow minded asshats want the man to fail....they want our Country to come crashing to the ground. And you dickheads claim to be Patriots. Yeah right, my ass is more Patriotic. I see the pictures of the Civil Rights movement of the 60's. The firehoses being sprayed on young, Black people who just wanted the same rights as every other human being in this damn Country. I see the racists, narrow minded White Southerners riding down the streets flying the Confederate Flag......these same assholes years later have the audacity to tell me it's "Heritage not Hate". Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I bet it's the only way you can sleep at night. Here's your Confederate Heritage: Slavery, hatred, racism, open rebellion against the Country you claim to love so much, narcissim, arrogance, ignorance, narrow mindedness and defeat. Yeah that's such a great Heritage to be soooo damn proud of. I dropped a friend of a friend from my facebook list for his moronic comments. On the day of Hope and Elation he posted on his wall "Why do people put their faith in Obama when it's God they should be putting their faith in...." he went on with some other drivel which I quickly ignored. I wanted to reply, but figured I'd just drop the dude. Here's my reply to that. God doesn't run this Country. God doesn't care about this Country or any other. God is probably really pissed off at us for the way we've treated each other and others for the past decade or so. God isn't going to lower my taxes or help my Kids get through college or lower the cost of Health Care. No, a human being is going to do that. God doesn't give a rats ass about politics or the United States of America anymore than he does about other Countries. To these 22%ers and other narrow minded people who chose to ignore history on Tuesday, I say this: I feel sorry for you; I really do. You have officially become irrelevant. The world has moved on, and you chose to be left behind (hee hee....I bet they hate that fact especially the Fundies and Bible Thumpers). The world has chosen to look past skin color for once in the history of Mankind and bestow great responsibility upon someone who has proven, so far, to be a smart custodian of said responsibility. To the doubters and closed minded people I further say this: enjoy your four/eight years of misery. Instead of whining and wallowing in self pity get your damn party's head out of it's ass and start examining why you lost a crapload of Senate seats and the Presidency. Here's a hint; The Jebus Squad isn't going to get you elected, so pandering to them will get you nowhere. To be honest, Republicans and Democrats don't really exist anymore. The President is so Centrist that he's like the balance bubble on a level. A sure way for you to lose again; pin your hopes on Palin.....go ahead make that mistake yet again. The Pres is a religious man; he's made that clear. What he doesn't do is make it the focal point of every damn conversation he has. His Faith is between him and his God. That's how it should be. This Country was founded by Deiests not Bible Thumping, Fundamentalists. Not everything is God's Will or Faith based okay? Lot's of people are real tired of that crap. No your kid doesn't get to pray in a school my taxes pay for. To bad. If you want your kid to pray in school, then enroll your precious little snowflake in a Religious school. You pay for it okay? I want the teachers that are teaching my child to TEACH THEM....not preach to them. They go to school to learn; to become intelligent, productive members of society....Society as a WHOLE, not your little pocket world of Christianity. Keep it to yourself, I'm not impressed with your imagined level of holier than thou status. You aren't anymore of a Child of God than I am. Your not anymore saved than I am. Besides, I'm freaking Italian....we run Heaven if you didn't notice. Where do you think the Pope lives? In New York? No he lives in Rome. See what you did; made me go off on a tangent against Religion again. Back on track now. I guess this is how it felt to be a Bush supporter in 2000 eh? I won't say I agree with the statement Bush stole the election, we will never truly know what happened. I will say the whole situation was highly suspicious and was very embarassing for this Country. In conclusion I will say this: The train is leaving the station heading towards the New World Order. It's not too late to get on board and join the team.

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